the letter 4

Антонина Тесленко
i remember my granny taking  us  to church... i had no clothes... some baggy pants with  belt  that was way too  long  shabby shoes.. it was terrible.. but  i felt sorry  for sister Maggy...she had  scraps and things from adult women ... and her shoes.. her shoes.. nice shoes, but they were ten sizes too big  and curled up toes... i till think about how embarrassed i was ...was but she must have been ten times more embarrassed... finally i refused to go anywhere.. but poor Maggy kept going .. she looked like  a scarecrow... may be she thought she looked okay... it was too painful now.. we still don,t talk about it ... all i know is.. i  have about 100 pairs of shoes.. all very nice..  and Maggy now has about thousand pairs of shoes.. and when i became  14 yrs old i started working.. not to save  money for college .. not to get car..  to buy my own clothes.. since that time  i have worn only  very nice  clothes .. freshly pressed.. the best clothes... and I  take great pleasure in throwing away socks before they get a hole.. i like rayon shirts.. hand made shoes... 50 dollars ties... but i usually wear  just a tee  shirt and jeans ..  i don,t  go anywhere.. but when i do  i wear nice shoes!!!... Maggy is  the same way .. but all i want to know is this: why should  being poor be humiliating ??