Libyan people keep on fighting! 18. 11. 2011

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al_Jamahiriya: RT @BreakingNews:
Good morning ? to all good people,
Chris Sedlmair breaking news here, in the studio of “World Jamahiriya”

We’ll begin with alarming news: American and British troops are going to help the gangs of Temporary National Board in ultimately crashing Libyan Liberation Army.
Contrary to decision of United Nations Organization, ground forces are to be sent to Libya before the end of this month. An official version is this: elimination of allegedly found chemical weapons, and redemption of portable anti-aircraft rocket complexes. The strength of military formations is not disclosed yet. The term of service in Libya is set as 6 months.
As was told to, the Russian News Agency, by military expert Peter Benchly, these so called “specialists in chemical weapons”, armed to the teeth, would help rebel gangs in defeating Liberation forces.
As soon as NATO air force ceased mass bomb strikes, the gangs of intruders met with serious problems at the South of the country. There is no regular, organized army, and chasing the tribes moving in a desert in jeeps is sheer foolishness. Now the fights between Resistance and Government forces are hypocritically depicted by Western mass media as dividing power between various groups and formations. But in reality it is an organized Liberation war, and the rats are simply unable to resist the patriots, states

Furious fights continue all along the perimeter of the North of Libya, where NATO and Quatar mercenaries have taken root. Sounds of  heavy battle are heard near Sabha airport, where Green Resistance fighters set aflame a large rat hole, the Headquarters of the Temporary National Board. Large explosions are still heard in Tripoli.
Green Resistance force made an attempt upon the life of the Military Commander of Tripoli, Al-Quiaeda member, Abdelhakim Belhadge. As sources in Twitter inform, the action was executed by the fighters of some Sakhre Iljahfed cell. It is now unknown whether Belhadge went straight to Hell, or to hospital for the time being. We won’t be commenting on this message, but simply wait for his death. Really, he has been shot once, but this human dog proved to be tenacious of life.
Recent information of Libyan Liberation Front proved to be true. Its ranks have been multiplied by new surge of volunteers. It became a radical turning point in the war. Indeed, volunteers are not simply “armed people”, but a real army. They were trained in military camps at the South of Libya and organized under unified command of Seif al-Islam Quaddafi. And every unit commander has a battle experience.
The role of Libyan Liberation Army in this sudden change of battle situation is shown by its target: it was the base camp of Belhadge pro-Al-Quaeda brigade in Tripoli. Green Resistance inflicted upon it multiple blows of such power that many members of this gang just fled. And, mind you, these Al- Quaeda formations are much more serious force than clowns from Misurata, Benghazi, and other native rats!
Exactly in this way, we are watching unceasing fights over the airport in Tripoli. And turning point was reached here yesterday as well:
Green Resistance attacked the main check-point and International airport itself. They burned all petrol carrier trucks and pickups, and disappeared. That is, they actually entered the airport, because all its defence armaments were destroyed. But the plan presumably is to move forward, leaving useless airport behind.

Similar intensification of fighting is witnessed in other regions as well. Only yesterday we told you of dishonorable death of Chief Commander rat from Misurata (it was he who died in a Paris hospital). But the same day Resistance killed new “Chief Commander of Misurata” right in the city! Heavy battle is going on there incessantly for several days.
According to the above-mentioned source, Hamza, Warfalla tribe formations are heading for Bani-Valid. The Resistance is opposed here by mercenaries of Northern Misrata and Belhadge. But the fighting takes place only at the outskirts of the city, and around it.
Tuareg formations of Green Resistance keep on fighting in Sabha region, this being the main strategic bridgehead. Revenging on them, NATO continues bombing Tuareg settlements and city dwellings at the South of Libya.
The fury of Green Resistance at this stage of the war is very vivid: just recently, in one of Sirte houses, patriots surrounded the group of rats who pleaded mercy and were ready to surrender. The answer of Resistance was short: “Blood for blood”!
All gangsters were exterminated. And who would be the first to blame these Libyans for their inexorability – it was not them who started this bloody slaughter!

So, liberation of Libya continues! 
These were the news from Chris Sedlmair here, in the studio of “World Jamahiriya”
Translated by Sergey Kamenskiy, Odessa, Ukraine, Nov. 18, 2011

Libyan people keep on fighting! 18.11.2011