Syria The hour is treacherous attack

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Syria: The hour is treacherous attack

Turkey, a NATO member, attacks on Syria or ...

The new script, "Commander in a skirt"

Statement by Clinton says that if create legitimacy for the invasion of Syria through the United Nations would be impossible, then consider the possibility of attacking Syria as ... "Aggressor", has carried out "an attack on Turkey."

The situation in Syria at the moment is a picture of a dual - both are major efforts in the field of diplomacy and international politics, and, in parallel, is no less intensive work in order to gain advantage by other means.

As a purely diplomatic dimension of the conflict in Syria, there is clearly making progress on those States that upheld the right of the Syrian people to decide their fate on their own, without the "help" from outside. April 22 adopted a resolution initiated by Russia to Syria, which is the main novelty of the proposal sent to Damascus and other major cities in 10 times the number of observers, rather than proposed earlier. Now, within 90 days in Syria will work 300 international observers. Particular attention will be paid to the cities Hama and Homs, in which opposition to the Syrian army and the rebels runs most keenly. In the Horns already have a permanent observation post of the UN. Also in Syria will be sent to 600 media representatives and human rights organizations.
Increasing the number of observers can hope for at least a partial objective data coming from Syria. In addition, mass media and the presence of UN observers to a certain extent makes it difficult to strike at Syria from the outside. However, this is the achievement of the opponents of Assad would like to wrap up in their favor. For example, one of the most ardent opponents of Syria, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said that the number of UN observers in Syria should be increased to several thousand. Motive Erdogan is more or less clear - it seemed an attractive idea, hiding behind the UN mission, flood Syria's own agents.

Reports of such "observers" may in future become an occasion for new resolutions, and some members of the UN Security Council, in conjunction with members under their control, "the Syrian opposition," is clearly going to make an effort to ensure that the reports were pre-planned mission, the type and content. It is no accident as soon as the president of Syria strongly objected to the participation in the UN Observer Mission of citizens of Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which according to him, are discriminated against Syria. Since the Riyadh and Ankara take an active part in supplying the Syrian fighters weapons, money and instructors, and insist on the creation of areas in Syria, beyond the control of the central government, Assad's objections are well founded. However, in response to these statements by the president of Syria, "Syrian Foreign Opposition" in London has told of his unwillingness to see in Syria, Russian and Chinese observers.

Loyal to the aggressive foreign "Syrian opposition" organizations still prefer to operate with statistics based in London, "the Syrian Center for monitoring respect for human rights» (OSDH), led by some Aburrahmanom, grocer and owner of the diner. Every day, OSDH publishes reports of some "shelling of residential neighborhoods" and other "bloody repression" against the civilian population. According to the grocer, as of April 15 "7000 killed 972 civilians and 145 soldiers of 3000, about 600 of whom were deserters." Such data are of questionable validity, which is emphasized, for example, the Foreign Ministry of Russia.

How, then, untrained and unarmed population of the Syrian army kills troops in the ratio 1:3? The same sources that are more than London, and those with him, close to the Syrian reality, give a completely different picture. Only in the last two days pogremelo blast on the highway between Aleppo and Raqqa. In Idlib a result of sabotage on the railway line derailed a freight train. Results with the announcement of a truce on April 12 were more than 150 cases of ceasefire violations on the part of "the opposition - the militants." Every day they make an attack on the Syrian army patrols, kill and kidnap soldiers and civilians.

Nevertheless, the French Foreign Minister Juppe zayavlyaets Allen that "the opposition to fulfill its obligations to comply with the Annan Plan, but this can not be said about the Syrian regime." Paris itself, in spite of clear progress towards a peaceful settlement in Syria, has no plans to move to a constructive dialogue with the Syrian government. The introduction of new EU sanctions against Syria will be considered at the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg.

The presence of an expanded UN Observer Mission in Syria does not warrant the termination of the conflict, it just gives some reason to believe that NATO forces will not attack Syria in the next 3 months. Or they do, but outside of the United Nations.

April 19, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that Ankara is considering the possibility to ask for help NATO in connection with the clashes on its border with Syria. "Turkey is considering the possibility to turn to Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which starts the process of consultations in NATO, is threatened territorial integrity, political independence or security of one country" - said Clinton.

Recall, we are talking about the incident, which occurred April 9 on the Syrian-Turkish border. The Syrian army entered the battle with the militants who tried to break through the border, during a firefight were fired refugee camp, located in close proximity to the border.

According to reports, the camp was attacked deliberately by the militants.

Statement by Clinton says that if you provide the "legitimacy of the invasion" to Syria through the United Nations would be impossible, then consider the possibility of attacking Syria as ... "Aggressor", has carried out "an attack on Turkey." Then, on April 19, the head of "war council" so-called "Syrian Liberation Army," General Mustafa Ahmed al-Sheikh has posted online a video message where he called on Syria to begin "an international military operation." And emphasized that such an operation is possible "without UN approval."

Well, the commander gave the order to the skirt, and the General proceeded to implement e. It remains to repeat the attack, "the Syrian soldiers," a refugee camp in Turkey, but this is not so handicraft - who shot from the bushes, they saw the camp residents themselves, the survivors - and on a large scale, in Hitler's. And to invade Syria ...

But m the first attempt to assault from the sea!

Syrian military prevented the April 28 attempted fighters "armed terrorist group" to enter the sea from Turkey to the country near the port of Latakia.

The military unit, located on the Mediterranean coast at about 30-35 kilometers from the Turkish border, was attacked under cover of night fighters in the near-shore in inflatable boats, the report said. During the ensuing firefight several Syrian soldiers were killed and wounded.

The losses suffered and the attackers, they were forced to retreat. The exact number of militants were killed in the message is not specified.

Syria accuses Turkey of the fact that its leadership "has departed from the policy of good neighborliness, in fomenting tension and asylum armed groups who oppose the political process." This was said on April 28 statement by the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

On the internet from April 28 to extend the appeal of Syrian patriots to be vigilant:

"I appeal to all Syrians!
Zero Hour approaches!

I ask the brothers to be careful and be well informed as possible events in the coming days, especially during the next month. Receipt of large shipments of weapons to Syria shows that there is a large concentration of terrorists in Damascus and Aleppo. There are also corrupt officials who seek to destroy Syria and create chaos in the country. We must warn all Syrians wish to caution.

We must be the eyes that never sleep ....

We must always be alert!

Our victory is inevitable, but we must not allow the pressure on the Syrian army and security services.

We need to inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs of any suspicious things at once!

I urge the brethren, we must all be vigilant eyes that never sleep. "
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