Äâàäöàòü øåñòü äíåé èç æèçíè Äîñòîåâñêîãî. Mosfilm

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1:48"Trouble does not come alone" - this Russian proverb is so true.
1:53Poor Fyodor Mihalych: he had barely finished the funeral of his wife when his brother passed away...
2:01Plus, he is deeply in debt, he owes to everyone.
2:07He can not even afford to pay for his appartment - so he keeps taking his belongings to pawnbrokers.
2:14And what about the contract with the publisher Stilovkiy? - Oh, the publisher is a such a schemer, such a cunning speculator - he came up with this contract,
2:23Fyodor Mihalych might have as well gotten himself into peonage, instead of signing it!
2:29If Fyodor Mihalych does not finish his novel by the 1-st of November, Stilovsky for 9 years is going to publish the newly written Dostoevskiy's works, not paying a penny to the writer!
2:39There is no way we shall let this happen!
2:43And what about him and Ms. Suslova ?
2:46Apollinaria? She is somewhere abroad, they say...
2:49Gentlemen, we should recommernd Fyodor Mihalych to hire a stenographer from the new school of Mr. Olhin, to enhance his speed!
2:56Stenography is the latest invention: you dictate a text and a stenographer writes it down for you.
3:02Good idea!
3:16Fyodor Mihalych, allow me kindly!
3:19Yes, please..
3:22Are you having tea, my dear Sir?
3:25Yes, tea..I like tea...
3:28Decided to go out and clear my head...
3:31And me, Im having some, hm...
3:34Could you kindly satisfy my curiosity, what is the writing of your choice currently? is it a novel?
3:40Yes, a novel.
3:43Has to be done by November 1?
3:49In order to avoid peonage, huh?
3:53The success of your endeavor is highly unlikely, though...
3:58Pardon me?
4:01Unlikely, Sir! Mr Stilovky is going to con you, surely, most certainly he will con you!
4:08How do you know, who are you?
4:11I serve, rather I rot at the office of that evil publisher of yours, Stilovsky.
4:17Oh, his office
4:20He is going to con you!
4:23What can he do...
4:26I don't know what exactly, but I sense foul play, I have a bad feeling.He is hishonest and greedy.. A godless man he is... Protect yourself!
4:33How do I protect myself... Can you really protect yourself from human dishonesty, villainy?...
4:39True enough, Fyodor Mihalych, Sir..
4:43Will you give me a hint, what is the novel about? I'll tell my grandchildren!
4:49I'd rather not..
4:53I am hardly progressing with my work. Can't get it together...
5:00HELP! Help me! Police! Help!
5:22Pollia.. Pollina! Apollinaria!!
5:54I am sorry. I mistook you for someone else. My fault...
7:06Everything has changed, after these few days; I gave my heart away at once, without any resistance. Without any hope that I may be loved.
7:15And I did, I did know that you'ld fall in love with someone else. But never again, do you hear me, NEVER will you find another heart like mine, no matter how long you live.
7:44You, Fedya, are not going to be happy either!
7:48How so?
7:51As if you don't know it yourself! Because you savour your own turmoil and turmoil of others, as if it is candy!
8:00Hm.. I am as lonely as a stone cast away to the side of the road. I seem to be destined to torture everyone I love and to suffer...
8:34Hello, I came to see Dostoevskiy
8:41Come in.
8:50Please, go ahead!
9:08I am Snitkina. Anna Grigorievna.
9:14 I was sent by Mr. Olhin!
9:20 I'm here to see Mr. Dostoevskiy!
9:24I am Dostoevkiy.
9:27Please, come in.
10:12Please take a seat.
10:30Have you been doing stenography for a while?
10:37Half a year.
10:41And does your teacher have many students?
10:45He used to, in the beginning; but now there are around 20 students left.
10:50We have this situation in every new business. Who wants to exert themselves?
10:57I hope your teacher, Mr. Olhin, has warned you about my conditions? 50 roubles for your work.
11:05My circumstances are such, Ekaterina Grigorievna, that..
11:14- Anna. - Pardon? - Anna Grigorievna.
11:20I am sorry. I am not quite well, that is why my memory is horrible, Fedosiya, we need some tea!
11:30I will dictate to test you.
11:34So, let's try this one, for example: "just recently the newspapers have informed that a runaway from a labour camp..."
11:45Please, not so fast.
11:50Go ahead, transfer it into regular wtiting
12:01Everything is so very, very slow with you.. It's intolerable!..
12:07It is not making any sense... What's with me! I won't compose 10 pages in four weeks!
12:14And I have never worked with a stenographer lady, too! I don't know. Don't know.
12:31Mr Dostoevskiy, I will not hold it against you, if our work is not going to take place!
12:37There you go, now you are offended.
