Иран нашего ядерщика убили американские и сионистс

Матвеев Владимир Иванович
Иран: нашего ядерщика убили американские и сионистские агенты

По сообщениям портала IzRus, сегодня утром в Иране был убит профессор ядерной физики Масуд Мухаммади. Иранские власти обвиняют в этом американских и сионистских агентов. По всей видимости, бомба, приведённая в действие при помощи дистанционного управления, была спрятана в припаркованном мотоцикле.

Iran pins nuke scientist’s killing on Israel, U.S.
January 12, 2010

NEW YORK (JTA) -- Iran’s foreign ministry is claiming that “Zionists and American agents” planted a bomb that killed an Iranian nuclear scientist.

Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, a professor at Tehran University, was killed by a bomb Tuesday morning near his home, according to Iranian reports.

Tehran is claiming on a government Web site that it was the work of Americans and Israelis, according to Haaretz.

"The assassination of Mr. Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, a nuclear scientist and a committed and revolutionary Tehran University professor, was detonated by a remote control," state broadcaster IRIB said on its site Tuesday morning, the paper reported. "As a result of the bomb planted by Zionist and American agents, two cars and a motorcycle were severely damaged and the windows in the surrounding residential units were shattered