американская девочонка

Мрачная Дарья
You're like a poet
Are you looking for your inspiration
And I can be this

stay here.
I love your smell
Stay here
You are my first love
Don't go away
Don't go away

Say not the right people go
But I need you
Stay here
did I do you not like me?

I really, really like you
You're a good guy
But apparently not for me
I'd like to be with you
Good points
and bad too

Say not the right people go
But I need you
Stay here
did I do you not like me?

When will this song
You will see it on you!
Boy, boy
And you regret it, that threw me off then
But it will be too late
Late! So late

Say not the right people go
But I need you
Stay here
did I do you not like me? Моя песня :3 пишу на английском языке.чтт скажите ?;3 важно ваше мнение