Conscience of America

Борис Артамонов
 The matter goes to be about some events which have become a part of the history long ago, so the events well-known and examined thoroughly. At the time of the American Civil War the president Abraham Lincoln said once: "This little women has launched the grand war". The "little woman" was implied Harriet Beecher Stowe who had written the well-known novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

      These Lincoln words one can well take for an established fact, because Linkoln was not a man who would say some nonsense publicly. And the fact was interesting very much: it indicates that the people had still a conscience. They were so outraged by slavery and maltreatment of slaves, that they preferred to be involved in the war and to fight for liberation of the slaves instead of turning a blind eye to what was happening and continue to live peacefully, as if nothing had happened.

      At the other end of the Earth, a century later, another book was written, a greater volume, which describes even more dire cases dealing with people, even more inhuman brutality and the quantity of the victims were estimated at the tens of millions. The book was written by well-known writer Solzhenitsyn and it is entitled "The Gulag Archipelago". And what was the reaction from the people, from the great bulk of the people? Surely, the pacifists could sleep in peace: no war followed. Even if the book and provoked a noble and righteous indignation, then only few people thought so. On the whole it was a reaction of pig: it grunted, farted, and went on.

      One would object to me that now it is another time. Well! Let us take others two examples from XX century. In the sixties, the people of South Vietnam fought against the Communists bursting from the north, who were already celebrated by their meanness and brutality. The army of USA gave military help to the people of South Vietnam. It seemed that all is right but the conscription was still forced, owing to the legacy of the dark past. American fellows struggled boldly against the forced conscription. The disobedience, the indignation and the resistance to the power - all this was on a mass scale. And they reached their goal. Since 1973 the forced conscription was revoked.

      And what about USSR? It was 6 year later, that is evident not enough to have an argument that other time have come and USSR brought his troops into Afghanistan with a view to killing the Mussulmans and to spreading his notorious communism, his satanic ideology. The forced conscription was still not revoked, as opposed to USA. It is not revoked up till now. Was not there a resistance from the part of Soviet fellows, was it? No it was not. The went to kill into Afghanistan submissively, as sheeps. There was no objections, no dissatisfactions. One can discount certain single instances. Somebody can say me, that it was terrible to resister against power that years. It is really, every manifestation of the conscience in the USSR was estimated as a madness, as a manifestation of the schizophrenia and somebody who refused to take part in a military aggression by reason of the personal convictions, it is most probably, he would be taken to madhouse, not to jail. But all the point is that to go in Afghanistan submissively was not more safely. Also, a resistance against power would not was a self-sacrifice, but the choice one evil of two ones. However the soviet people chose from two evils the meanest and the dirtiest.

      Now about the war in Ichkeria (Chechnya), which has placed all the points above "i" for the clarity's sake who is who, and here is the essence:  the war had proved, that the same criminals continue to run the show in Russia, who had seized power in 1917, but now they call themselves in a different way. And certain honest persons were found, who had joined the Chechen resistence and fought bravely on its side against the pro-Soviet neofascists. What were these persons from? They were from the Baltic States and West Ukraine on the whole. To say that there was not people filing sympathy for the Chechens in Russia, it would be to say an untruth. But what they could do? Could they go to Grozny, pull passersby's sleeve and ask them: "And where one recruits volunteers here to fight against the federal forces?" This way is obviously inadmissible, because one would can run into any provocation of the special services. Only one military pilot is well-known, sacrificing his own career, refusing to bomb the inhabited quarters of the city Grozny. To the point this is whom one had better to decorate with the order "Hero of Russia". But these rare exceptions only confirm the rule that in Russia the people is corrupted greatly and not only in Russia. Peoples are corrupted everywhere, where the communists had played the master. In the Baltic States and in the West Ukraine they had played the master in a lesser measure, therefore they had not time to defile so the mentality of these peoples. And in the USA the communists were never, one can explain only by this fact the honestly and the freethinking of Americans.

     What is America? This is a part of the Great European civilisation. This civilization spread outside the limits of Europe long ago. One may attribute to it the USA, Canada and even Japan which differs from Europe much more than Russia, however its people had become to be able to live like human beings. So be aware: if somebody says to you that the Russians are different and they are not ables to live like Europeans peoples do - one deceives you. If more differing Japan is able so to live, then Russia would be able too.

      And why is the European civilisation good? There were not fewer problems and it is enough possible more ones in the Middle Ages, than in other world. The answer is simple and clear: because it was found that in Europe one is able to resolve these problems and without any bloody revolutions, without any delirious ideas of the Marxism-Leninism, leading to a precipice. If somebody is not lucky or somebody doubts in it - well, attempt to live in Russia, not as a guest of honour but as an ordinary citizen. If after this you write a truthful book, then the book will bring a certain measure of a public benefit for all the humanity.

      And I have spent in Russia all my life and estimate: still the European civilisation is existing, still America which can protect it, is existing, the humanity has a hope of better and a reason for the optimism.