Shake it, Baby

Руслан Трохнюк
I am his majesty Zippy Kid, king of abstract hip-hop And president of mARS, man-symbol of modern culture, I know whatcha ya looking free, Sleeping and stayin' crazy, Shake it, baby, madly, I attack with my love, Ugly crocodile and golden fish, My sound remains the same. Driving ya brain, I come to stop oddish mess in this world, I use my old knowledge To make the same greatest deep root, Whatcha ya, you looking at? It's my digital happy monday, Give me enough money, Do something for me, for my dream, Do something for my freedom, please, I love my girl, she will be my wife. I know love will cover my sins. I will sing for my death madly. Shake it, Lily, madly. I attack with my love. Let me start my life again. Twang! Fashion!