Reflection of human life in Chemistry

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Reflection of human life in Chemistry

Valeri  Diveev,
Bachelor in Science

     Limitation of instrumental  means in science and absence  of  strictly grounded conceptions leave the basic question of  philosophy as relation of  human’s material and spiritual parts  unsolved, regardless on the diversity of the present doctrines.
Today to be definitively recognized in public  those doctrines  must be confirmed by science and have a direct connection with human life.
    Traditional  religions often lose their adherents for many reasons, especially for their isolation from dynamic modern human life and achieved high level of modern science, technology  and human’s consciousness. Today daily human life changes so fast  while  religious doctrines  remain  motionless. The  absence  of knowledge of sense of  human’s existence does a life of modern ordinary man aimless, useless, impersonal or just be oriented to get more material  wealth. 
     The goals, which expressing an active party of human’s consciousness,  have to be in accordance with objective laws,   real   possibilities that gives a life to a  man and at present time those possibilities  seem  to leave  those  goals behind.
     But where the traditional methods of science can’t help,  the  method of analogy and similarity (1 -2)  could  be  successfully  employed  because  there  is no limits  in  human’s imagination and fantasy, and considering  that  this  method  have  been already  used with  success in different fields of researches.
     Even on  superficial  view  many of  surprising reflections of daily human’s life could be found in chemistry ( organic, analytical, physical, etc). In both cases the same terminology is often used. It can’t be attributed only to the poverty of  human’s  language. More reasonable to assume  that  if  two different phenomena could be described using a same terminology,  then  they   maybe  have  the same  nature or origin, or at least,  have something common. Considering the human’s body is been consisted  of innumerable amount of organic molecules, therefor it can, at least,  reflect certain proprieties of them.
     Then  organic chemistry ( 3 )  is a  vast  field  for  searching those reflections ( forming and rupture of  bonds,  substitution, elimination, forming of cycles)  and  learning the human’s  life through molecular mechanisms.   
     An other side, physical  and intellectual evolution of  a man through  centuries and  generations could  be  compared  either with process of fractional distillation and filtration (4)  or with process of  moving of  the substance  through chromatographic column (5).
     Beginning  with distillation  and  refining  we  could indicate the several common signs.
     First, in both  cases the point of depart is raw material (crude oil or primitive man) and  the final point  is  fine  product  ( fine  petrol, kerosene, etc) or fine people having beautiful body, high  intellectual and  moral level).  Nobody  can deny  the  definitive  progress which have been  made in human evolution  during the  centuries.
     Second,  between  these  two  points  there  is a vast distance  that can  be  achieved  only by a  great  amount  of  cycles either  evaporation – condensation  in  fractional  distillation or dearth-birth through generation in human life.
     The  whole  process of human’s evolution can be represented as a transformation  of  raw material  having  low  value  in  fine  product with  more value. It seems familiar if we’ll have a quick look on theory of reincarnation ( 6-7 ) where  gradual  evolution  of consciousness passes through many-timed cycles birth-death. This evolution looks like a permanent enrichment of distillate in  more volatile fractions during the  process of  fractional distillation of raw oil by  separation  the  light  fractions  which we can  match  with spiritual  part of human life, from heavy ones, identifying as material part.
     Third, on  the different  stages of distillation  and refining of oil   the different  products  have  been  obtained  with  different values. According  to  this, every human  has  to  have its  value  depending  of  intellectual,  moral,  physical  qualities;  its label  code as the trait- codes that are  marked  on  the  goods  for sale. Everybody would be upset while expecting to get  fine  product,    to  get  a product with low  value, instead. It’s  like  obtaining a fuel oil instead of petrol or kerosene.
     The evolution physical and spiritual,  liberation from defects,
enrichment intellectual, the achievement of the high moral  and  educational  level  could  be determined as sense of  human life. The latter has to be spend with  maximum profit on every stage,  to be done finally as fine  product,  to be  sold  at  high price,  to be consumed usefully, and not to be placed on recycling or even worse,  to be removed  to garbage.
     Everybody  has  to grow spiritually,  the faster  the better,  to  reach next  level which  location in any  time depends on the relation: spiritual– material in human life.
