The baby named Olga and Samantha Smith

The March is approaching . Luda was expecting a baby. I had a day off on the March 4  and we got together to the cinema. Only gathered as Luda and said "Oh, I think I now give birth to our child " I said to her " Do it quickly to catch a movie(of course, in a joke). I led her to the hospital and waited. I was waiting and waiting, but she did not give birth. I went to sleep -Moscow will be in the morning , and she had not given birth yet Next morning was the same. I told the dispatcher that he controlled the situation, but also on the way back she had not given a birth. Luda had not given birth and in the evening, and I was quite sure and had already decided that the process of pregnancy, of my beloved, probably forever and with this idea I went to the bed. In the morning, already without any hope I called in the hospital. The girl was born, the normal dimensions and weight. I was happy. I wanted, by the way, a girl like her mother.
We bought with Luda apartment in the city center and near the stadium "Labor" in  June. Of course, our parents helped us realize the first installment. We almost had no belongings and my crew on two Lada cars  moved us. The elevator was reasonably disabled and we lift up 2-3 times on the 9th floor.
Thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev, that he raised the issue that the teachers live so badly and we waited in line, having nothing, just 9 months! And I still had not even had a residence permit.
There were a favorite work, lovely woman with my child .There was even  apartment . What else can you wish?
   North is North. There were a lot of snow and a little sun.  However,  it was summer two weeks in July and we swam in the river Dvina and then it was cold again. In August, we always walked or flew for mushrooms. There were a lot of them near the parking place in  Murmansk and the same in Naryan-Mar  Only in the North I picked up mushrooms, in other regions, I tried to find them.
We skied along the Dvina in winter. And stadium "Labor" was visible from the window of our house , where all the championships on hockey with the ball  took place and our team  always won.
All these games I watched out the window. At this stadium I always ran in any weather. Once our doctor of flying detachment saw me running to her office between departures. It was cool, -30 and she saw and scared that I would frostbitten my lungs, so later I   limited the run in -20. But a cold shower was nesessary, so I  knew nothing except rare rhinitis .
In winter or spring I was sent to the sanatorium in Crimea . I painted the sea and  even beginning the bathing season. I visited political information The theme of the Cold War   moved me.
We won in the last war and the terrible who gave the world some bogey looked in the eyes of the rest of the world. Frankly, I did not care for the rest of the world, but it was a shame that these savages do not know his benefactor. I thought so. I could not understand how you can think badly about us. With these thoughts, I was walking along the pier and saw a small ship "Samantha Smith". This girl from the United States came to us to ask adults to prevent another war and, although it was more a propaganda move, he looked sincerely.
In some years a private plane, on which  this girl flew, had crashed somewhere in the U.S., but the memory about this girl is remained ...

(represented the best watercolor(that time). The appraisal was  given The Academy of  Arts" Young man, you need to learn "But I could not. I flew.)

Defining the goals and mission statement
In 1984 in Leningrad decided to try flying on Tu-154 without a navigator on the  airway Leningrad-Kuibyshev.
At the same time, under the influence of this event I had a colorful dream. I had come to work, and there is an ad hanging "The navigators wishing to apply for a job, are invited to the train depot" ... And I'm the navigator of a steam locomotive and I am standing on the side step locomotive. The stoker  with a sweaty back, in blue t-shirt and throws them into the furnace of coal.
The speed is   increasing, frontier, pulling up - I scream, and locomotive comes off into the sky, and I fall out of bed in a cold sweat ...
In 1985 I am the navigator class 2. And it is not nuts and bolts . What to do?
I wish to return to Leningrad and to fly there. I came bravely  to сhief of Leningrad   Aviation Squad Ivanov 
He greeted me warmly, saying that the navigators will  be soon needed, and that I will not be lost and will call. I was very happy and could not even believe it. Sergei R. 10 years waiting, and I am so lucky!
And I was waiting and call regularly. I was waiting and regularly calling for 6 months. Then came and heard: "There are wishing a lot, but there are only a few places. Bring your own private affair , and we will decide. "The phrase about places and wishing, and then was transferred to me already in Leningrad as "little moose too small, not enough to everybody "
7 people had  left. I think that without the personal affairs. The personal files stored in the first secret department, and personally I did not ever see that top-secret document. Serge R. had gone a little later.
We're going to fly from Sheremetyevo to Arhangelsk.  I saw the phone number of the Main  navigator of Civil Aviation  Kiselev VF on the table in the chart room,
 I called him soon after. He appointed a meeting for me, just ask, on what question.
On the personal and public- I said.
I came with my friend Zhenya, who had  already flown in Sheremetyevo . At the appointed time Kiselev had come  and invited me.
I asked two questions: what will be with navigators, and what required to fly across the ocean.
- In your centure will be enough, and to fly across the ocean you need to know English, to have the first class  and to be a member of the Communists party.
The tasks were identified and targets were set.
I entered on the state Foreign language courses in English. I started to study on the Correspondence courses. Once a month I had to send the completed assignment, before 15.  I could not learn 30 days. Willpower was not enough. I had it enough for 15 days  only. During this time I managed  successfully complete all and Lyuda checked. Actually, I was capable. When my mom  went  to dad  for Egypt, she put in my head  almost the entire school program for one month, and I did not open the books before she came two years later.
Lyuda's colleagues, in Arkhangelsk,often visited by English-speaking and it was  practical application