Philosophy, science and religion - the interaction

Майоров Дмитрий Николаевич
Dmitry Mayorov 2
The definition of philosophy, science and religion - a rather difficult task for themselves philosophers, natural scientists (in this case, we denote by the name of science natural sciences ), and theologians. The task is even more complicated when it comes to the interaction between these areas of spiritual culture of mankind ( namely spiritual attribute it to cultural studies ) . If, however, from theoretical considerations , we turn to the practical implementation of these interactions , there is a whole range of communication : conflict, dialogue ( equality ) , independence , integration (summation ) , Harmony ( complementarity ) , assimilation (absorption of one another) ... In this paper, we propose nebesspornym classification of these interactions on the basis of the well-known Euler diagram where the circles we represent the three realms of the spiritual man, and areas of intersection - a field that is a dialogue between them. Because if it was the other types of interactions, rather than dialogue , Euler circles were located would be completely different.

Philosophy and Science

There is a branch of philosophy which is called the philosophy of science. This section sets out the views of philosophers of science ages 19-20 , because at that time and formed the modern natural sciences . ( This article by science , we mean exactly natural science) . In the 20th century the most prominent philosophers of science have become Karl Popper , Imre Lakatos , Thomas Kuhn . This area of interaction between science and philosophy is possible because natural scientists themselves , operating huge amounts of empirical data , building a complex theoretical constructs , willy- nilly, must become philosophers and the most common way to interpret the results of their science. Therefore, we find the philosophical works of Max Planck , Albert Einstein , Werner Heisenberg , Max Born, and many others. On the other hand , philosophers, seeing the success of science , and that the enormous influence the success of natural sciences on all aspects of our life : war and peace , environment, health ... are forced to reckon with. There "philosophy of the genitive " ( Michel Foucault ) - philosophy of technology , philosophy of technology , philosophy of medicine , which is called deontology or bioethics. Conflicts of philosophy and science in fact does not arise by virtue of their long-term co- existence. In the Middle Ages this area was known as the coexistence of fused natural philosophy (natura - nature ) . Since the Milesian School (VI century BC ) to Isaac Newton, who wrote the " Mathematical Foundations of Natural Philosophy " , the scientists were philosophers and naturalists at the same time .

Philosophy and Religion

In the XIX century, is born and other science at the interface of philosophy and religion, which is called the philosophy of religion. There is no doubt that the day before that time appeared the work to make sense of religion and philosophical positions , as well as the religious philosophy of trying to make sense of philosophy with religious positions . And then you can name hundreds of names, representing the philosophy of religion as in old Europe , there and in the United States . Religious philosophers still more, for religious philosophy and the philosophy of nature as a hoary antiquity . Religious philosophers much more than atheist philosophers as among ordinary people who believe more than unbelievers. And so philosophizing , religious philosophers , they did not forget who they are ( mortals ), and where they are going ( to God's judgment ) . That is, the philosophizing , they belonged to , more often, to any religious tradition.

Science and religion

In our diagram in this area is a question mark . In this area, as in any other , clearly manifest conflicts . ( How do we reconcile the universe billions of years and six days of creation, as the biblical story of the creation of man from the earth explain evolshyutsionnyh positions , etc.) Therefore, if the disputing parties to offer this diagram , they would have pushed these circles Euler (model independence of science and religion ) or pooled ( occultists , theosophists , masons ), or painted one in the other ( the representatives of the model of assimilation , integration, harmony - respectively positivist Auguste Comte , Herbert Spencer , Russian cosmists - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky , VI Vernadsky Chizhevsky admirers A.Begssona , T. de Chardin ) . We have put a question mark to denote a model of dialogue. A series of articles written by us before, trying to prove the promise of this model of interaction in the modern world. Representative of the natural sciences and religion, theologian and natural scientist required meetings, conferences and forums in order to clarify the position on shared issues . Patriarch Kirill when he was still head of the Metropolitan and the DECR , once wrote about the prospect of coordinating councils, in which there were representatives of the Church and science, such as at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. So in Dubna has been more than 15 conference "Science , Religion , Philosophy ," which brings together representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church ( Professor MDA) , science (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research ) , philosophy ( Institute of Philosophy, RAS ) .

The total between science , philosophy and religion

There are in our diagram is a region in which all three circles intersect . Of course, if the wheels move widely , there is no intersection between them becomes. Perhaps , indeed, between science , religion and philosophy, there is no common area of ;;interaction ? It is difficult to accept. Because we have just described a field of interaction between them is so strong that sometimes it 's not possible to distinguish one from another area - the area of intersection of circles. So, if they are so close to one another between a pairs, and then the three of them form a general idea. We will express the most controversial thesis of this article , when we say that this is common for them to natural theology or natural knowledge of God - the possibility of understanding God the efforts of the human mind . Indeed, the Max Planck wrote in " Science and Religion " - that is the basis for religion , for science is the apex. It is faith in God. " The most that can be achieved in natural scientist - is to find the greatest idea and the feasibility in the universe. Their source lies beyond this world, but manifested through the laws of nature. Speaking the language of philosophy , God and the transcendental , metaphysical and immanent (seen ) in this world. This is the area of interaction between science , religion , philosophy , accessible to everyone , in whatever sphere of activity it is not hard. God reveals to each person in his mind (the man - the image of God , the soul by nature Christian, according to Tertullian ) . This is the path of self-knowledge that leads to God. Opens the Lord and through the book of nature, as we wrote in previous articles .
Some atheists believe that if he is, in the court of God , they have some justification , for example, might say, as you demand to have the execution of thy commandments , when I do not even know if you . So I lived as I wanted. But such a justification it will not. God will say to him, I am rooted in the knowledge of God in your ability . And in the very nature has left numerous traces of his presence . How can you claim not to know what I am, and if you come to know thy Creator , surely you can not take responsibility for their actions?