     The  number of cycles can vary from one person  to  another and the speed of evolution, like  the speed of migration for each component  in chromatography, is specific for everyone and de-pends on its personal qualities and on environment. In this case a  stationary  phase is an equivalent of  material  part of  human life and mobile phase is an equivalent of spiritual part.         
      In chromatography  the speed  of  the  molecules have been moved  through a column  depends on the its coefficient of partition  between  two  phases  which, in its turn, depends on  the time which  molecules spend in mobile phase and on  the  time that  they spend  while  have been  adsorbed on  the surface  of stationary phase. And  an advancement  of  molecules  through  column occurs only when they are in mobile phase (8).
      Like  this, people  always share  their life  between material and spiritual parts and  the speed of  their evolution depends on how much  time they spend  in  the latter and not in the former.
      Some of people  devote more time for their spiritual growth ( science, art, music, literature, religion, dreams, love, etc). For  others the  material  part is more important ( money, food, sex,  goods,  etc ) Those two categories of  people are  incompatible.  They often  can’t  even  meet  each  other spending their life in different spheres.   
      Unnecessary  to say that the  people from the first category are evolving  faster than those of second  one, who, have  been  strongly  attracted  by  material part,  spend  their  time among similar people,  trying to  get more and  more  material wealth, not allowing to the others to approach, pushing them away. As result they are evolving slowly.
      Depending of  their partition  coefficients,  which are specific, people are evolving with different speed. Usually,  most of  them could  find themselves in the  middle o f  Gauss  curve of distribution of population ( the “golden mean” )  and  the same terms as  standard  deviation, average,  coefficient of  variation could be used to describe this population.
      As internal factor influencing evolving,  we can name  heredity. As externals ones: level of life, country,  family,  meeting   with others people  who can  promote or detain  the  movement  ( spiritual  growth ). Earlier or later each component, if  only  it haven’t been absorbed irretrievably by stationary phase, has  to  leave  the column and  be  detected,  identified,  and  evaluated  quantitatively. So, nobody  can escape  from identification and evaluation (it looks like the god’s judgement ). Everybody will  see its own unique chromatogramm consisting of  small  or  big,  large or  sharp  peaks, indicating  different  qualities of  person  and reflecting its behavior during whole life. Everybody during his life is permanently forming its own chromatogram and  has  a possibility  to improve, to change, to develop or to lose some-thing,  having  a  relative  freedom and the standards to take an example from them.
      Another surprising analogy could be found in spectroscopy ( absorption, emission,  fluorescence)  where selective  absorption of radiant energy by substance could  be compared to  ability of people to learn something differently ( depending of  its  personal qualities and energetic characteristics) from vast spectrum  of  influence of environment ( cosmos, science, religion, art,  music, politic,  poesy,  other people, etc). Or  emission  of characteristic radiation by excited atoms to a capacity of people to express themselves throughout a specific  behavior  or  their  activity  in  different fields. Like substances that have different coefficients of absorption on different  wavelengths, with their  maximums and  minimums have been situated  in  the different   parties  of   spectrum,  every  man  has  different  capacities  to  learn  something  from  surrounding  world,  to  develop  some qualities  inside  itself,  to create, to do  inventions,  to  behave oneself,  to influence on the others or just  reflect some  parties of spectrum  having too  low coefficient of absorption to those wavelengths. A  genius is  a  man who has a highest coefficient
of absorption (capacity on  special  field,  for  example,  music, art, science, etc) and a mediocre man is one,  which   spectrum  is exempt from any maximums.    
     The difference between  two neighboring  levels corresponds  to a difference in  spiritual  growth,  and by analogy  with quan-tum theory ( 9 ) where  to pass  from one energy level ( or state) to another a definite quantity of energy ( knowledge) have to be consumed ( acquired) . Everyone having different  spectrums of  absorption,  has a  different  capacities to emit ( create,  behave, influence, etc ). From surrounding world, some one can  make a big progress by means of selective absorption and  another  one  can  just  be  a  primitive  consumer  while  absorbing  with low selectivity. But  to  be an all-round developed person,  man  has  to absorb in different  parties of  the  spectrum. It means that by means of education, information, etc different  types  of  people could be formed and by limitation of  influencing  factors a  society  of consumers,  primitively oriented ( to sex,  money, etc) people could be created.
