Essay about the picture by O. Mingalev Foremother

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Essay about the picture by Oleg Mingalev  "Foremother of all Indo-Europeans", also known as "Mavki" (founded in 1997-2000, oil,  canvas)

  The ability of the artist constantly to transform a life energy into a new spiritual space, finding its embodiment in color, line, image and idea - is undoubtedly one of the higher faculties of human intelligence and Spirit.
Thanks to the artist, we can be immersed, sometimes irrationally in the process of direct, fresh sensing, tasting the world, can take part in the delightful feast of the co-creation.

In this painting the artist used the force and power of the smallest unit of information in the painting - a point, shaped pixel ...

A point in the painting is a colour sound, a vibrating note and, at the same time, a flow of the colour Wave tightly fixed on the canvas...

Colour points generate their own specific combinations, running into a different color spots. These spots are rhythmically exploded in the relevant emotive images, making a qualitative magic leap  that  in turn has its own metaphysical sense. And ... the picture begins to live its own life, bringing into reality the phenomenon of a Miracle.

A vibrating, glimmering Sea of Colours ...

 A magical illusion of movement, a static, continuous  pulsation  appearing due to the perception of the play colors by means of our seeing, and a mathematically calibrated rhythm of their combinations.

Holistic, lively and informationally data-intensive painting
 has its own aroma, recognizabled by each of us, kindred to us, the descendants of the ancient Indo-European Civilization.

Female images personifying the sacral energies of Shakti  are painted holding in their hands sacred eggs - symbols of the ancient Indo-European civilization.

Young maidens, symbolizing a beauty and eternal spring renewal of life, emerging from nonexistence and dissolving in it, disintegrating to the shining particles and components, but also keeping their forms and spiritual content, humbly realizing their place in the harmonious world around them, holding the spirit of their people, traditions and language as the basic structures of the existence of the ethnic group.

 Fragile keepers of the Kins ....

 Giving birth and dying ....

 Holding in their hands Death and Immortality ...

 Carrying the cross and the beauty of their individual fates, their burden and greatness ... - going through the time together and individually.

These maidens  symbolizing  the evolution and revolution - a quantum leap (each time thanks to the Child's Birth that is the essence of Vision of the Future in  the everlasting chain of generations of  Race Spirit bearers). They feel with their bodies and souls  a smoking precipice between freedom of choice and necessity. Wisely  understanding  and  taking  the sacral meaning of the Cycle of life and Death  they realize a total transformation of human being,  carrying  the information  of  Family -Ethnos- Nation –Civilization as a magic crystal.

 In the space of the picture is codified a  powerful  stratum of notional codes, helping  to the full disclosure of its images, archetypes. Analyzing the concept of this work, you can understand   the echoes of the influence of the creative work of the Masters of other periods, deeply reexamined by the author who have started this tradition and mutual supplement  the common structure of the Logos (Knowledge). Of course, we would  like to see the sources of this unique spiritual succession. You can read them in the book by Oleg Mingalev  "Mysteries. The key of immortality ", a passage of which is presented here directly from the original text  for  the attentive reader, seeking  and  initially interested  in the topic  of  interpretation  and recreation of the Tradition.

"... In this secret and superior knowledge was manifested the greatness of the elders and the prophets, charismatic personalities with a high constant of vibration-emanation of that  spirituality, when the more" subtle " always wins the more" rough ".

... Let us sum up: in this secret knowledge was the secret of  art  of  the great priests (sacrificers), scholars, poets and artists having the level of Hermes Trismegistus (the formula  for  of the qualities of universalism),  Zarathustra (the formula  for  nobility, majesty and triumph over low, degenerative),
 Khlebnikov (the formula of creation, poetry as a spontaneous act of the clairvoyance-divination, neoshamanism),
 Leonardo da Vinci (icon of the angel - androgyne), high spiritual creatures  having the spiritual level,
 Andrei Rublev (an absolute plastic icon of the Lord God, Trinity, Absolute), Van Gogh (still life-icon- "Sunflowers"),
 of  the painters: Repin (icon of the social prototype),
Shishkin (icon of Russian monumental landscape),
Kuindzhi (icon of the moon  landscape),
 Krymov (icon of  summer), Rylov (landscape-ikon,  a bird's-eye view), Surikov (icon  of  epic, of  History -  drama),
Boecklin (icon of philosophy as a doctrine of death),
 Hodler (monumental icon of everlasting dance rhythms of the Mystery of life and the Courage of the ascent to the Superman) ,
 Vrubel (icon of Fate),
Filonov (icon of alchemy of the subconsciounsness, molecular atomic rising to the Social, Molecular socialism),
 Kandinsky (icon of Visualization, Plastics  of Music of  Subconsciousness of the World and Global (Overworld) or Spiritual),
 Malevich (color ikon image of  Transcendental, Universal, Generalized (Generic), Synthesized),
 Bulgakov (icon image of  Love, winning the Hell),
Sherstyuk (icon of still life of the mossy rotting vegetables, Meditation of Death),
 Mingalev (icon of illusion of Mirror, the mysteries of Dualism),
 of sculptors: Phidias (icon of Harmony of Man and Society, the Synthesis of architecture and sculpture),
 Thorvaldsen (icon of  Moods, Classical Romanticism),
 Hildebrandt (icon of the Absolute style of Classicism as a manifestation of the balanced harmonic person),
Rodin (icon of Philosophy by means of Sculpture),
 Mukhina (icon of Superman or Titan as the quintessence - emblem of Nietzsche), 
 Dali (icon of the Metaphysical surrealistic landscape of Sunset of Europe,  eternal film-illustration of  Breton’s poem "Magnetic Fields"),
and poets: Dante (icon of  Miracle of Divine Love, filling worlds),
Petrarch (icon of Lyrical Feeling, connected with the environment),
 Goethe and his successor Bulgakov (icon of Master),
philosopher Jose Ortega Gasset with his “Dehumanization of the art» - the manifest of avant-gardism, acting as a catalyst of social stratification on  the feeling mediocre and stagnating in naturalism of thinking mass and cultural elite of Elected -Inventors of the formerly non-existent things, and because the bearers of image of the future,
 of composers: Bach (ornamental- symmetric meditation of  Confession of  the Nobleman),
 Vivaldi (icon of Declaration of Love),
 Handel (icon of celebration of Grandeur and Glory),
 Wagner (icon of the greatness of Heroism),
 Musorgsky (meditation of something Miraculous or  Genius),
 Prokofiev (meditation of the Pranks of Genius),
Orff (meditation of the offering of Mysteries),
Holst (meditation of Olympus , House of the Gods, Cosmism, regal Astrology), group Pink Floyd (meditation of  Paradigm and Drama of Civilization and Nature) ... "
So we can say that the existence of this spiritual dataway – trunk, line, body of Names respected by us (It is very rich in ripe fruit on the branches of the tree of knowledge of this civilization), indicates about the multidimensionality and large scale of the theme of the origins of spirituality of the great Indo-European Tradition.
Particularly we all are pleased and encouraged by the fact of availability of the vertical of succession coming from the depths of thousands, synthesizing common achievements of the European Masters, synergistically mutual enriching the whole of European culture, forming something new, inevitably coming ethnospace in the network of European Noosphere (that thin higher level of ideas), and we all are Its thankful students, successors and co-creators.