The Soviet Trojan Horse in Islam and the 9 11

Борис Артамонов
Once on the Russian national television was a program dedicated to the problem of extremist fascist groups in Russia today. Under the evil-minded connivance by the state, what I'm no doubt in, members of these gangs committing crimes of varying severity, including especially grave ones. Some of them arrested and sentenced to life in prison, behaved unexpectedly: they have adopteded Islam, the religion of those whom they hated and killed.

    At once I have to let know beforehand a reader about my personal belief in God, which fits quite enough with majority of the universal knowns religions but if one examine it at greater length, in detail, my belief is divergent in one or another aspect practically with all them. I described my faith in the book "Highlands"(Высокогорье); it is a separate issue. Here I'd like to say that with respect to the the majority of known religions, I am quite tolerant, with sympathy and understanding, but I'm not joining any of them with, because I doubt that I can count on reciprocal tolerance and understanding. The main tenet of Islam with: "There is no God besides Allah and Muhammad is Prophet of Him" - I quite agree: there is the Jewish word "Elohim" in the Bible which is translated into Arabic as Allah. And Muhammad - is one of the Prophets and Teachers of mankind as Jesus (Isa), Moses(Musa), Buddha, Krishna, Rajneesh and others Enlighteneds men, in other words, the born  from Heaven accordingly the Christian terminology, or who was reached the state of Samadhi in the terminology of the Hindus.

    It seems that one would like to be happy: the ennemies and criminals have repented and found the true faith and embarked on the path to turn over a new leaf. It would be so if there aren't of the doubts about their repentance. It is not really often that Slavs become Muslims, but sometimes it happens. The Koran and the Muslim style of life turn out after certain people's heart, and this may be only welcome, if somebody finds the truth in that form, which it is the acceptablest in for him. Indeed the general tendency of adoption the Islam by Slavs is not observed. But in the given event showed on the Central TV one and all have adopted the Islam. It looks paradoxically, provokes the astonishment, questions and suspicions are arised. Certainly, if it is a sincere repentance and finding of the faith, than everything is all right and it would leave these facts with a joyful feeling. But if it wasn't a sincere repentance, than what it would be? If it is an unfair play, then what the game is it? The believing Muslims, are they want such "Trojan horse" at their place?

      Let's we look at the history. When Jesus Christ had brought His doctrine for humanity, the forces of evil attempted to destroy the doctrine and its followers. But it did not turn out. Then the enemies started to penetrate into ranks of the believers and to misrepresent it beyond recognition. "They had made the oppressive Catholicity out of the liberating Gospel" (A.I.Herzen-author's note). The veritable belief began to turn into its antipode. That is what Prophet Muhammad came to Earth for stop this process which led to the disgracefuls crusades and fires of the Inquisition. But there was not a hunting of witches in the new religion. Afterwards the voices of the protest began to multiply in the Christianity too which led to the Reformation and corrected Christianity, that is to the Protestantism. The Catholicity was forced to improve its standard after the Protestantism for don't fail the competition. Here is an essence which is the general principle of enemy: "If you cannot strangle somebody - embrace him". That is if you can't destroy something - carry out destructive ideological work, embed your own people, etc.

      And in 1917 the most dangerous enemy came to Earth - this is communism who promised the land for farmers (then farmers were shooted and dispossessed) and others goods, peace and progress, equality and happyness. Then all of this turned out a lie and turned the opposite things. Only one promise was executed: they eradicated the faith in God and did it on-barbarously with brutality, with method of the same Inquisition, but for this once it was openly atheistic. The Christians, they who hadn't time or who didn't want to run abroad, they died for their faith courageously in the torture chambers of cheka (Here the events after Civil War are meant). The Muslims here and there showed merited resistence to enemy. Detachement of the resistance were created, the people leaved for mountains, forests and deserts. The Soviet power understanding that it is impossible to get the better with only negatives measures, it began to feed those people influential, whom one can feed, bribe, those who will not fight to the bitter end. One can find humans like this among every people and there aren't any exceptions. In churches and mosques the soviet communist propaganda  began to be heard oftener and oftener, like a poison added into the healing spiritual food.

