Год Быка. Диета

Володя Кин
Ox Diet

The Sign of the Ox is associated with the kidneys and the genitals. The Ox person can be uncomfortably prone to infections of the urinary tract. Embarrassing and hard-to-explain venereal infections are ailments to which Oxen are also very susceptible. An eventual complication of these various diseases can be sterility.

The foods that are highly beneficial to Ox persons when included in their diet are asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, onions, watercress, tomatoes, prunes, and cherries. The Ox needs foods that provide a sufficient amount of calcium. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese are very important in their diet plans. More attention should be paid to a diet higher in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain breads, or else obesity could lurk in the Ox person's future.