A letter to English friends

Дмитрий Саврацкий
HERE IS  the photo of thanksgiving party, I became even slimer after intense session (you can see my thin hands on photo:holding a plates:)), and I have a five more intencive days in front of me.
from monday to friday.
my dog Hildais accompanied me to my way in Uni, and was rewarded by a quite big peace of chiken, which I found for her, now she is sitting near library with me,
Shelagh it is vey precious to me that youa are wayting for my letters...I received your letter today written 14 nov12 , today is 24, yesterday was one's girl's birsday ,her name is Marina 23 y.o., she is studying with me. so I kissed her and congratulated her/ i am not very friendly with the rest of students , maybe it is an age difference

I had a dream today, telling to some one that I used to live in Boscombe, and I was feeling near the ocean, it is soooo releiving for me to be close to ocean even in my dream!!!!!
sometime I feel ashamed about Hilda's behaviour, because she is running and barking on everything that muving
bye for now
if I'll come with a new thougts I' ll write
okay... here is one young family from Brighton, I beleive that at least his vife is a protestant they are living here  in Ukraine, so I am planning to send you a parcel to uk, Joht (that is husband's name is going to uk next september...
yours Dima
on right hand from me on a photo is a man ukrainian from Gytomir, but his english is soo goood that even americans are mistaking him, thinking that he is american or eng or canadian origin
by the way there are pilgrim's figures near the bottles on the left hand side (history of thanksgiving)24 11 12
Shelagh I brought your letter to my app, and my cat which still got no name yet:)- started to smell it thinking maybe it is something to eat:)... or just a smell from different country...
no I didnt konw that Brenda and James had split out sad to know, it should be difficult for both of them...
it was kind of difficult for me to keep all my activities, feeding my my, going to uni, so, after sunset I went to my garage I gave food to 4 my chikens and one male,.sometime I was so tired that couldn do even that , I think it was just onse, basically I left food for them for the next day, and after found  a pan empty....because of darrkness i didnt see them few days, i dont sweech on because a garage is wet, so it can couse a problems with electricity.