Fish limericks

Анна Мостовая 2
There once was a young fish called tuna
His father was a piano tuner.
He wanted to dive
And wouldn’t but thrive
If he learned how to surf a bit sooner.

There once was a fish barramundi
Whose heart was perpetually wounded.
He said to a girl:
You are a dark pearl.
Sic transit gloria mundi.

There once was a fish called wahoo
Who had an account with Yahoo.
He used a nickname
And had no shame
When he wanted to hide who is who.

There once was a fish called snapper
Who was a bit of a rapper.
He liked to perform
And fused content and form
But it is the critique that does matter.

There once was a fish called whiting
Who did some creative writing.
She was a true lady
And was ever ready
To drop things to get rid of fighting.