     The  ability   of  people  to  enter  in  different  relationships maybe compared with the proprieties of the atoms ( molecules) to form  different types of bonds: ionic, covalent,  metallic and  molecular. In  first approach  we  can  associate  ionic bonding with relationships  between a man and a women, covalent bonding  with friendship,  metallic bonding with  politics,  science, art, and molecular bonding  with  nation, or  nationality. By ma-king  projections  from  molecules towards humans many common signs could be found..
      The origin of  ionic  bonding is a presence the centers of negative and positive charges in the molecules have  been consisted of different functional groups of atoms.      
      According  to Orbital Theory, atoms  are consisting of positive charged  nucleus have been surrounded by layers of  negatively charged electrons  with several  types of orbitals ( s, p, d, f) on  each layer corresponding  to a different state of energy, having a different forms and  participating  in  forming  the links with the others atoms ( molecules ) while  have been  activated  by  absorbing of the energy. Depending  on a structure of atom,  which  has  been  determined by its position  in  periodic  table and of the type and  the quantity of energy absorbed,  different  types of  the orbitals  could  be  activated and different types of bonds can be formed (3).
      As the organic molecules  that could  be very  different  the  people could be  primitive, ordinary, fine, brilliant. From gene-rations  to  generations, for  all  human  history,  people are forming themselves as product and enriching  their spiritual  part, beginning  from  primitive  instincts to  abstract  thinking  and  putting more and more  energy layers with  more complicated orbitals around  nucleus.   
       The  orbitals  of  low energy (s, p) seem to be  responsible
for low  spheres  of  human life ( level of  instincts: sex,   fear,  hunger,  hatred, etc) and they  are  more  accessible and  could be easily activated under influence of definite factors. The  orbitals of more high energy (d, f ) are less accessible  and  associated  with high  spheres  of human consciousness  ( intellect,  nobility,  love, culture, artistic perception, etc). Every  human   express  himself  throughout his specific behavior which  have  been noticed by others people. Under influence different types of orbitals could be activated and different links between  people could be formed. Depending  on the  wave  vibrations  that  could be on phase or antiphase, mutual attraction or  repulsion  could  result.
       A   type  of   relationship depends on  the  type  of  orbital  which  is  participating  in bonding. The most easily  comes up  the  bonding  on  sex  basis due  to a  lightness of  overlapping  of  the low  energy orbitals,  which   are  easily accessible  and  activated. Primitive  people  while  having  just low energy  orbitals were living  chaotic primitive sexual life. More energetic layers have been formed more orbitals could participate in bonding, so  relationships become more many-sided,  more strong. But  on the  other hand those  orbitals  could be less accessible,  so  more  selective is a choice, more complicated  approaching.   
       As all bonding yields to saving of energy, as people make alliances  to save their energy, to keep energetic balance  favorable. Like molecules that  could interact  one with  others,  to form  the bonds and to break when a more favorable balance is found, people are looking for partners, alliances,  friends, community  in order to  keep their energy.         
      Another  reflection  of  human  behavior we can find  in  reactions of oxidation - reduction ( 8)  where gain or loss of  electrons, as result of reactions, could be compared with gain or loss  of energy as result of different kind relationships  between  people. We can associate the oxidizing potential with ability of person  to  take energy from another ( like vampire ). For  a couple  if  difference  between  those  potentials  of  partners  is too big comparable  with a difference  between  strong oxidizing  agent and  strong  reduction  agent,  then  somebody is dominant  and another is submissive.   
        Human’s  life  also could be compared  with chemical reaction. Duration of life as chemical reaction depends on thermodynamic and  kinetic factors ( heredity,  conditions of  life, meeting  with others people,  stress,  illness, climate, etc ) The life starts to progress rapidly at beginning  until some limit ( period of transition )  is achieved  and  then starts  to slow  down  and  stops. As a chemical reaction, duration of life could  be  accelerated  with  use  of  catalysts  ( drugs, stress,  alcohol,  tabacco, inappropriate food, etc) or could be  slow  down  using  inhibitors
( vitamins, sport activity, absence of stress and of negative information, etc ).
     In  quantum  chemistry (10)   the  reflections of  human  life could  be  found  in  analysis of such theories as particle in box, tunneling.   
     To all have been said  above  we can  add that all scientific experience  has proved that  availability  of  many coincidences  between  two different  phenomena  can’t  be  accidental.

Literature cited

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