Letter 24

Антонина Тесленко
I  can honestly say... it doesnt matter... Afganistan... Vietnam.. it doesnt matter.. mountains.. winter... jungles.. it doesnt matter .. we  arent trained to be  jungle  fighters or mountains fighters..it just doesnt matter.. we are trained to fight.. whatever the  circumstances.. we  just fight...people say  the special forces arent trained to fight in the  mountains in winter.. they,re right..HA!!!... those boys werent trained  to do ANYTHING .. I  IMAGINE WHEN  I AM WARM AND SAFE  AT NIGHT ... those boys are killing .. ther,s a fireman digging all  night..  and  there,s a green beret killing... they still wont let the  jarheads fight.. and  the 101st and the  10th got  themselves killed..  but not my boys...sll they want it warm  socks..and lots of  ammo..i had one report from a reporter with the   " boys"... it was night and they were talking lots of  fire.. he said  to the green beret leader ..." what shall we do ???" and he said  ... " we,re  going to  kill them " , matter  of factly ... and  that,s  what they did .. but we always  were a clandestine unit behind enemy lines .. getting intelligence or  a burst of killing .. then we were always in a  death  race... we ran ... we  fought..,we  survived... but we always went back ...  everything else  seemed so  mundane ..how could we  go with  the 1st  cav after that ??.... we just drove 200  miles  per hour ...  how  could we go 78 miles per hour ??? even if the 1st  cav thinks 78 is very fast... we lived on the edge....
  I have told you that we  would never leave anyone behind...  but i,m so proud.. they were all cowboys.. they got themselves in a tight spot.. but they all died trying to retrieve their dead comrad.. i,m  so proud... HA!!!... it was a f... navy SEAL ...the f.. 10th  mountain...  and that  chopper pilot .. i love that guy.. he,s dead..but i love him...  but i wonder ,, how did they  all get  group... moved up there  and killed and killed...  cleaned up the mess...