      However, the foreign policy of USSR in Afghanistan in the second half of the XX century, it represent an especially interesting thing, which the principle "If you cannot strangle somebody - embrace him" appears in as clear as never. In the newspapers the "friendly" visits into Afghanistan were reported oftener and oftener, flattery about this country and its king who ruled that time was reported too. Builders, land surveyors leaved for there oftener and oftener for missions help to build different constructions at the close of the 1960s years and at the beginning of the 1970s. At the same time in the Muslim country a group of atheists-rebels of the communist trend was increasing. The Greatest Teacher Jesus Christ taught us to know the tree by its fruits. The moral decay of a part of the Muslim population was found as fruits of the tree of the soviet "friendship", the same fruits were unbelief and finally the revolution and seizure of power by communist Amin who was a tyrant operating with methods of the medieval obscurantism. There were even cases of people burnt alive by a new power, as mentioned in one of the programs of the Central Television. After repression the resistance such methods with Amin stopped to be needed for the Soviet gouvernement and was eliminated. The peoples of Afghanistan who had enjoied the "fruits" of the communist doctrine, they didn't want to see more the communists in their country on no account, so much the more this soviet marionette Babrac Karmal. Soviet Union, understanding that his antipopular power will not kept by its own forces, had brought troops into the country. This anti-Islamic move had provoked the just indignation not only among the Muslims, but among all the progressive humanity. For don't plunge the humanity into the Third World War and do with the lesser victims the United States began to give help to Mujahids not direct, military help, but indirect one. And what about satanic Soviet Union? Was it disappeared? If to answer definitely, of course not! It lost the armament drive in favor of America and was forced to split, to reduce to the size of the RSFSR. It became less harmful, less agressive, however all of this only for the survival. It took not quite the right name: Russia (In fact the real Russia was destroied irretrievably in 1917). It passed the pro-Western constitution, so as not to observe it wherever possible, but the essence: it retains its satanic nature. Who had doubt about it, he had possibility to receive evidence at the end of the 1994 when had begun the first war in Chechnya, the bombing residential districts in Grozny, the maltreatment of the peaceful population and crimes against it. The same style. One has to recognize a bird by its flight. The evil became weaker but its direction is not changed. Instead of one bugbear KGB, now there are others: skinheads who was organized for ordinary people would are afraid to speak truth about the State in the street and contract murderers from "patriotic" organisations for elimination more skilled partisans of the liberty and the democracy like Starovoytova, Politkovskaya and others victims of their hands. There is an infinite number of accusations which the Muslim world would can bring against of the soviet world.

       Now, back on topic about the United States of America! Is any religion in this country ever been banned? Is persecuted Muslims? Was people herded into freight cars at gunpoint, to evict from their land and to create conditions that not all survive? Is burning alive in a barn those who was left, whom was not evicted in time? Nothing of the kind in the United States has never been and could not be. The only complaint that can bring Muslims to the United States - it's support for Israel in the conflict with the Arab world concerning the disputed territories of Palestine. But the harm caused to the Muslim world by the Soviet Union many times outweighes all the bad fruits of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

      Now let's imagine a sage hermit who has spent a few decades in solitude and knows nothing about events of the 20th century, but he has kept the precise mind and the ability to reason adequately. Imagine that you have informed him about all the above mentioned facts and after this you tell him that in the 11 September 2001 several planes were taken off with Islamic suicide bombers on board, don't tell him where flew these planes but ask him to guess it. What he will answer to you? Have you divined? I know what have you divined about and you have too. And how shocked he will be if he will learn that in fact the planes flew for blowing up the Trade Center in New-York and the building of the Pentagon! He is most likely to exclaim: "It is probably that Soviet Union had brought its Trojan Horse into the Islam!" Or: "It is possible that a stool pigeon infected the Islamic world who uses his ostentatious faith as a cover and plays an unfair play!"

