the letter 3 Письмо3

Антонина Тесленко
i learned very early in life that if i could just survive one more day ... one more day  may that,s why i could never plan for the future ... people that plan  are people  that know where they will live ... who their parents are ...etc 
 and then i was  tempered also by steel ... a hard and cruel war.. and my psychiatrist says its very common for men  in thier  ages to finally come to  grips with their demons... late  forties... i sought help but only after years of insanity... my medicine helps me now .. they said i had that  " post -traumatic stress syndrome" even before the war..just from my  violent  and abusive  and neglectful childhood.. but i really never amounted to anything.. i was,t a great scholar... i was,t a good artist... i wasn,t much of anything.. i was a pretty good soldier but i didn,t last long... i was a  GOOD  airplane gypsy but never thought of it as a career... even though it lasted almost 30 yrs... i  never wanted to achieve anything... anything lasting.. i never thought of the future.. one day at a time.. i have few possessions... always ready to go.. i  was in 22  schools by the 6th grade..  sometimes in  and out of the same school 3 times!... i was passed around.. some kids grow up with the same mom  and dad   and the same family and the same HOUSE AND THE SAME CLASSMATES AND THE Same  schools and the same TEACHERS .. ETC.. i was always looking out a bus window at night wondering....  it is  hard  to always be the new kid... new kid with hard clothes and no lunch money!...but i am sure  you paid  your dues  too .. everyone pays dues... i think of Hary James wailing away for years in the circus band but without that experience he  would,t have his signature high and very loud cornet style... and Armstrong  had that  throat  injury that gave  him the voice and that stacatto perfect pitch with his trumpet .. and where did  that  crack in Billy Holiday,s voice  come from?  And that frantic  frantic itchy itchy full bush of crisp perfect notes from "bird"???? did such an insane  goofball like Vincent van Gogh create such  troubling and spectacular and wonderful painting ever???...he  was like the best jazz men .. but my point is this..
we all were made... we all came from somewhere.. and beneath the surface is were we all reside.. we can never escape who we are .. and who we are is decided at the early age ... i wasn,t in circus band .. BUT I,M LIKE  everyone else.. as children we are influenced and formed... for good and bad.. we all have our stories.. may we were all in the circus band with Harry James....