The Man that Can Do Anything

Medvedev Dmitriy:

Hello, the Man that Can Do Anything!

My name is Alon, I’m 27 years old and I live here. It’s a good place. Nana says that we’re very lucky to live here. She only works here, and not even every day. That’s why I feel so sorry for her. I work too- I make wooden figurines. I’m allowed to have a rasp and a file and a hacksaw and a Japanese knife… Frankly, I no longer have the knife. Mickey asked for it to decorate his room. I haven’t seen him since. His room is quiet- we all came by to listen. Maybe he was moved to the new wing. They say that it’s very big. Nana says that everyone’s smart there. I want to sneak a peek very much.

We have tests every week. We complete pictures or finish drawing lines. I try very hard, but I copy often. The Man That Can Do Anything, I know it isn’t nice, but I want to see this new wing. When we get our sheets with answers, I put them in a secret notebook. Nobody knows about it. Not even Nana. I memorize all the tests and the right answers to them- maybe they’ll repeat themselves. I’m very afraid that it will be discovered and they’ll kick me out. Too bad I can’t buy those answers like a hammer.

I’m being paid for this work, a Shekel an hour. It’s a lot- sometimes I make as much as a hundred a month. Nana once said that the Nation takes taxes. From my money it could be about eight Shekels. I don’t know why the Nation takes so little. She sounds like a really nice woman. I offered Nana to send the Nation more money. I counted that 48 Shekels are enough for me, and offered to give the rest as a Tax. But Nana started laughing for some reason and said that I should never say such things to anyone, or I’ll never be allowed to leave this place. But I really want to stay here. Maybe if I could only see the new wing.

I also want to see the brother. We’ll he’s not exactly a brother. He used to work here, but only with me. I always waited so much for his arrival. I was so happy with him. He can do so much and knows a lot. His name is very long, so I called him Vlad, and Nana called him a Student. The Man That Can Do Anything, make it so that he can come again. Also tell me what happened to Mickey. He never gave me my knife back, and I need it a lot. Also I hope that you, The Man That Can Do Anything, can read thoughts, because all this I make in my mind. I can’t write.