The origin of ancient Kyrgyz tribes

Àíàðáåê Óñóïáàåâ
  On the foto above you see the picture of Hettitude varrior curved on golden shirt, 3000 years old. The face of man brought clearly mongolic featufres, his chest ornated with the marks belonged to Kyrgyz tribes Kitai or Kutay, which  known also as the basic sign of Aruu (Arian)people.          

  The author Anarbek Usupbaev since 1991 headed the building company “Stroymechanizatsia”. He well famous in republic as a president of public non-government union for support Kyrgyz culture and tradition "Manas Ordo", corresponding member of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of Kyrgyz Republic, PhD at technical branches of science.
He also known in Kyrgyzstan as a registered candidate, who participated to the presidential elections company at 2000.

 He wrote and published several books: «Øàã âïåðåä, äâà øàãà íàçàä» (Step ahead, two back - Turning to Tengrian)”,”My blood, heart and words witnesses that I am Kyrgyz”, “Kyrgyz nation has established and revived from tribes legacy!”.  Also he issued many books, monographs, articles, dedicated to the solving problems of economy, management and technical supports on the building enterprises and other industrial activities. Married, has a free daughters and son.

 In April 2012 I had visited for week to China's capital Beijing, where got  a good chance to carefully observing the tomb of Genghis Khans famous adviser known as Eluu Chustsay, who had originated to the Kyrgyz left winged tribe Kytai (Chustsay also was known widely by the nickname Longbeard). I also visited to the tower Tianying, built by the order of Emperor Liao (Steel) in 1120.  Liao also was originated from the same tribe Kytay or Khitan.

I show here these outstanding masterpieces of architecture.
Burana Tianying being built in the 907-1125 years.
Monument erected at the burial site of Eluu Tsustsay by the order of Kubilay Khan descendant of Genghis Khan)in 1261. Today he deployed in the middle of the park of History and recreation of Ihy Yuan, that created during the reign of the emperors of Tszin dynasty.

 Recently the historiography of our region have exposed the very interesting etno-cultural tendencies: so many our contemporaries to show clearly interest for  learning our history, past, sanzhyra and miphologies. Its very pleased me but in  this regard, I would like to wish to all of them to be as honest as possible and guiding primarily by the authentic historical data and sources and made conclusions on the basis of real findings. Why it so valuable? There are popped out many pseudo scientists and "experts" who even have not any idea about the true history and origin of own tribe and nevertheless they considered themselves as an intrinsic historian-sanzhyrachy and  bravely go ahead to teach people.  I would like to appeal to all of them who expressed such interest to these subjects and  issues, it would be  much better if you at first learn the history own tribes on the basis of impartial historical data, and just after then we would  together on the basis of common efforts to recreate and restore something really valuable as presious from the deep roots of our ancestors and Kyrgyz nation.

I deeply abscessed by history of my tribe kytay and trying to restoring the authentic picture of our past, penetrating to its deep roots and far corner.
Any time when I prepare to start this work  I turn  to Creator, Koko Tengir, for surrounding us nature  and its  mysteries, asking support and help from them,  as from my  fathers and forefathers, which so long left  this illusory  world,  to my mother and grandmothers, others relates from mothers side, to my brothers, sisters, whom I missed, hoping for their assistance in my initiation to write  the truly and documentally based history of my people.         
I have counted, that history and sanshyra must go together and work together, both sides are closing each other simultaneusly, supplementing and replenishing each other if we want really to recreate the undistorted fragments and snap-shorts pictures of our past identity.
Dear readers, in this article I want tell you about the monuments that our ancestors left in Beijing. In my previous works I have provided compelling evidence for the historical fact that Genghis Khan as his adviser Eluu Chustsay were originated from the Kyrgyz tribe Kytai (Khitan - steel). In this article, I found useful to bring a new facts and evidence which supported and comleted my supposititons and strong belief.
 Take a look  what about wrote in the book of “Èñòîðèÿ îòå÷åñòâà (History of the Fatherland)", (209 page) the prominent Kazakh scientist Kalibek Danyarov, monography published in Almaty, 2000:   
"In the history of China Genghis Khan interpreted as Chinese, as one who was the representative of the people of China or Kitai which the same time originated from the Kazakh tribes Kitai, which played a major role in the genesic of China people and empire”.   
In my book "Who are Kazakhs really?" I gave a lot of authentic materials clearing the genesis of our brotherly Kazakh nation.
In fact the basis of Kazakh people formed up from the same Kyrgyz tribes with their divisions many of them later announced themselves as independent tribes and units. That is such components as: bogozhu-borzhigin, kyira-kyyat, tayalmysh-tayzhuut, kerteney-kereit, kara kesek, tort kara.
In recent years much debate and speculations are going around the name of Chingizskhan. Chinese considers him as own, pointed the name of his tribe Kytai, Kazakhs doing the same thing annoncing themselves as descendants of the tribe Kytai, Russians have also believed that their ancestors were the Khitan. Of course, they are all right and make the good point, because Chingizhan and his tribe Kytai belonged to the Kyrgyz people, and no one denies the fact of kinship between Kazakhs, Chinese and Russian with Kyrgyz, again thank for the ancient Kytai tribe.