       Neither bin Laden and his people, nor the rulers of modern Russia all they never say aloud that, in fact, they have common interests. But it is enough to trace the chronology of the attacks, reflecting on each occasion, who benefits, and everything falls into its place, it is becoming clear. Including, it becomes clear whom the majority of skinheads is seeking to join with, the same one can say about murderers sentenced to life imprisonment and hypocritically accepting the Islam. I do not believe in their sincerity not all, of course, but most of them. They have a wonderful opportunity, being covered with the flag of Islam, continue to serve the interests of the red fascist Sovietism.

      It is written in the Coran a few times that there are true believers and hypocrites and Allah well distinguishes one from another. I was not abroad , but I can confidently say that in modern Russia there are most of all true believers Muslims in the republic of Ichkeria. There is less alcohol, less criminal camp morale, fewer police lawlessness. That is why, in my opinion, the war was unleashed against this Republic. Material interests, oil and mafia interests - all can be there, but in second place. In the first place this is a war against people of faith, to "subdue" the Caucasus, planning to make it a fully pro-Soviet. But neither Brezhnev's ally of Saddam Hussein nor Osama bin Laden, judging by their actions,they weren't moved by the fate of Ichkeria. After all, the crimes committed by the Soviet Union against both domestic and foreign Muslims, these crimes do not go to any comparison with the Arab-Israeli conflict. However, all attention is focused on the Arab-Israeli conflict, and Soviet and pro-Soviet atrocities in Afghanistan before, and most recently in Ichkeria as if they would not exist. This is direct evidence of the foul play, a double standard. No religion approves of such action as, figuratively speaking, bite the hand of his benefactor, and I mean the United States, which only recently, that is during the Soviet aggression in Afghanistan they have provided assistance and support. And these people, both customers and the executors of the crime of the century committed in the September 11, 2001, if they appear in Saudi Arabia, where devout Muslims perform the hadj, I do not think there'd be patted on the head, they'd will probably be executed.

      And let don't be upset devout Muslims. In our turbulent times, pro-Soviet totalitarian monster had stretched their tentacles completely in all religions. In Russian Orthodoxy the enemy even more firmly entrenched. It is sufficient an example that "priest" who proposed canonization as a saint, the monster of the human race Stalin, remains in the same position, among the parishioners there is a significant fraction of outright Nazis, and murderers Alexander Men and their customers remain unexposed. Another example is the Church of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (AUCECB) in the spring of 1993 a presbyter, having been in Canada, spoke about this a free country all sorts of nasty things, contrasting it with Russia, where in fact, in contrast to pure Canadian north, in Russia the tundra ant the taiga are flooded convict camps, criminals and "prison guards"(who aren't better than criminals). I have no doubt that such a distortion of the sermon, as they say, with the blame on others, was carried out to order of the pro-Soviet security services.

      I would advise to all believers, not only to Muslims, reading the Koran (Bible, the Bhagavad-gita) rely solely on your own mind and, of course, develop it and improve. Otherwise, why such a divine mind God gave you, not for you to listen to other people who are not beings of a higher order, but just the same people, like you, who may or mistake, or to foul play. If you rely only on your own mind, in the worst case, if you do not develop and improve it, you run the risk of responding to God, but only for your own sins. If you put your mind aside and rely on others, whatever that may be influential people, you risk to be responsible for the sins of others, or even worse, become a pawn in someone else's satanic game. And in the Christian Bible says, there are the words of Jesus (Prophet Isa) that "And if the blind guide the blind,both shall fall into a pit." And I write all this not for you listen to me. I just would like that each of you listened to God and your own heart.

      And do not be afraid of freedom. Allah had created man, and wished that he was free and listen to Him. If Allah did not want to see a person free, he would have forbidden tree surrounded by barbed wire or any other way would make the tree unavailable. If Adam did not listen to another person's Eve, he would not plucked the forbidden fruit.

The Quran says that God - a God of Ibrahim, Ishaq, Yakub and Ismail, that is, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Ishmael. So in conclusion, it is quite acceptable to glorify God with the words: Allah Akbar! Amen.
      February 2010
      Translated into English in the 27 of May 2012