ДеньТВ Доммрин как контекст Третьей силы

Ольга Чернышова
Dommrin’s   Foreign Of  Face  as  Foreign  Office on  DenTV.

Призрак Третьей силы бродит по Сети.

Откуда растут ноги у Третьей силы...

Вычисляется, и к Шамиру не ходи.


The audience have been enjoying  Dommrin’s  attempts to arrange his  Context appearance.

Accompanied by a boy so smart.

To proove Domrin to be a true English - lulling proff.

It  has been being  just  a fun.

Two   images  of  Domrrin : the front one  is not  vs.  the  side one.

The first  one faces the cameraman. 

The  second one flatters   a young American on DenTV.

Mr. Cringe imitating Power


Sir Sycophant performing   an old chap

in the twinckling of the  eye,
in a snapping of the finger,
in а clicking of the tongue,
in a  turn of his head.

His kowtow profile to an american stripling 
amalgamated  the supercilious  facade to the Russian audience.

Dommrin   loves his students as heartily   as, his native country.
Russia we mean.

He wishes them to become devoted citizens of  the State.
Russia we mean.

Statesmen of public service, national debt and political wisdom.


Что значит быть американским студентом в интерьере напряжённости, санкций, давления.

Что значит быть русским студентом, которого преподаватель тянет в политику.

The” Train Stopped”  drawn up in a list of Russian movie masterpieces
advised  by  Mr. Lecturer to inculcate arrogance
to the people of Russia as the citizens
of the mostly most  lawless country in the world.

А надо было бы предложить студентам почитать замечательную книгу

The Quiet American”. Тихий американец. Грэхэма Грина.

И фильм не мешало бы посмотреть о Третьей силе.

А потом уж везти молодёжь в дружественные государства на стажировку.

“The Quiet American” is first published in the United Kingdom in 1955 and in the United States in 1956. It was adapted into films in 1958 and 2002.

The book draws on Greene's experiences as a war correspondent for The Times and Le Figaro in French Indochina 1951–1954. He was apparently inspired to write The Quiet American in October 1951 while driving back to Saigon from Ben Tre province.

He was accompanied by an American aid worker who lectured him about finding a "third force in Vietnam”.
However, after its publication in the US in 1956, the novel was widely condemned as anti-American.
It was criticized by The New Yorker for portraying Americans as murderers,
largely based on one scene in which a bomb explodes in a crowd of people.

Later that week, a car bomb is detonated and many innocent civilians are killed from the blast.

На Донбасс и Луганск похоже.

Fowler puts the pieces together and realises that Pyle has allied himself with General The, a renegade general, whom he hopes will prove to be the "Third Force" described in Harding's book.
Local sources reveal that The caused the bombing, and Pyle is thus enabling deaths of innocent people.
According to critic Philip Stratford,

"American readers were incensed, perhaps not so much because of the biased portrait of obtuse and destructive American innocence and idealism.

(to be continued)
Justin Ashley