I Saw Her

Пол Фил
She dragged herself along the pavement
Writhing with hangover ache,
Trying to piece things together
Feeling low,
Why so maladroit and violent
Has she been the other day?
Which people had never seen her be before...
Roughly ten times more mischievous,
Roughly ten times more obscene
She was reckless in her strange shananighan...
And she snapped herself at prices
Something in the order of
One hundred times the values that had been predicted.
Her demeanour was exciting
Without question she was bright...
In her habits, stripped and spotted,
She looked smart...
Recognition from the public
And strings of drinks at night,
And after  all here at this pavement...

Roughly ten times more mischievous,
Roughly ten times more obscene
She was reckless in her strange shananighan...
And she snapped herself at prices
Something in the order of
One hundred times the values that had been predicted.