Валсар Рейдов
Nicknamed her doll - too unnatural look . Marble- white skin , blood- red lips . Large eyes framed by fluffy - sabers eyelashes. Joy and sorrow , confusion, and sometimes brooding reflected at the bottom of the eye , making them magically attractive . Shining like moonwalk on dark waters, bearing , however, some teplo.Udivitelno ! It was like a forest nymph - being, created for love ...

In elementary school, this appearance was the cause of bullying and ridicule. But time has changed this attitude. Surrounding the newly discovered its beauty , considering it a godsend . Girl and she became another look at yourself and the world - has matured . The time has come sympathy - she realized that she likes boys , began to meet with them . With many . Found many admirers of the beauty of this chrysalis . Replaced by another one . Those moments of true happiness from the first kiss - she had forgotten who gave them . Everything was like a fairy tale : wine, flowers , first sex ... Was the second and third ... She knew - her appearance in front of her open all the doors. She gave her body to the producers , in return for fame and money . No one bothered her . And why ? Calculation was an excellent substitute for love - relationship empty , empty meeting ... The magical power of beauty disappeared as soon as she parted with another partner , and with it disappeared and memory - forget about it the next day. Empty relations meeting empty empty ... place . Loved her until she was close until her eyes were shining . But that was a distant glow , cold and indifferent stars . And she fondly dreamed of love , looking for her in each new lover , not realizing that it can see only a doll. Expensive , beautiful , but - doll. Realization came later . Frustration - she no longer craved love, lost the ability to feelings . How ? Froze his heart stopped to open his casual acquaintances .

Have worn doll on old apartments to drugs and vodka pdevku taught .

Yes, exactly . And the dolls have a shelf life . Road paved with yellow stone , became expensive of broken bricks - dirty and scary . Life has become a race , a race for a dose of ghostly happiness .

Nicknamed her doll with extraordinary beauty.
For sugary sponge
Tender voice unearthly .

His mother's death came as a surprise . Her last words sank into his soul : she wished her daughter , her lovely daughter, became a man . She did everything as requested by mom . It was a long way to go , but she was able to pass it. Kaleidoscope random pleasures stopped , but stayed with him the days turned into a gray one episode without the time and purpose. No, not when she refused dose. Earlier, when she walked away from the first man . The one who gave real warmth . Him whom she exchanged a senseless pursuit of an easy life . Was hurt what first ? She did not know the answer , because there is no sense now .

She walked down the street with one of these aimless days. Meeting with an old acquaintance . And the carousel began to play again . Emotion took heart in a puppet and alive . Back to breathe. She ran over to the guy and did not hesitate to kiss . Pushed her , shouting " whore ." Do not know? Too many years have passed . Too great was the desire to forget the past , or feelings changed ? It does not matter now she just a whore. Tears in his eyes clouded receding silhouette.

Deserted alley. White powder in the hands . Life flashed before my eyes. Mom ... Friends ... First class ... First love ... In memories invades fear. All mixed up . Voices of friends ... Someone laughing ... The phrase : "Doll - it's you ." Today she is 16 and she is all alone . Only cold moon does not link up the darkness above her head. Sirens ... Shouts doctors ... And this familiar voice. Last heart beats ... It is late. Too late for the remission of sins . Too late ... But that voice ... Familiar. Know the feeling ...

Ah, yes ! This voice soothed her throughout the primary school . " But how ? He
called me a whore , why is he here? " final blow .

It's over.

So if she wanted to die ? Does this deserve? Who will answer these questions ...
Well written Tipo
Remember I promised to show you my work
written based on the songs