12:40And I was looking forward to working with a GIRL stenographer, not a man..
12:46Do you know why?
12:50Because all this would have driven a MAN to start drinking. I hope you will not start drinking, will you?
12:55Be assured, Mr. Dostoevskiy, be assured that I will not start drinking!
13:26Dear Anna, please wait! Why are you leaving, Anna Grigorievna?
13:29I am not his servant! Nor am I a printing press! To be terrorized like this!
13:33It is Dostoevskiy HIMSELF!
13:36I do not care a bit for his celebrity status!
13:39I am a WOMAN, be so kind to consider it, dear Sir!
13:42Why blame me Anna Grigorievna!
13:45Look how hot-headed you are! What about all those great plans and projects you spoke of, remember?
13:52Yes, yes! Don't laugh at me.
13:57I went there to meet a God! I went there to express my adoration of his talent!
14:02I dreamt of becoming his helper, but he....
14:06Misha, you should have seen him: what a mean, grim, impolite man! I'm over with all this!
15:34And I know who you are. Yes, I do. Somebody can't wait to see you!
15:52It is good, good that you are here..
15:57The other day I was being difficult and annoying. Those were bilious moments of mine. Just bilious moments, nothing more. And my forever ruined nerves..
16:10Let me get your coat.
16:25Do you smoke?
16:30ME? Not only do I NOT smoke, but also I don't like to see any lady smoking!
16:39That's right! It is not nice for a lady to smoke. I've been saying this forever. A lady with a cigarette, what can be more disgusting?
16:51Who wants to kiss her, afterwards?
16:55So, you are ready, Ekaterina Grigorievna. - ANNA, Fyodor Mikhailovich, my name is Anna Grigorievna!
17:03Pardon me? - Oh, forgive me.. Anna, Grigorievna.. ANNA GRIGORIEVNA! What repelling forgetfulness!
17:16So, you are ready, Anna Grigorievna...
17:26Oh, Fedosiya, thank you! It is always the first thing to do before anything else - to have some tea. Enjoy!
17:39By the way, how old are you, Anna Grigorievna?
17:42Nine.. Hm.. Twenty.
17:47Oh, what baby age! You probably have not even read anything of mine yet?
17:55Me.. The fist time.. When I rang you doorbell.. I right away recognized the door bell from the "Crime", remember, when Raskolnikov visits the old lady?
18:03I do remember, I do..
18:07Fyodor Michailovich, can I ask you a question?
18:12Yes, darling, certainly you can!
18:16When are you going to continue publishing the "Crime and the Punishment"?
18:21The "Crime"? I'm afraid to make plans
18:24When Svidligailov comes to visit Raskolnikov - it worries me - Svidrigailov is not a good man.
18:33Oh, you feel sorry for a murderer?
18:36Yes, I do. Being a murderer, he is somehow so miserable at the same time.
18:42You are so right about that! The truth can be found only through misery. His tragedy is in his misery.
18:47His tragedy is in being aware of evolution and development, but facing the impossibility to achieve it.
19:05This is a Russian, a truly Russian tragedy.
19:10So, the young generation talks about me sometimes?
19:14Don't you doubt, Fyodor Mihkailovich, my friends and I discuss you every evening!
19:19Your Raskolnikov threw us all completely off balance! We can't wait for the continuation!
19:23- It will be a long wait... Cirmumstances.. Stilovskiy..By the 1st of November... Gold is more important then soul... Bandit....
19:36Have you ever been abroad, at a mineral water resort? -No...
19:43Then , this will be interesting for you, because the story that we are going to write, my darling Anna Grigorievna, is taking place at a mineral water reosrt somewhere abroad.
19:54Aleksey Ivanovish, our main character, is of unique, spontaneous, multifaceted nature; but everything is uncertain with him, he is too disappointed in life to struggle and achieve.
20:09But the main thing is that he is pouring all of his his lifeblood, all of his strength, into a roulette.
20:15He is a GAMBLER.
20:18I've come to see you, papa! What lowlife is this pawnshop owner. Such minimal sum he gave me for the vase!
20:28I'll keep a few notes for myself, I need some money urgently.
20:31Enough, shush! Why making it public?
20:35Oh, pardon, pardon!
20:38Pavel Issayev, my stepson. Anna Grigorievna Snitkina
20:44But she is so young!
20:49Well, as you may see... What a shame!
20:52I live like a beggar, fighting against my debts, like Laoco;n against serpents.
20:58However the public is convinced that Russian writes are ALL rich!
21:04I wish I could volunteer to go to a labor camp for as many years, to pay all my debts and be free...
21:11All this despite that my name is worth a million! Forgive me for boasting.
21:15My God, you have managed to survive through so much trouble.
21:20Generally, a human being's vitality is profound.
21:24And Russians have always had 2 complaints: poverty and unhappy love.
