Resurrection of the dead and Science

Майоров Дмитрий Николаевич
Dmitry Mayorov 2
Spring has come . For people of faith - this is an obvious reminder of the dogma of the resurrection of the dead. This writes St. Ignatius Brianchaninov in the article " The garden in the winter time " in the winter of 1843 in the desert Sergius wrote: "If only I could find someone who does not know transformations produced by the changes of the seasons , if I bring this stranger to the garden, majestically resting during the winter sleep of death , to show him naked tree and tell about the luxury in which they are clothed in the spring , he, instead of answering , would look at you and smile - with such a wild goose Fables seemed to him the words of your own! And the resurrection of the dead, it seems unlikely for the wise, wandering in the darkness of earthly wisdom , do not know that God is all-powerful , that His multifarious wisdom can be sozertsaema but not postigaema mind creatures . "

How important is the resurrection of the dead, for the moral life of the Christian, St. Cyril of Jerusalem ( 382 years ) in 18 Catechetical studing : "The root of every good deed there is hope of resurrection. For the expectation of rewards in the soul of good business. ... Every soul , the resurrection of the believer , keeps itself as it should , and the unbelieving resurrection starts to perish. The believer 's body will rise again , this very clothing stores , and do not defile the body of her fornication : but whoever commits himself to the resurrection of those who commit adultery , do not Radya of his body , as if about someone else . " The omnipotence of God, the light of the sun illuminates the entire universe and the winds sweep him without obstacles on the ground - that the LORD is not strong collect raspadshiesya body, even burned or devoured by fish and wild beasts; asks the saint . Of course , it's in his best! The justice of God requires the resurrection of the body . If sinned and body, why should pay only the soul ? Who killed dozens of people without repentance pays in death by one 's body . And where is the reward for the remaining dead bodies? The righteous worked in body and soul to God. Why not taste their body bliss of eternal life? Saint Cyril affirms the truth of the resurrection of the dead, with numerous examples from our lives. This is an example of the spring, a truly common to the saints, and an example of each day , night follows day , and people fall asleep , like dying and waking up , as raised from the dead. Compares Sunday with a broken statue , which are glued to recover , and the Egyptian phoenix leads and many other examples that do not have time to talk .
Non-believer in the universal resurrection and terrible divine judgment could easily come to the doctrine of pre-existence and even the transmigration of souls , condemned by the Fifth Ecumenical Council of the Orthodox Church ( 553 ) . Here's how Justinian formulated doctrinal guilt Origen , in a letter to Patriarch Minh City , offering to condemn Origen : " If anyone says or holds the view that the souls of pre-existing being , as it were ideas ( ; ; ; ;) or sacred powers that they have fallen away from the contemplation of the divine and turned for the worse and as a result lost the divine love and so called souls ( ; ; ; ; ;) and for the punishment sent to the body - let him be anathema . "

The doctrine of the general resurrection , and solid teaching of the New and Old Testament. All of the fifth chapter of John, devoted to the conversation of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Jews of the most important truths of the faith , of which the news of the victory over death - the main thing , " Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves shall hear his voice, and they that have done good shall come forth in the resurrection of life, and have done evil - the resurrection of judgment "( Ioan.5 :28 -30) . Christ says to Martha, before the resurrection of her brother Lazarus : "I am the resurrection and the life : he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live ." ( Ioan.11 25 ) . But Martha is not surprised by his words, she professes faith in the General Resurrection , faith inherent in ancient Israel , " Martha said to him, I know that the rise again in the resurrection at the last day ." ( Ioan.11 24 ) . Paul end of the first epistle to the Corinthians devotes hesitant heretics who reject the dogma of the Resurrection of the first Christians who reject the dogma of the resurrection of the heretics "Christ is risen from the dead, the firstfruits of them that slept . For since death came through a man [sic ] a man the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die , even so in Christ shall all be made ;;alive. " ( 1Cor.15 :20 -22) .

