Is god a reality

Àíäðåé ßêóï

    Adhering to a thoroughly atheist position I assert that a material essence
(ME) which corresponds to the religious idea of God might exist in nature.
To be convinced of it, it is enough to examine the so-called "Pyramid creation" (PC). All the existing objects are arranged in this PC in classes by levels of increased sophistication: particles, atoms, molecules, minerals, plants, animals, a human being, and a society.  The study of the EP demonstrates that chronologically it grew bottom-up. 

   Within  each class its members evolve. Each successive level originates only when a member with a higher viability than its surrounding objects appears at the existing level. This is the member that acts as a founder of evolutional process at the next level of the Pyramid. For members of each level all the underlying is the material for building of their own structures. The highest stage acquires some of God's qualities, it is unknowable and almighty.

All the members of the PC consist of matter; they are objects united into
stable systems through some kind of interaction. The latter can be viewed as an exchange of information, the signals in a program of self-preservation (PSP) system. Gravitation and inertial forces operate at the level of atoms, at higher stages molecular links do, in the society one deals with human spirituality.
New levels of the PC up to and including minerals arise due to unification
of previous level members. Then the reasons alter. Plants pulled out upward and overcame a barrier between dead and living. It happened due to their self-preservation program which included special "clock" that synchronized life of plants with cyclical changes of external environment. Animals separated from plants due to targeted movement, man turned out to be higher than animals due to his abstract thinking. Next level of EP which is higher than human being could be called Higher Being, Material Essence, Spirits or God (the name doesn’t matter),  could arise due to parting of self-preservation programme (a cycled and structured informational power stream)  from its material basis, or speaking in religious language by means of parting a soul from a body. ME could have become more steady system than man due to its being materially independent from underlying stages of the Pyramid: atoms, molecules, etc. Therefore, existence of “Gods” may be a real factor our life, though we du not know the role they play in it.