21:36Oh, this damned novel, I am so tired of it already, having not started it yet..
21:42Oh…Dear Sirs, we, Russian citizens are condenmed…
21:49Tell me something, you must have hated the idea of coming here today, admit it! I am angry at myself, at my shortcomings so much, that I want to criticize myself in writing!
22:15Don’t you abandon me now, Anna Grigorievna, I’m finished without you altogether.
22:43By the way, …
23:00Anna Grigorievna!! Anya! This way we’ll be late everywhere!
23:10But listen, what a thought this is, hear it out!
23:14“And the Russians not only can’t build a capital, but also they can’t spend it in any any other manner besides some wasteful and outrageous one.
23:22However, we, the Russians, need money too, like anybody else.
23:26But who knows what is more unappetizing: Russian outrage or the German method of earning money through hard and devoted labour.”
23:34What is this? What a wild Slavonic idea it is!
23:38"’What a disgusting idea!’ - the General exclaimed - ‘Such a Russian thought this is!’ - exclaimed the Frenchman”’
23:44-Who wrote it? - Dostoevsky!
23:48I don’t understand! What did he lure you in with? What made you change your mind?
23:55I don’t really know. I meant to reject his job offer in person. And when I saw him - I just couldn't do it.
24:03Oh, well.. I don’t know.. It seems so strange. Who cares about this Dostoevskiy, anyway.
24:12What about you and I?
24:17Misha, don‘t rush it, please. We have to finish this novel by the 1st of November, let me get it done first, and then…
24:25Hmm.. I don’t know.. I am growing to hate this novel. Please, just take a look at yourself!
24:32Even your fingers have become rough from the work! You are way too thin now, and so pale...
24:39This Dostoevskiy must be a mean person! YOU said he was mean!
24:44- No, he isn't mean. - What is he like, then?
24:47I’m not sure… He’s lonely… He is unhappy… He is old… Yes, really old - over 40! He’s already 45, I think…
25:02I will have a talk with him. I’ll demand him to speed up his writing. I can’t wait much longer, I’m tormented by the delay…
25:18Anyway, what is he composing now?
25:24I don’t even know how to put it. It is a novel about a certain man.. A very miserable and misguided man..
25:33Everything takes place at a mineral water resort, abroad, there is a roulette you know, they gamble with gold.
25:41There is a Russian family, they hire a teacher, Aleksey Ivanovich.
25:48He is in love. Madly in love with General’s step-daughter. And she tortures him. An arrogant and heartless woman.
26:22At last! Good day! Have you written it down? Let’s see, let’s see..
26:33Oh, no… This is nonsense! The story is hastily made up, it’s cheating, what nonsense!
26:42Last night I realized what my main mistake was. Here is the dramatic change: I will write about myself, start all over again with “I”! Me! Only me!
26:55Correct this.
27:03Well, let’s proceed. “I did hate her. I. Yes, I did hate her.
27:09There were moments, when I felt I could give half of my life away just to choke her dead.
27:23I swear, If it was just possible for me to slowly put a sharp knife through her chest, I would have grabbed on to this knife with enjoyment!
27:36However, I swear by all the holiest there is in the world, all the holiest...
27:48- Fyodor Mikhailych! - Pardon?
27:52What have you interrupted me for?…
27:58Forgive me, Fyodor Mikhailych.. But what is her name? You keep saying her, she…
28:11What? Haven’t I told you? Strange… Pollina! Her name is POLLINA! What else can it be? Pollina….
28:28Pollina, I know one thing only: I must win!
28:31You consider the roulette to be your only solution and salvation?
28:34 - Yes, I do - What do you need money for?
28:37Money is everything. With money even I will become a different person in your eyes, you won’t see me as a slave any more!
28:44- You said, you find pleasure in being my slave, don’t you? - I find pleasure in YOU.
28:51You overwhelm me, you suppress me. As soon as I recollect or imagine the noise you skirt makes, I feel like I could rip my arms apart with my own teeth!
29:01Go ahead, take advantage of this slavery. You are laughing?
29:05No, I am not laughing at all. I command you to shut up!
29:10Well? How do you like my Pollina?
29:13Seems to be mean…
29:16She is not a happy person…
29:19Because he, who demands to be given everything, while freeing himself from any responsibility, is never going to be happy.
29:28Oh, my God! How terribly she tormented me..
29:36Am I to write this down, too?
29:39Oh, no, no, don’t! Forgive me, Anna Grigorievna!
29:43Please, write down the following though of the narrator, Aleksey Ivanovich:
29:48“She paused, hyperventilating from anger. I have no idea whether she was a good looking woman or not...
29:59I have always enjoyed watching her pause this way. Watching her pause THIS way…
30:11Are you a coward?
