DJ Huguånot ànd C

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- Hello, hello, hello and welcome to 'City Jungle'! In the actual point of fact nothing'd very much changed since we last talked on that incredible nonsense, still I'm here again to go on, and I'm DJ Huguenot as always ever inevitably and very sincerely yours, and so happy just to talk to you, to... to... know...  OK! Our stunning guest at the mic is the incrediblest person, a beautifulest young woman, a Russian star model - Petra Smith! Hello, Petra!
- Hello!
- Well, Petra, would it be too rude if I startåd with a name question?
- No, it wouldn't, dear!
- Thank you! Petra, why Petra? It doesn't sound like a russian name, does it?
- Well, it's not a name, actually!
- It's not a name! Well, is it a nom de guerre, dear?
- It's a pen-name. Petra Smith. I think it sounds nice!
- It does! Do you... write?
- Yeh, I do, Huguenot!
- Well…and…what do you write, Petra?
- I write interesting stories!
- That's marvelous! And what are your stories about?
- Mostly about models' life, of how they get on, of how they do things...
- Thrilled...
- Are you... A-ha-ha-ha!
- Tell me the plot. Please!
- Well, it's a bit difficult to concentrate... Oh, yeh...this one... It begins in Australia...
- Australia! H-ha!
- Yeh, they start in Australia. They are in love and they are beautiful, clever, and they don't mind!
- They do not mind what, Petra?
- Well, they don't mind anything at all!
- How nice! I'd like to experience that!
- OK, I'll inscribe you, if you want!
- Inscribe me if I want! H-ha!
- Shall I?
- All right! I'll do... what?
- You'll be a handkerchief maker!
- A handkerchief maker!
- Yes, and you'll be Chinese!
- Chinese! H-ha!
- Isn't it fun? Chinese handkerchief maker who doesn't mind anything at all!
- That's a wonderful idea! I'm living that story now!
- And you'll rescue me!
- Rescue you from whom, dear?
- You'll save me from a he-crocodile!
- A he-crocodile! Incredible! That's incredible! How could it happen?
- Well... Imagine we're at the river arm full of crocodiles. Suddenly a he-crocodile falls on me! I'm trying to run, and it's running faster and is about to kill me, but you're stopping it with a shot.
- I think I'll manage to do this! Do I have a rifle?
- No, you've got a machine-gun!
- OK. I'm stopping it with a machine-gun shot and…a-a… what's happening next?
- You're kissing me!
- I agree. I like this story. I have to have some practice!
- Sorry?
- Well, we have to practice a bit, don't you think?
- To practice my run?
- Well, you know, we cannot neither run, nor shoot inside the studio, but we can practice our story kiss.
- My story kiss...
- Yes, your story kiss. Ok?
- OK. Let's do it!
- Do you like it?
- Well, I'm not quite sure. Could you do it again? I have to feel it more acutely.
- Certainly, Petra!
- I think you're good. You are a great kisser, Huguenot! Can you kiss me again?
- Well, and what are the other subjects?
- Well, they go to America and live in NY!
- In NY!
- Yeh, and they're kissing during the daytime and at night. In fact they sleep together! They live together!
- I think it's a very nice story, Petra! I'm ready to be a Chinese handkerchief maker who saves a beautiful lady from a he-crocodile, kisses her all the time, who doesn't mind anything at all and kisses her in NY after all!
- So, we have to practise a bit, don't you think?
- I believe we have!
- And then it turned out to be that he was a pilot!
- Good heavens! A pilot who doesn't mind anything at all!
- Exactly!
- Can I do that?
- Oh, yes, you can!
- Thank you!
- Pleasure's all here, dear!
- Let me kiss you again, Petra! I have to practice a lot!
- Oh, behave!
- Never mind!