The Egyptian Adventure

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This is a story about me and my class, where everyone has a superpower. Christian can shoot lightning, Kayla can get as small as she wants but she is as strong as when she was big, Adrianna can make force fields, Gabby can move things with her eyes, she wears glasses because everything will be floating if she didn’t, Tamara can turn invisible, Hannah, since she is her sister, can turn anything invisible, except for  herself.  Lucy is super strong, Ester can shoot fingernails, Jessica can go through things, I can run very fast, Ms.Reffner can stop time and Eun-Young can fly.
Now for the story …

Chapter 1: A vacation to Egypt

“Hooray! We are going on vacation to Egypt!” Hannah exclaimed. It was winter   break for three and a half weeks, and we were going to Egypt to get warm. We were flying on a super fast plane with Eun-Young flying next to us. We would be there in 5 minutes.
“What will we do in Egypt?” asked Jessica.
“We’ll swim!” I said. I liked swimming.
“And we will look for treasure in the earliest pyramid!”Tamara said.
We landed right next to the pyramid and piled out.
Eun-Young flew around the pyramid.
“Somehow there isn’t an entrance in this pyramid,” Eun-Young told us.
“Of course I can go through” Jessica said,” but I am too afraid to go there by  myself”
“This pyramid was built 10,000 years ago,” Miss Reffner said. She seemed to know everything about anything.
We decided to go up the pyramid. Eun-Young got there first since she could fly, but a strange thing happened when she landed on the top of the pyramid – she disappeared! I was too afraid to go up now. But the others did not notice so they went on. One by one, they kept disappearing. As Miss Reffner was disappearing, she stopped time and I saw that she wasn’t disappearing- she was falling down. Since I could do anything in one second, I could help her out. After Miss Reffner got out, she let the time to go on. Then Miss Reffner lifted something. It was a blanket that looked like the pyramid.
“At least we found an entrance,” I told Miss Reffner. Then we jumped in.

Chapter 2.  Inside the Pyramid.
Inside the pyramid we found everybody.  Lucy, Hannah, Eun-Young, Christian, Gabby, Esther, Adrianna, Jessica, Kayla, and of course Miss Reffner. But where is Tamara? May be up on the pyramid? Probably there –so we decided to go on. Just then Adrianna leaned against the wall and fell into the wall. Just as soon as Adrianna fell into the wall, the wall closed and she was trapped, at least that’s what we thought. Lucy tried to break the wall but she couldn’t.
“What will happen to her?” worried Gabby. No one answered; no one knew.
We went on. Then something opened under Christian and he fell in. Suddenly the floor opened up under everyone! I was left alone. All alone.

Chapter 3. All Alone.
I didn’t like the science. It was too weird, too spooky. The I heard a voice, a little tiny squeaky voice.
“I’m here!” That sounded like Tamara. It was Tamara’s voice. It was Tamara’s ghost! I ran all around the pyramid. Then I stopped. I saw the floor open beneath nothing. “Eeeeeeee!” said the tiny squeaky voice.
Then the floor opened beneath nothing on the other side of me. “Help!”  Tamara’s ghost again! Phew, I was rid of them at last.
Just then the floor opened beneath nothing – I mean me!
I was falling down.  I tried going up the steep wall but I only hit my head. Hard.
Then everything went black.

Chapter 4. The Ghosts’  Identification.
I woke up kind of dizzy, and saw all the class searching for a door going outside.  Suddenly I saw Bianca. Bianca was in my class before we were given powers by Miss Reffner. However, Bianca said she had a super power to heal anything. She said she got her power on December 22nd just as she went to Egypt. Then Tamara and Kayla came to me. “Why did you run away from us?” they said. Tamara was actually invisible and she was with Kayla who became small so I could not see either them.

Chapter 5. Getting out.
We couldn’t find an opening and everyone was tired. Nevertheless, Christian said: “What kind of pyramid is this?! The people had to put the door somewhere!” In his anger, he shot lightning at Miss Reffner but she ducked and it didn’t get her. What it did get was the wall. The part of the wall, that Christian shot the lightning at, rose. We moved toward the door but Lucy said: “This may be a trick! I will hold the door because I think just as soon as someone gets out of the door the door will close. I will hold the door so that it won’t get down. ”
Before she could get to the door I ran outside and the door began closing. Then I froze. I couldn’t go on. The door behind me was still open a crack; I wondered why it didn’t close. Then I saw Lucy – she was opening the door! And I could move again, but because I was so confused I fell down. I realized Miss Reffner stopped the time.
Then I saw one of Adrianna’s force fields holding the door open but allowing people to go through it. When everyone went out, Adrianna took away the force field. I counted everybody. Again, somebody was missing. Not Tamara this time, but Jessica.
 Then I saw a hand sticking out of the pyramid. Then a leg. A hand.  Another leg. And out came Jessica.
Once Jessica was out, I saw a rock. It was changing color! I showed it to everyone but no one knew what it was so no one touched it. So, Gabby lifted up the rock with her eyes. “This is an evil magic wand” said Miss Reffner, “It has the powers of dark magic so better not touch it!”  However, Ester, overcome by the wand, was reaching forward for it, but just as her hand was about to touch the magic wand, it disappeared. Ester looked up in surprise and saw Hannah with her hand pointing at the place where the magic wand was. But that didn’t stop Ester; she started shooting her fingernails to see where the golden wand was. When the fingernails bounced off, not reaching the ground, Ester knew where the wand was. I knew that the wand was making Ester evil, so just as she was reaching for the wand again, I grabbed Ester very fast and took her away from the wand. That turned her normal again.
We had enough adventures for one day, so we went home. Everyone.
Home, sweet home.

My name is Mark Davydov and I'm 10 years old