30:14I don’t know, I haven’t thought about such things in a while,
30:18If I told you to kill this man, would you kill him?
30:22- Who, the Frenchman? - Don’t question, just answer me!
30:26- I would kill anybody you command me to! - Right. How could you?
30:30You are nothing more then a big mouth. Listen, go and win some money for me at the roulette..
30:36... - as much money as you can, I need it urgently. - Correct, Correct!
30:40And what does Pollina need the money so urgently for?
30:46- Do you not understand? - No, I don’t!
30:49Let’s go have some tea; there is this Frenchman, De Grier;
30:52a shallow and low-minded De Grier!
30:55Her dream is to throw the money into her ex-lover's face!
31:00You see, how things are intertwined here? That is why she is pushing Aleksey Ivanovich to play the roulette.
31:08You make him seem pathetic..
31:11He LOVES her!
31:14So what if he loves her? What about his pride?
31:20A loving person, does not rationalize, not any more.
31:23And the roulette… It is hell… It is a labour camp sweat-shop.
31:29It is a whirlpool, it drags you, it sucks you in! I am a passionate man..
31:35- You mean you used to gamble? - Oh, yes!
31:39Last year, in Baden, I created my own system! Immediately I won 10 thousand Franks!
31:55Then, I started loosing, stopped controlling myself and lost everything.... And I came there to save all of us and to help myself out…
32:12Hard, damned times…
32:51- Will he lose? - It’s a secret!
32:56However, if not today, then tomorrow he will be out of luck.. He is a gambler, you see, he is condemned
33:02How about yourself?
33:05I would be condemned, if I didn't have to write. Who is going to write all this for me?
33:11It is… So funny.. The way you put it..
33:15Lately I have not been well at all. Fantastically not well!
33:21Especially the evenings are so lonely. I keep wanting to walk out of this house, but the scariest thing in human life is when there is nowhere to go.
33:33What are YOU busy with in the evenings, Anna Grigorievna?
33:38I don’t know, Fyodor Mihalych.. I just live my life..
33:44What is YOUR version of “live my life’?
33:49Do you have ideals, goals, or you just spend your time without yearning, without fateful thinking?
33:56No! I do have thinking, yearning and ideals in my life!
34:04Well, great, if it’s so!
34:08Please don’t come late tomorrow, Anna Grigorievna, I can’t work without you any more, and mailing the novel through the horse-carriage post takes time..
35:35I have been writing with such ease this night! This way we will finish in time, right, Anna Grigorievna?
35:43I would like to!
35:45As soon as we finish, by the 1-st of November, we’ll get it on the carriage to be delivered to Stilovskiy’s office.
35:52“Be so kind to receive it, dear Sir, Mr. Stilovky, bandit that you are, murderer!”
35:57And then- freedom!
36:00How little sometimes a person needs to be happy…
36:05And you, have you ever been happy, Anna Grigorievna?
36:09Very much so, Fyodor Mihalych, I have.
36:14When Olhin picked me out of all his students to work with you, I has so happy, that I stayed awake all night, couldn't shut my eyes even for a moment…
36:24And in the morning I dumbfounded you!
36:28I have never been happy yet, myself…
36:31However.. Not true, not true! I have been! Once..
36:37- You know, when? - No, I don’t. When?
36:43I had only 5 minutes left to live.
36:47We had already been clad in cerement, the first three were tied to the polls.
36:53I was number 8 in the 3rd row, in 2-3 minutes the two rows would have been shot and then - our turn.
37:03How much I wanted to live THEN. How much I wanted to LIVE!
37:14And then, I felt a strong desire to relive everything once again and have a very very long life..
37:14How precious lives seemed to me, how much good would I have done! I remembered all my past; all the time wasted..
37:38And then, I felt a strong desire to relive everything once again and have a very very long life..
37:45And all of a sudden - RELEASE! My comrades were untied, taken off the polls, lead away from the site, and a new sentence was announced.
37:55. I was to be sent to a labor camp for 4 years. How happy I was then!!!
38:01Anna Grigorievna, what’s wrong?
38:04Retired Lieutenant Dostoevskiy?
38:07I am Dostoevskiy. How may I help you?
38:13Deputy Bailiff of the Third Unit, Mr. Urlov the Second.
38:17Start, dear brother, don’t waste my time!
38:25There you go! Still writing, Mr. Dostoevskiy? Still making things up?
38:33- But, Mr. Orlov, .. - Urlov! Urlov the Second!
38:38Sorry, Mr. Urlov the Second, but even though I am subjected to police surveillance, currently there are no grounds..
38:46Well, the grounds are always there! Especially if you continue neglecting your financial duties!
38:55- Whom to? How?
38:57Yes, neglecting your duties, please stop arguing! How is the evaluation going?
39:05 - You got this statuette at Dotsiar, right? - Yes, yes, at Dotsiar.
