Пустыня - Перевод на английский Кристины Колосовой

Тимофей Рад Колосов
Куплет № 1.
Crashing on dunes
Of distant (remote), but warm desert
Is sitting on barkham a child
And there is no smile on his (the) face

припев № 1
about the burnt forests (about that the forests have been burnt)
about dried-up rivers (about that the rivers have been dried-up)
only the desert is left (renained)

Куплет № 2
so let to fill the dried-up rivers
With puored blood
And from a broken-down body
People will raise forests
Припев № 2
Let the child be happy
And eat apples of paradise
Since then this fruit without prohibition
Is hanging, breaking my ribs...!

Припев № 3

Since then this fruit without prohibition
Is hanging, breaking my ribs...!

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