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Suppose is too long haul for me, but after 15 years and more than 17 albums I don’t really care about it…Giving music for free is good than you`ve got something to eat, but with almost 100 percent level of piracy( like here in Russia) it`s not an option…Where is no option actually =cause choosing between to be famous and broken and to be broken and infamous, but more rich in old Russian version of this word = it`s not an option. I mean of coarse you can be little bit more famous while spending cash you have on some promo and had less cash for buying equipment and upgrades, but it won`t worth it = you won`t make any profit – so what’s the point?! I had never paid for promo however i`ve about 20 thousand of readers on my literature site…Of coarse they won`t pay for a book if they`ll find it offline as well as for Cds, but they will listen for sure..And i don`t mind to give all i`ve create for free than it`ll be massive and electricity and food and electronic and etc, will be as free as my films music fine art and etc. It`ll be amazing and music industry will no longer needed and remain = There will be only artists and they listeners and only when world of mouth will be only and truly way of promotion.`Cause than where is no profit and sells = where is no needs in promos,PR agents, fucking tv shows resailers and etc.- Listeners takes only what they really need instead of what television or radio online spamers sells…I saw it here(in Russia) – I use to hate it, but now i see that it`s the only way to safe electronic art and analogue souls;) `Cause if everything is free - you don`t have to create something that you hate or work on some shitty job instead of create(all the jobs are shitty than you are not creating but selling…) No sale =no corruption, no wars,no borders…Just creative people and they creations…Sounds like utopia and it is cause most people is Ok to take for free but not to give for free… And it`s a shame `cause it could work and most folks simply can`t realese that it`s impossible to sit and do nothing even if you`ve got all you can get from the others for free = On the contrary –  best motivation to do something great is when you can get everything without doing anything = `cause only when you can release the truth = there is only one thing that you just can`t buy( which makes it most valuable ) – it`s the things that ONLY YOU can create!! And if you wanna be yourself, find yourself = where is only way for you = CREATE!!!