
Мила Пит
How are you going to celebrate Easter ?
Let us make a choice..
What shall we do tonight ?
You cook ----I cook -----meal out ?
Watch film at home ----cinema ---theatre ?
Go walking ----or swimming ---sauna?
Play chess ----learn Russian---body language for sex :)?
Serious discussion -----silly quiz ?
Read a book ------sit in silence ?
Paint the house ------paint each other ?
Clean the house------ clean each other :))---clean coloured dog ?
Walk the dog ----- let it loose ?
Weed the garden ------ nooo, forget the garden ..not in the right mood :)))
Eat chocolate and get fat ? ---or just celery?
Enjoy making fireworks with friends?---or fly the sky lights?
Slow dance the evening and night ?
Get drunk ?
Have a play fight ?
Walk in the woods for picking up the mushrooms?
I think I know what your choice would be..MAYBE oils candles wine and a full body naked massage :)))-----------did I say that? :)))))))))
Happy Easter!

(from the novel "Marry me")