Самому дорогому

Слава Успехова
I want to pour a cup of coffee
But I am spilling past the cup.
Every time You give me toffees*,
You make me guess You don’t cut up*.

And all the time i think of You,
Your voice, your smell, your eyes..
I fell in love with man anew.
My heart and brain are not allies,
But now the soul flies.

People tried to change my mind,
My sister said me once:
“You might be blind!
There is no Man behind!
You shouldn’t them to trust.”

But i don’t care what they say.
What is the reason for?
And I will trust you just the same.
And help you get your aim.
i’ve swore.

i just believe you are the best,
i’ll open up my heart.
You are the one, not just a guest.
i will believe…
You. in You. in Us.

*to present sweets to smb.
* никогда не причинять страдания