Год Лошади. Диета

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Horse Diet

The Sign of the Horse has the burden of excess energy, which most commonly sublimates itself in stress, primarily in the circulatory and digestive systems. The Horse is greatly susceptible to massive migraine headaches as well, which can be either due to sinus congestion or just sheer anxiety. Horses tend to be their own worst enemies -- they overwork their bodies constantly and push their physique to the breaking point time and time again.

Horse persons expend so much energy that they need to constantly replenish their energy source, and the ideal diet with which to do just that would include veal, fresh fish, brown rice, lentils and other legumes, walnuts, olives, onions, lettuce, cauliflower, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, bananas, and dried apricots. Horses should beware of salt and alcohol in excessive amounts. They should also remember to get plenty of rest, and stay adequately hydrated throughout their daily round of activities.