Год Собаки. Диета

Володя Кин
Dog Diet

The Dog is the Sign of the Chinese zodiac most commonly associated with the spine, the back, and the heart. People born under this Sign usually have a history of back problems. Dogs tend to suffer from overexertion and nerves. Their upper back tires more easily than other parts of their bodies. They are also subject to pains and pressure around the upper chest region. The healthy Dog requires a diet composed primarily of whole grain breads and cereals, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, dried figs, apples, peaches, dried coconuts, rice, seafood, prunes, dates, and spinach.

Foods that can aid the Dog against complaints of the circulatory system include beef, lamb, liver, cheese, whole milk, and yogurt. All Dog persons would do well to avoid high fat, high cholesterol foods and junk food of all kinds, as their chronic high energy could suffer and an eventual stroke could be the result of too much indulgence in such delicacies.