39:09 - Curiously, how much was it? - I think, 150, I don’t remember.
39:14Oh, you have been conned.. It is worth maximum 50 roubles..
39:20Will you explain to me, finally, what is going on here?!
39:25The following is going on here, my dear Sir:
39:28Mr. Stilovskiy with whom you've signed a contract, filed a complaint at our Unit;
39:35if you do not pay back his loan immediately, you are to be sent to debtor’s prison, and your property is to be sold by auction.
39:47 - How is is possible.. To prison? - To prison!!
39:52Have you no shame?! Have you no shame? You are a Russian man!
39:56Do you not see, WHO is before your eyes? He is the Dostoevskiy!!
40:00And he does not owe anything to Stilovskiy, it is a lie!
40:04He is getting blind from all this work! He will finish the novel by the 1st of November, he’ll throw it in his face!!
40:09He is all alone, so you hoped nobody will defend him? Stilovskiy wants to make a permanent PEON out of him!
40:14 - Madam, I was not aware of all this.. - He owns it, it’s his property! His property! You have no right, I know it, your actions are illegal!
40:20What a cheat! He even wanted to con ME! Why are you still here? Get out!
40:25Watch him closely, don’t let him take advantage of you!
40:28Madam, take my advice: bring the novel to our unit, we will register it, against receipt!
40:41Look at you… Look what you are! With you I shall not fear anyone any more!
40:59Let’s work, Fyodor Mihalych?
41:03Yes.. No… I can’t! I just can’t… How torturous this life is…
41:08He sends a bailiff here, the robber he is..
41:12Right! The pub’s Marmeladov, he is a thousand times right! It is a conspiracy.
41:17They're digging a grave for me.. They are…
41:23Nine more years at a new labor camp!! God… Nine years as a peon….
41:35No one can help me, there is no protection! Where should I run to?!
41:41Fyodor Mihalych, stop it! Really! What cowardice!
41:45How embarrassing! Sit down now! Take a seat!
41:51-How many days are in this month? -31.
41:56So, we have 16 more days and 3 full pages converted to text already!
42:02No…No, we won’t make it. Won’t make it!
42:06We will, we will make it! We’ll be working all through the night, and we’ll make it!
42:13Stilovsky can't wait to get you so nervous and upset that you quit working, all to HIS befnefit!
42:19But you, on the 1st of November will show up at his office: “there you go, dear Sir, please receive the novel, the murderer that you are!”
42:28My fate has not been kind enough for me to receive much of true sympathy, not enough…
42:38Anna Grigorievna..
42:4116 days, Fyodor Michalych. 16 days only.
42:53“I have told you, I can’t gamble for others, especially for you. I have warned you about the failure!"
43:00 - Why are you so happy? Glad you’ve lost my money? - What did you give it to me for, so that I lose it?
43:07I can hardly be lucky gambling with my own money! Why do you need so much money, anyway?
43:12- You want to know? I am in debt. I owe money. - To the Frenchman? - How dare you!
43:19Do you see this fat Baroness? She is Baroness Wolberger. I want to have a good laugh...
43:24 - You have to walk up to her, take your hat off, and say something in French! - What for?
43:38- I want to see how her husband is going to hit you with his cane! - Are you challenging me? - Yes!
43:48Go ahead, I want it so!
44:08 - Why are you laughing? - Forgive me, Fyodor Mihalych, you make them talk so funny!
44:21Well-well, papa! You are simply a Don Juan!
44:27A C;ladon! Another message! Perfumed!
44:31I bet it is from Apollinariys Suslova, from your seductress! Look, how persistant she is!
45:07My God, my God, how much longer?...
45:29- Oh, papa is upset! Hope nothing is going to happen. - And what CAN happen?
45:35Don’t you know? Convulsions! He’ll start saying something very fast, then will scream and fall on the floor.
45:44I don’t understand.
45:48Leave now.
45:52A kid, a fop, but I still love him. Love him despite what he is.
45:57Allright, let’s continue. Where did we stop?
46:02“So, now you deal with it!”
46:06Go on, go on..
46:09It is Pollina. All of this is Pollina.
46:13I can’t recollect, I can’t understand, what is so good about her.
46:19Well, there is something good about her looks.. I guess…
46:27Shouldn't there be a reason why other men are so crazy about her too?
46:37Tall and slender, actually very thin, it seems to me that all her body can be tied in a knot, or folded right in the middle.
47:02Her foot in very narrow and long, painfully so. Yes, painfully!
47:13About 4 months ago, in a hall, she was having a conversation with De Grier, a long and intense conversation. This was the moment I fell in love.
47:38THIS was the evening I fell in love with her.
47:45Oh, there is pleasure…Hm.. Oh, there is a certain pleasure in the last degree of humuliation and nothingness.