The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is in the Old Testament. God's prophet Job says : " For I know that my Redeemer lives , and He is the last day upon the earth decaying skin of my plain, and in my flesh I shall see God. I shall see for myself, and my eyes were not the eyes of another , will see Him. " ( Iov.19 :25 -28 ), and the prophet Ezekiel was shown a field full of dead men's bones , which are donned flesh (Ezekiel Chapter 37 . ) . This prophecy ends liturgy of Holy Saturday , and the next time the faithful gather in the church for Easter services already . Thus, the word " resurrection of the dead ," Creed for Orthodox Christians constitute the basis of Christian hope , revealed by Christ's Resurrection .

The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead exists in Judaism and Islam, and even in pagan cults we can find traces of the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. Moscow Professor Andrei Zubov said that the entire Egyptian religious culture permeated the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead - a tradition associated with the mummification of bodies, which shall rise again : " What we see in these Egyptian texts ? If we sum up , in these texts say about the victory over death and the bodily resurrection of the dead person . " Burial early Paleolithic era shows us the graves of the dead , filled with not only the earthly objects of everyday life, decorated with flowers ( found pollen) . This is an indirect confirmation of the earliest religious people , and even the position of their bodies - in the fetal position - pushes us to the idea that a person comes out of the womb , so it should come out of the womb of the earth at one time . So schitet Novosibirsk Professor Prof. Pavel Volkov .

However, modern humanity is driving away from the idea of ;;death itself . One gets the feeling that people think and does not die. Russian religious philosophers and theologians of the 20th century ( S. Bulgakov , Berdyaev , Lossky , I. Tikhomirov, Shestov , ) and many Western philosophers and psychologists ( CS Lewis , Carl Jung , K.Gadamer ... ) said that the modern hedonistic culture is the result of neglect of man's true purpose , which is not the end of life outside of earth , but only the beginning. If only a few decades ago were particularly solemn funeral respected people , coffins are carried through the city , you can now see a whole closed hearses and funeral industry , where the dead beautifully dressed up , consume copious makeup, and provide a full range of funeral services , just to live less seen with the dead ... and if they come into contact , then for a very brief time . What for ? After all, this is reminiscent of the death ! The very practice of cremating the dead, of course, can be derived from the deficit of urban land . In Moscow, for example , the cost of the funeral of the deceased in the cemetery close to the cost of a city apartment . But the real motives of cremation may be different. Traditionally, Christians , Jews, and Muslims try to inter their dead , as they see the foundation of its tradition in the words spoken by God to Adam, " In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the land from whence thou taken: for dust thou art , and to dust you shall return . " ( Genesis 3 : 19). Legislation in many countries of the world desecration of graves is a criminal offense , and trample on someone else's feet is considered a grave insult to the great family of the deceased. Why ? If nothing after death ? In this sense we can see the protest living deep in the person's faith in the resurrection of the dead. Orthodox graves decorated with the cross of Christ , because after Calvary is Easter , and after the death of our loved ones , we believe in the resurrection of the day of judgment , when the sky will be the cross from one end of heaven to the other.

Thus, we see living deep in the hearts of people , Daja non-church - faith in the resurrection of the dead, and the general impoverishment of the country , even the faith of the Christian civilization. So in the U.S. for nearly half a century, the firm operates Alcor , Cryonics Society , freezing the dead. People with incomes entertain the hope of the omnipotence of medicine of the future , which is not only able to defrost , but also raise a person to heal incurable diseases . The famous cartoonist Walt Disney died a natural death, it froze when it was discovered an incurable disease . In the tomb of singer Elvis Presley is not his body. Many believe that he used the services of this company . In many societies, cryonics in the 1970s scandals erupted when the dead found themselves on the city dumps for the release of new places . Sometimes the bodies were spoiled during power failures and failures of the cooling equipment. Since the 1990 's in Russia wealthy people also think about the idea of ;;personal immortality. And bought himself a place in advance cryonics storage , especially considering the fact that at the legislative level to seriously discuss the draft allocation of separate tracts of land in Russia under these storage. The consciousness of the inhabitants have been prepared by well-known film " Escape of Mr. McKinley ," filmed in the Soviet Union in 1975 . Donatas Banionis played a hapless man McKinley , who wanted to get into a brighter future through the cryo chamber . The money is not enough, but he won them in a lottery has been frozen and was a future in which there was a nuclear war . But it was only a dream. And he woke up in horror and dropped the idea . Does it refuse to die rich, who want to extend your life ?

