To Mr. Obama. The Message-congratulation

Серж Каминский
Mr. Obama,
Allow to congratulate you on Independence Day of the USA!
More 20 years ago when I voted on independence of the newborn state Ukraine, I counted on that this state can take place in the democratic development for 20 years the same way which America has taken place for 200 years. Alas, but has occurred just what isn't needed. If at you black Americans now elect in Presidents in Ukraine now transform into the Black deprived of any civil rights, the whole regions and millions their inhabitants. And it occurs not only with connivance, but also at direct participation and open support of your government. Daily there are murder of peace citizens: women, old men and children. Thus there is no limit to cynicism of those officials by order of which all these war crimes are made. So recently, in an interval of the short armistice, one of them, the so-called adviser of so-called president Poroshenko, offered us... a friendship hand. In exchange - we should "lay down arms". Tell, unless the friendship between executioners and their victims is possible? I personally consider that was not present, such it is impossible. Therefore I reject their friendship (as it was made by millions my fellow countrymen). Instead of that, I want ask friendship from you and I stretch you the hand of friendship. I did not make crimes neither against the American people, nor against you personally. Therefore I have on this right. To ask from you friendship. And as a token of friendship I also want ask personally you or somebody from your compatriots to send me by usual (not electronic) mail the American flag, it is desirable - the huge sizes a panel. It to me needs to be unwrapped over a roof of the house. And by that to secure myself and the relatives against probable air raids. If the Kiev fascists begin to bomb my city - let from above it will be visible to them that they not bomb somebody and to whom has got, but they bomb people who are under protection of the American Flag.