48:06Who knows, maybe there is some pleasure in a whip, when the whip touches your back and tears your flash into pieces.
48:22AND TEARS YOUR FLASH.. Why are you not writing?!
48:33I won’t!
48:35- I don’t understand..
48:38Because this is disgusting.
48:42What’s with you, Anna Grigorievna?
48:46Yes, yes, this is disgusting, rotten, filthy! Her and him.. And her…
48:52How dare you! Who are you to tell me, ME?
48:58Still, I won’t write it! I won’t! I won’t…
49:04But what’s wrong with you? Anna Grigorievna!
49:08How can you love like this? How can you? This is not LOVE!
49:14You have no idea what is LOVE! You have no idea…
49:21Even if she is a loose, low down, primitive woman, you will be forced love her looseness, her primitiveness.
49:38You will be disgusted of her filthy nature but still will be forced to love this filth…
49:44You will do anything, you will cross all the limits of how much you can take, you will go beyond, beyond…
49:51It is too late.. I have to go home…
49:56How can you go alone at such late hour? Let me see you off!
50:01- No, I am not afraid. - Mistakenly not afraid, mistakenly!
50:05Our Peterburg nights are dangerous!
50:08I was walking recently, along the river, there were 3 well dressed gentlemen, walking out of the Dussault restataunt,
50:14they see a woman, one of those… who walk at nights .. hm.. To earn money.
50:25The gentlemen were not drunk, not at all!
50:29They even were having quite a sublime conversation, probably, quoting poetry;
50:40being so elated, they faced this heavily made up, worn-out woman and got filled with such unprecedented disgust,
50:52so in contrast with how unusually righteous they fancied themselves to be, that all 3 of them, all 3 starting pushing her and spitting at her face!
51:06Anna Grigorievna, Anna Grigorievna!!!!
51:11Mama!!! No, please, let me go! I want to leave! Let go off me!!!
51:19- My baby, what’s wrong? My little girl, wake up! What’s wrong?
51:26Mama? Mama, you are here! God, what a scary dream!
51:32Oh my God, you are burning up!
51:45 - I am from Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, she asked me to deliver this work. - Where is SHE?
51:50- She is ill. Good-bye.
53:01- Ladies and Gentlemen, Dostoevskiy is here.
53:05 - Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. - Hello, Fyodor Mihalych.
53:11-I know too well, what caused your illness. I told you so much nonsense yesterday, but it was unintentional, God knows!
53:18Don’t judge me, please.. My head is all fogged up, my heart is filled with worrisome presentiment.
53:24Don’t you take me that seriously, how could you let wretched me affect the way you feel!
53:29 - Meet: My dear friend Liza, my mama, Anna Nikolavna, - Very happy to meet you! - Mr. Komarovich, a medical student, Mr Korytin, a writer...
53:38We have met! The year 1862, in West Baden, on the waters. The roulette, remember?
53:43Unfortunately, I don’t. I am not quite well; forgive my bad memory, it has deteriorated. Please, go on playing, go ahead!
53:50You must be the babysitter for those adorable children..
53:53 - Not a all, Sir! We had met at the house of the infamous emansipe, Ms. Suslova, Apollinaria, you know!
54:03- I don know. I don’t remember… Maybe…
54:07Ladies and Gentlemen, some tea? Help yourselves with some pastry!
54:15Can you tell me something, please. You have been prisoner at a labour camp, right? You suffered in hope of betterment of people‘s lives,
54:23- That’s right, you have had your hands in chains unjustly, yet with these same hands you dared smear the young students of Russia through your Raskolnikov!
54:31I am aware of it. He is so right! So well-spoken too..
54:36Well, let me find out, at least, since we are raising this subject, what do you destine your Raskolnikov to?
54:43Yes, Fyodor Mihalych, tell us! We even have formed parties in my family: my brother stands for the idea that he is going to flee to America, my sister…
54:52No, not America. He is going to come to misery, to GREAT suffering!
54:57If he has enough strength in his soul then he will repent, if not, he will perish. - What suffering are you talking about?
55:04He is an ordinary student, like all of us, but why would I kill? What could make ME a murderer?
55:12Enormous money? I have no need for bloody money! Love? I have no need for such love, do you understand? I have no need for such love!
55:25I won’t even kill to save my own life!
55:31- Who is he? - He has proposed to marry me.
55:37Proposed?! You… And you must love him, right? You must…
55:46What a nice speaker you are, brilliantly put! But, believe me, I am not your enemy.
55:52My dearest hopes are connected with YOU! With our young generation!
55:57I am looking forward to a Russia of decent, honest people!
56:02The greatness of a human is in his ability to defeat the evil within himself! I see it and I know it, people can be FAIR and HAPPY!
