Gay Troll

Пол Фил
- Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to...ah 'Moscow Jungle'! Today's guest's Gay Troll! Hi, Gay!
- Hi! Everybody! Yeh!
- Well, Gay, tell us something about yourself!
- OK! Ask me some questions!
- Gay, what are you taken up by at the moment?
- Taken up by at the moment?
- Yes, what are you taken up by at the moment?
- Well, just trolling around, spoiling one's leisure, clicking people's souls and minds... Why?
- That's nice! How d'you do that?
- Well, you find some net sucker and spoil him all his life. You say a word and he says a sentence, you continue with a short sentence and he bursts into a novel or perpetual poetry writing.
- I like that!
- You bet!
- What happens after that?
- Well, it's really a shame when some of the suckers die from nerves, but I think there's God's Law on everybody. People die off, that's just evolution.
- So, you're a Messiah, then?
- I'm a kind of God's best friends!
- OK, I'm lucky to be in conversation with God's best friends.
- You bet!
- Well, Gay, can you sing?
- Sing?
- Yes, Gay, can you sing?
- No, no, I cannot sing. But I can click around and spoil people's lives!
- That's great, Gay! Ladies and gentlemen: Gay Troll!