Love, Hope, and Joy, alike adieu! Марии Юрьевой

Сергей Козий
Рецензия на «Женщине с большой буквы» (Мария Юрьева)

Голубка, к Тебе Глубь Летит:
Юноша с Фото………………

Сергей Козий   11.03.2010 23:03   •   Заявить о нарушении правил / Редактировать / Удалить
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In the eternity a freshness of bright past days will stay forever... Simultaneously and never

Мария Юрьева   12.03.2010 18:48   Заявить о нарушении правил / Удалить
Написанное Вами -это миниатюра, а не новелла!
Новелла - это небольшая повесть или большой рассказ

Зоя Сергеева   16.03.2010 14:48   Заявить о нарушении правил / Удалить
Любовь, Радость, Наслаждение – Подобны Прощанью…
……………………..Лорд и Повелитель Муз Байрон

Это и Миниатюра, и Новелла, и Роман, и Трагедия…

Одна строка – БЕСКОНЕЧНОСТЬ…

Бесконечность – Гениальна по Определению…

Сергей Козий   16.03.2010 20:39   Заявить о нарушении правил / Удалить


is rung,

if it is Love,

my girl…

The future cannot be touched with hands.

It may be reached only with BELIEF…

has gone.

The space is compressed to ellipse;

It turns to fall not

And soft Virgo's smiling

Bears a fatal passion.

P.S. who was earlier

as the Moon -

a pearl

but of ocean bottom.

A spring sunset

will be dreamt in night only.

And a leaf under feet

is wrinkled by rains.

But rich fragrance

of unpicked apples

pours above us again.

P.S. Bursting into noon

as white bird

and, for a moment,

as a wild horse,

with humid nostrils

you breath a fog

of Love left

on ghostly feather grass

where memory of odors

is a sublime illusion.

I see a lion cub in my dreams

With sunny soul, -

A big kitten

With red mane.

P.S. I stay like a boy,

I'm catching

a sunbeam,

a sunbeam…

rapid and hot


sunbeam -

I love it sweetly.

It does not matter for me who have been those three

or, may be, four - no matter!

Feeling confusion bears young

wine of Love.

There are friends-rattles on feeling top,

they cannot know what is going.

Love is log cabin and temple for two only

from ages ago.

Above the clouds the skies turn black

and where stars are open

the victory shines as the huge letter

and drowns with glimmer in eyes.

P.S. There is the past in present

that drowns with future.

Demons whirl me

in face of fire…

God and the brink - the sorrow is not in it!

Cranes are crying above mountain pass…

Sharp wedge whirls like crows

and clouds are as a wall on it…

P.S. Expanse of freedom

and bird's cry…

Thou is will's tension,

breath of tired powers

and resounding rustle of soft wings -

a tireless way to nesting site…

That who thirsts for flying

never escapes the fate -

we to perfection know

shooting techniques.

Сергей Козий   16.03.2010 20:53   Заявить о нарушении правил / Удалить