56:12I refuse, I can’t believe that evil is a natural state of mind of people. You need the truth, right? Pure, unmasked, uflavoured truth, right?
56:20So I do proclaim, that we are filled not only with horrifying philandering but also with youthful quest and with honesty!
56:27The people are vulgar, unsightly, sinful, but when the right time comes, you will be astonished by the greatness and freedom of their spirit!
56:36Everybody will suffer and go through misery for the sake of the TRUTH!
56:50Holy Godmother! You are so kind! Please, see how hard it is for him to live in this world.
56:58Please see, how tortured he is, how much his own troubles and troubles of others torment his heart.
57:06Peace, I beg you, give him at least a little peace… And love… Save him and protect him.. Save and Protect..
57:17They are not available, they have gone out. Got up as dark as a cloud and left…
57:25But you come in, Anna Grigorievna, they must be back soon.
57:41Having walked to my chamber and opened the door, I saw a figure in the dark, comma, sitting in the corner, comma, on the chair. I gasped: it was Pollina.
58:06-You are HERE? At my place? If I arrive somewhere, then I’m THERE, in one piece - it’s a habit I have. Light the candle!
58:16Oh, he was a different person, completely different… How much would I enjoy throwing these 50 thousand into his vile face!!
58:29Bravo! Bravo! You should perform in a theater. Where is papa?
58:40 - Fyodor Michalych is out. - Where is he? I need him urgently!
58:47 - Oh, well… You tell papa that I took the vase. - I don’t understand!
58:57 - You tell papa that I took the vase! - Put the vase back!
59:02- What? - I'm telling you to put the vase back where it belongs!
59:09 - What sort of a fantasy is this? What is your business here? Who are you here?
59:17- I’m telling you to put the vase back! - Let me go! I am in a hurry!
59:24 - Put the vase back! - Will you excuse me!
59:29Listen, I’m not going to consider that you a lady! What impudence!
59:37Who are you? A stenographer, almost a servant! And I have the right. Yes, this is my right.
59:46 - So I am a stenographer, so I am a nobody. But you, - what?
59:52- You rob this man shamelessly! You took his fur coat to the pawn shop, and he has a cough! In cold and damp weather!
60:02You are going to kill him, at the same time you are not even worthy to kiss his hand!
60:09He is the kindest, the saddest, the best person in the world, he needs to be protected from everything, and you..
60:19 - Give me the vase! - Who allowed you?! - I am going to hit you!
60:29What is it? What’s happening?
60:33As you see, the vase is broken. All her fault. And you wanted me to sell it so you could pay her, the 50 roubles! Ok, I have to go now.
60:54Listen Anna Grigorievna, in my dare circumstances of which you know well, I depend on you fully. Still, I don’t give you the right to yell at my family! And this vase..
61:12..I didn’t know.. I..
61:21Why people lack tact.. With all the creditors I have to work like a dog fearing to be hit by a stick.. I come home, and find no peace..
61:35 - Mr. Dostoevsky! - Don’t you dare yell at me! - I will, I WILL!!
61:50- Poor vase… - I didn't know …
62:00Please, stop, it dear.. Anna Grigorievna. I know all the sick and bad features of my character, but I also know that I can’t hurt somebody undeserved.
62:26No, no.. Anna Grigorievna, I don’t want to lose your heart. I don’t..
62:41Oh.. why.. why did you… throw your coat like this? I’ll go hang it.
63:57Where have we stopped?
64:06I approached quickly and looked. I gasped: it was Pollina. -You are HERE? At my place? If I arrive somewhere, then I’m THERE, in full person - it’s a habit I have. Light the candle!
64:18How could you have fallen in love with this man, this Frenchman DeGrier? Do you want me to kill him at a duel?
64:26Pollina, give me only one hour, I’ll be back! Wait here, right here! I’ll be back, it’s critical!
65:26! Pollina!!! I won 200000 Franks! Here, 50 thousand, tomorrow you can throw it in DeGrier’s face!
65:45 - I won’t take your money. - How…What? Pollina, why? - I don’t accept gifts
66:03Amazing. How wrong was I! I was so wrong, she is trembling now, there is tension as if a string is about to break in her heart!
66:12 - Read me the last phrases! - “I won’t take your money”, she said in disgust.
66:19"How, why, Pollina? I offer it to you as a friend! I offer my life to you!” - Aleksey Ivanovich exclained.
66:29Go on, write!
66:32I offer it to you as a friend! I offer my life to you!
66:40A high price.. A mistress of DeGrier is not worth 50 thousand Franks!
66:46Pollina, how can you say this to me! I am not DeGrier!
66:51- Do you understand? - No, I don’t understand. - It’s fine, you don’t have to. Go on writing!
66:58I hate you! Yes, yes! I dislike you more, then DeGrier.
