English Club on Intenational Educational Week

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English Club on Intenational Educational Week

A Leader: Dasha Batalova, FLEX alumna, on International Exchange Visitor Programs and Travelling

Fun Fact of the Day: “The state of Alaska is 429 times larger than the state of Rhode Island, but Rhode Island has a significantly larger population than Alaska” (theeconomiccollapseblog.com).
1. What is an “international exchange visitor program”? What do you think are the main goals of international exchange programs? Do these programs affect international relationships across the world? Do you know anyone who is currently studying or used to study abroad? What experiences have they shared with you?
2. Would you like to go abroad on an exchange program? Why or why not? If so, where would you like to go? What else would you do while studying abroad? Do you think it is hard to get used to life in another country? If you were an exchange student, what do you think would be the easiest and hardest issues to cope with?
3. Why do people like studying abroad? Does studying in another country give them any advantages for their future lives? Why might international students want to study in Ukraine? How do they differ from host country citizens?
4. Do you think that people change a lot while working or studying abroad? Do you believe that their personalities change over time, or do they perhaps alter their opinions on particular issues? Why do people who have been abroad, want to make contributions to their communities? Do you think they can make a difference in their home countries?
5. Who are “global citizens”? Do you believe that people can ever be truly global citizens? What do you think of this quote by Miriam Beard: “Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” Do you agree with this opinion?
6. Do you like traveling? What countries have you visited? Which one did you like the best? If you have lived abroad, what lessons did you learn? Have you ever thought that life in another country may be better, or rather just different? How can you compare life experiences between countries?

15-16 íîÿá 12