In other obvious attempts to replace a resurrection progress of science projects are electronic immortality. Back in the USSR Gennady Gore writes science fiction novel, " Coombe " the soul of the poet, contained in an electronic chip . The poet died, and the crystal continued to write poetry . In this novel an interesting sequel, because " every useful bold experiment on the way to solving the enormous task of creating an artificial mental field ," says one of the characters of the novel character . Professor Alexander Bolonkin , a former Soviet dissident , now presentable scientist from the United States , offering to record a person's memory , his emotions and experiences on electronic media . In his submission, as the soul has the property of immateriality . Therefore , writing the information, we will record a person's soul . In electron crystals "soul " can live forever, repeatedly overwritten rapidly and do not forget to travel from planet to planet on a laser or radio beam. Electronic man in many ways surpass ordinary Homo sapiens. And in the evolution of mankind obyk6novennym people will soon not be the place.

Interesting ideas full of creativity Russian religious philosopher Nikolai Fedorov. His orthodox terminology should not mislead us - writes Archpriest George Florovsky . For his words about the resurrection of the dead, hiding his main idea of ;;the 'public affairs. " People can overcome disunity in the organization of efforts to return to the life of all the people who died before the methods of scientific progress. This is an obvious love for nepreobrazhennomu person and faith in the resurrection of Christ and the general resurrection . This pseudo-scientific project , invested in the Orthodox shell. Creativity Nikolai Fyodorov had a great influence on Tolstoy and Soloviev many contemporaries , above all, to the representatives of Russian cosmism - Tsiolkovsky and N.Chizhevskogo . As you can see , the utopia Fedorov trying to implement with the help of modern technology, such as A. Bolonkin dreamers . Recording of "souls " of people on electronic media has begun. And the consciousness of the people gradually prepared such films as " The Lawnmower Man " , " Surrogates ." Pevrvom film retarded man becomes superman virtual world , in the second film people refuse to real life in their bodies instead of living in the bodies of cyborgs . Readers can easily continue the list is not only foreign but also domestic films . Sensational "Avatar" immerses the viewer in a stunning virtual world in 3D. The life of the main characters takes place in the bodies of clones of humanoid aliens - the planets , the creation of which was directed by James Cameroon is the largest in the history of world cinema revenues . By the way, " avatar" the Sanskrit word for " leniency " in Hindu philosophy the term commonly used to refer to God's descent from the spiritual world into the lower realms of existence . This transformation , negating the idea of ;;the resurrection of the dead. Jake Sully , a former Marine, confined to a wheelchair at the end of the film moves into the body of an alien . Miserable earthly body remains at the foot of the Magic Tree ...

Concluding the article , it is possible to emphasize the obvious dissonance that arises in the hearts of our contemporaries. Soul by nature Christian - the known apologist Tertullian ( +230 ) . Sometimes the soul of even the non-believers , as if awakened from a deep sleep , says, " God sees ," " God knows ," " God of justice ", " Thank God " ... What is it like no evidence of the soul, the nature of a Christian ? It seems that the soul contemporaries are not ready to awaken in the hearts of their lives deeply unconscious Christian faith . But they are waiting for the moment of awakening the products of modern virtual civilization. Do they ever wake up ? And return to the faith of their fathers , which at the grave ; Orthodox crosses . Or remain in a modern unbelief ?