67:05Buy, me if you want, you… Go ahead! Like DeGrier did, for 50 thousand Franks! Buy me, go ahead!
67:16- Go on, Fyodor Mihalych, go on!
67:21- I could not think about anything anymore. I could not hear anything, I got dizzy,
67:29You DO love me, you do.. My darling.. My faithful…You won’t stop loving me!
67:46"I could not hear anything.." Oh, how much I hate her! … " I got dizzy.. "
67:54And in the morning...
68:00Now, give me my 50 thousand!
68:06-Now I’ve earned it, right? - It was yours to begin with, here!
68:15Take your 50 thousand Franks back!
68:53Anna Grigorievna, will it be all over since the novel is completed?
69:03It’s not possible to avoid coming across the people you know…
69:11True. I am starting a new novel, my dear Anna Grigorievna.
69:16 - And what about the “Crime and the Punishment“? - The hell with the “Crime”!
69:23I have a new novel in my head. It is about one artist. He is not a young man, like myself.
69:30He is a sickly man, he is bad tempered, all because the turmoil he has had in his life. He is poor.
69:43He used to be in love, but he has never been loved.
69:49He worked hard, suffered, was tormented, and, unexpectedly, at the most critical time of his life, he met a girl of your age.
70:00A pure and beautiful creature, a contemporary of the young people today, this woman could save the world.
70:20What is your opinion: is it possible that a young girl, so different from him in age and personality, could fall in love with my artist?
70:33Please, don’t answer now!
70:38Remember, he is gloomy, unattractive, gravely ill, he has bad luck, but he has a lot of potential.
70:45He is so poor that he can’t even pay his models.
70:51. Excuse me, I’ll be back in a second.
71:19 - Hello! - Hello…
71:24 - Don’t you recognize me? - No, I don’t.
71:32Don’t you?!
72:03Forgive me, Anna Grigorievna. Don’t answer my question now. Think about it, until tomorrow.
72:12Please, think about it. Tell me tomorrow.
72:20Are you Apollonov? Fyoddor Timofeich could not wait much longer.
72:26What Apollonov? I am Dostoevsky, a writer. Here is the novel, as was agreed.
72:33 - You need to see Stilovskiy, then. - Yes, please, ask him to come here.
72:40 - Not possible! - What do you mean, not possible?
72:46 - He left two days ago. He left Peterburg. - What do you mean, left Peterburg? - I don’t know the details.
72:57He stabbed me. Stabbed to death.
73:03 - And what if.....?
73:17Fyodor Mihalych! Oh, God, it’s all your will… Fyodor Mihalych, dearest!
73:28! I told you, he’s going to con you, I told you!
73:41 - Misha? What are you doing here? - I was just passing by..
73:50Anya, I beg you, don’t go to him. Please, wait! Don’t you see it, he is pursuing you!
73:59 - How can you, Misha.. I don’t even let myself think about it. - There you go, you just revealed yourself!
74:08 - Anna Grigorievna, if you go up there it’s gonna be the end, you hear me, the end! - We’ll talk about it later.
74:15There is not going to be “later”, this is it, this is it!! You go ahead, go to him, go to HIM!
74:29 - He is right. Go to him. - I am not going anywhere.
74:35 - Why have’t you delivered the novel?! - He fled. Stilovsky fled.
74:42 - It is the 31-st today, you see? Everything is ruined. Destroy all this nonsense, get rid of it! - Give it to me!!
74:50You are a ridiculous man.
75:08What is your matter?
75:11Officer, Sir, here we give you the novel of the writer Dostoevskiy, please register it, as given to you on the 31-st of October 1866.
75:18I just don’t know, it is an intricate matter. I have never had a case like this. You have to see higher authorities for this.
75:35How can this be? Mr. Urlov the Seond has visited us at home and asked to let you know that it is his initiative.
75:43Urlov the Second… strange. In this case, please wait until tomorrow!
75:49Officer, it must done today, on the 31-st of October 1866! I beg you, please, I will drop on my knees before you!
75:59Please, Madam, don’t worry so much, ok, let me have it! Hm.. Dostoevskiy. Gambler. Novel.
76:12By the way, who are you to him?
76:16Me?... I am....
76:23I am....
76:30I am his wife.
76:38The Crime and the Punishment
76:42Anechka, where have we stopped? Read it to me, my darling.
76:48Siberia. On the bank of a broad deserted river, there is a city, one of the administrative centers of Russia.
76:58There is a fortress in the city, and there is a prison in the fortress.
77:07. Imprisoned for nine months is the exiled Rodion Raskolnikov.
77:15Exiled convict of the second degree Rodion Raskolnikov.
77:24He had no idea that the new life would be given to him nof free of charge, that it will cost him dearly. A great future feat would be the price.
77:37But it is a whole different story. This story of ours is over.