Conclusion is the One

Åëåíà Òàëëåíèêà
Conclusion is the One

I won’t ever be born in a samurai clan – the conclusion is one…
line of life is the only as straight as the arrow – finishes here…
island is tiny, a hill in the middle – my home…
all that I need is a hearth made of clay… and a screen…

walls can’t be trusted but there will be always the light…
it’s just a paper… touch it by chance and you get a big hole in my door…
wood chips, the polish and rice glue seem proper and right…
sakura branch in the frame watching my unpretentious floor…

night will be moving the planks from the floor of the ground…
life is so fragile and fit on the veins of the chest…
samurai sleeps while a mountain river around -
carries his raft and himself to eternity rest…

âûâîä - îäèí...

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