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Give that you have or you will be simply killed.
His people told him that the target locked.
He is not interested by that you feel.
One shot and problem will be decided.

You hear nothing; think about plans what denied…
Think what you choose next time.
He’s your idol, so now say good-bye.
You still not learned to fly.

Kills and doesn’t blink.
Kills and doesn’t think.
Kills and satisfies.
Kills until he dies.

He thinks that people always will saint believe him.
He thinks that can take away their lives.
But your activity will last not so much time.
One day this people will rise against you.

You continue collect lives as a grim.
Nobody tries to think.
You do it and think that you swim.
But you just slowly sink.

Kills and doesn’t blink.
Kills and doesn’t think.
Kills and satisfies.
Kills until he dies.

It’s the same time
For a change in the best side.
Another wrong step
And you’re on a way in hell.

Kills and doesn’t blink.
Kills and doesn’t think.
Kills and satisfies.
Kills until he dies.