In the same mentioned above book (page 211) Danyarov has made correct conclusion that the Kyrgyz Sarybagysh tribes comes from the Kyrgyz tribe Naiman. In the other hand Naiman originated from the Khitan tribe, as mentioned about it Lev Gumilev in his book "Searches for an imaginary kingdom" (page 132,133,170,171), on the base of firm scientific evidence.
 Later I will bring own evidence to support this conclusion. For us now is very  important to understand that the very name of Kytai used for the marking Chinese people hanzu is a direct consequence of long termed Kyrgyz dominance over China when many generation of Kyrgyz emperors, mainly from Kytai tribe long ruled by that great state. And during the reign of the same Khitan tribe appeared there such influentall and great kindoms as Tang, Liao and Western Liao (Central Asia) empires. You will find a lot of material on this subject and convinced himself for the matter if you typed in the Google searching panel the word Khitan or Kytai, the name of one prominent ancient Kyrgyz tribe.

Many events described in the Kyrgyz national great multidimensional epos “Manas”, which has attitude precisely for that period, when the Kyrgyz emperors arranged his supreme stake in Beijing from where ruled by the great State. Saying that, I'm here far from the claim that our ancestors Manas lived in Tang era or during the Liao life time.  All sources and the evidence suggests that our great ancestor lived in the Bronze Age. I gave evidence in my book "History of the Kyrgyz tribe of Kytai"
  Naturally, many manaschy had only fragmentary information about sanzhyra and about multilayered history of our nation, and usually mistakenly tied Manas to certain historical events and period that took place much later.

For example, according the version of "Manas" which belonged to our great manaschy Zhusup Mamai Akbalta was married to his sister, and Chyiyrdy to Zhakyp. The second wife of Zhakyp Magdum,was Uzbekian woman,formerly widow, and third wife Bakdolet originated from Tadzhik etnical identiy. These and other features from family lives of Kyrgys lords clearly vitnessed that epic reflected traditions and culteral and historical lings belonged to the XYII centure - the epoch when Kalmaks dominanated upon Kyrgyzes.
The same thing goes from the creative art of Sagynbay Orozbak uluu, Sayakbai, Karalayev uluu. Meanwhile the statement that Jakyp had married to Chyiyrdy contradicts to the Kyrgyz sanzhyra, because Kyrgyz ancient traditions strictly prohibited marriage between relatives up to the seventh generation inclusively.
Obviously, there is we observed the influence of Islam tradition and effects of its editing practice.  No wonder: many manaschy that lived and created in lasr  3-4 centures had worked under strong influence and pressure of Islamic religious teachers and patrons, so called Moldo and Eschen.
I brought here the very interesting extract from the book of Kyrgyz sanzhyrachi Saparbek Zakirov "Kyrgyz sanzhyrasy", page 367, which clearly witnessed how Islamic priests advised our famous poets "to do and write right thing":
 "Aziz-Kojo, Eschen, in front of Azhybek Datka gave instructions to Yrchy (psedoname of famous manaschy and poet Balik Ooz), -  I ask you and demand from now onward you ought to not mention in your's creations khans and individuals who have not accepted Islam. Only if you are singing and glorifying those persons who became Muslims and fought for the great faith, you shell be blessed and worth to go to paradise."

Aziz also demanded from the poet mention as more as possipble about Kojo Mukanbed(Muchammad) prophet as well as about Aziret Aaly Cher (the holy relative of Mukanbed from paternal side, who was married by the way to the daughter of prophet Fatima. – Approx. AU). And whats more Aziz openly treatened him, telling    if you are proceeding to chant the last khans who professed Buddhism, then you will wicked, cursed and your soul will burn in hell."
Needless to say, that the way of thinking, behavior and used words and persuading propaganda of religious fanatics so little change since those times.

After similar instructions Balik Ooz “started to editing and changing his version of "Manas" in regard of the spirit of Islam”, as he confessed himself late.

The tradition of marriage between close relatives from paternal and maternal lines was common to Jews and Muslims from ancient times and often practiced even now in many eastern countries.
For example, Prophet Ibrahim was married to his paternal sister's Saar. Mukhambet Prophet was married to his sister Kadiche from one forefather and his daughter Fatima was married to  son of his relative Ali.

