
Medvedev Dmitriy:

Two sub-systems of numbers argue:
“The value in numbers is the really valuable subject. Numbers- they love order.” Says one system.
“The value might be of value, but why do you think it’s needed? On order to get the sum of the those numbers, that’s why!” The other system argues.
“The sum is nothing but the result of the value of numbers being in order”. Insists the first one.
“Why would I need order, if the switch of placement of additives doesn’t change the result?” Wonders the other.
“You can get the same sum in different ways.” The first one refuses to back down. “But how can you see what was used, unless you have order?”
“Why would we need that, if the result is what counts, pardon the pun?” The second system waves all arguments off. “Besides, I’m used by everyone, unlike you, who’s probably addressed by error alone”.
“You should speak. I mean, give you an one and a zero and that’s all you need, to get your precious result”. The first system cries in outrage.
“And you, with your order, don’t even know how many numbers you have, nor do you know their sum.” The second one snaps.
“But the order…”
“But the sum…”
“But the value…”
“But the result…”
The two systems scream themselves hoarse, arguing to the point of animosity. And the whole-holding system of the numbers tries to comfort them.
“You’re right, and you’re right as well. All of you are equally precious to me.” Then the great system sighs. “Besides, you argue for the wrong reason. Numbers are always important, no one can manage without us. Question is, who on earth needs letters?”