At the same time, the Tajiks as a people formed in the VIII century (L.Gumilev "End and beginning again", 101 pp.), and the Uzbeks - in the XVI century.
I give evidence to such allegations in my book "Turk Eli Menen Kyrgyz elinin ayrymasy", which  based on scientific sources. Therefore  the wife of Manas Kanykey could not coming up from the daughters of Tajik people, she originated from the sub-tribe tezhik belonged to Kyrgyz tribe Suu Murun.

According with the same reason in the times of Manas reining it was impossible wars and tensions between Kyrgyz and Kalmak. Kalmak as etnical identity formed  much late comes, this word originated from the Kyrgyz phrase "kalyp galgan el", mean “people who come to us and left.” The historical name of Kalmaks is Zhungar (Oirots). They inhabited the north-western part of modern China, called Junggar plain. In XVII-XVIII centuries they created Oyrots Khanate and on it base established the own national identity, joining also dinlins, sarts (Uighurs) and Huns.

For many historians and tourists looks extremely interesting and provocative the fact, that there are ubiquitously presented the Aryan symbol (swastika)among the   inscriptions and decorations depicted on frontal and profile sides of various Kumbezes (ancient mausoleums) vastly stretched across the Central Asia - you find these astonishing features everuthere in Asia.
  Look to the picture of the most famous mosque and mausoleum of Bibi Khanum (Samarkand) or Kalyan Munara (Bukhara), or to the remnants of palace of Kudayar Khan in Kokand, as well as the tomb of Tamerlane - all these ancient  buildings covered by the same signs.
  You can examine these marcs and labels yourself if log on the site "Vedic symbols of Central Asia and Kazakhstan."

The signs belonged to Aryan civilization Hitler adopted as the national symbol of German Reich, with such way underlining again that German people belonged to the Aryans. Those who interesting by history would find in the work of the Roman ancient historic Cornelius Tacitus about the origin of the Germans which contained clear passages witnessed that Kyrgyz and Germans descended from the one root. We have also referred to the well-known source and Hitler famous remarks: “Îäèí ðàç â ãîä ìîæíî áóäåò ïðîâîäèòü ïî ñòîëèöå îòðÿä êèðãèçîâ, ÷òîáû ãëÿäÿ íà åå êàìåííûå ïàìÿòíèêè, îíè ïîëó÷èëè ïðåäñòàâëåíèå î ìîùè è âåëè÷èè Ãåðìàíèè”. (Once a year it would be possible to carry out through our capital the squad of Kirghiz, let they looking at her stone monuments, got a glimpse of the power and greatness of Germany)

D.Melnikov, L.Chernaya. "Criminals number 1. Nazis regime and its Fuhrer", Moscow, page 353.

 These lines clearly indicated that Hitler knew the Kyrgyz people has a great history and wanted to surpass their achievements.
 We refer for another historical document dating back to 1810. German scholar Joseph Gorres in his book "Mythologies Asian myth," writes "The whole of European culture is based on the Greek and Greek on the Asia-mythical" Kikishev NI "Metahistory."

We can suggest others sources and writing, confirmed the same presposition, as the book of Kazakh prominent historian A.K.Narymbaev "Turan-cradle of ancient civilization."
I draw readers attention to the signs that relevant only to the Kyrgyz clans and originated (created) by their nomadic life-style. Each tribe had its own sign, tamgha, which used primerily for labeling tribal sheep (these marks burn on ears of domestic animal) for not mixing them with the grazing "property" belonging to other tribes. Long before people began to lead a sedentary life, learned farming, they were ranchers. And even before that ancient man was engaged in hunting wild animals and gathering wild berries and fruits.

These tamgas seems appeared with the rise  of cattleship. They used to mark the domestic animals and at the same time they mean that their owners belonged to a particular tribe,  evidenced he  was  freeman and had slaves.  Slaves had no animals and no property and  therefore have not any tamgas.
The tamgas depicted and originated from the simple geometric shapes and figures knowm nomadic people from ancient time as round, cross, cemi-cross, spear, rhomb, square and so on.

In recent years, some famous Kyrgyz citizens or persons who have also the strong  claim and ambitions projected and invented artfully the fake tribal marks, looking usually very complexly and extravagantly sewn them on kalpaks and coats and declaring them openly – look!  This  my  ancient tamga! However, such production does not correspond to any impartial historical data, or just for the simple logic. Think about such things - how come you able to burn such elaborate decorations on the ears of sheep or cow?
          (to be continued)