Education in a polycultural society from external

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Boriskina A.A.,
the methodologist of Academy
of improvement of professional skill
and professional retraining
of teachers of Moscow.
Education in a polycultural society: from external good breeding to internal culture of the person.
The human’s soul conceals a lot of good at its heart. It is necessary to find it only. Prof. Lev Optinsky.
The variety of cultural traditions in the world becomes frequent a risk factor of international conflicts in the separate country. People who do not wish to reckon with national traditions, belief, culture which is different from their tradition, belief, culture, as a rule, become the most aggressive and severe. The reason can be both a social competition and unwillingness to be reconciled with laws of that society in which the destiny has thrown. But if the person chooses for itself the residing country it becomes not only a part of this country and culture, but also the person legally responsible for the actions and acts in a society. He on a level with other citizens is obliged to observe the state laws and, besides, to bear moral responsibility for that way of life which is under construction on centuries-old mentality of the people occupying the country. All stated are the those common truths familiar to any cultural person. Paradox, but culture which separates people, it is capable to unite them in that case when in variety of cultures the unity of mankind will be isolated, the human nature requiring protection, social justice, in requirements of a dream, food, comfort, it is equal as well as in requirements of the higher order – friendship, love, in space search - search of God (ideal requirement of the person).
Culture – one of 2-3 compound words, used in practical and scientific use [1Ñ.13]. Speaking about culture, we mean both various art forms, and etiquette, and a mental accessory to a society in which we live: Orthodox culture, the German culture, Russian culture, etc. Concept culture it is very volume, «it covers both a way of manufacture, and the relation which people enter during labour activity, and the political organization of a society and, certainly, a science, art, outlook of this or that epoch» [3 Ñ.7].
A variety of interpretation of concept "culture" partially connects these concepts on sense. The culture can be considered and as process of intellectual, spiritual, aesthetic development; and as a society condition, its historical development; and as a product of art and intellectual activity of the person. But, first of all the culture is a person, the person with private world, the keeper of genetic memory of ancestors, the culture compiler to the future generation. And consequently, the culture changed for pseudo-culture conducts, to callousness, inspirituality.
The internal culture is a person brought up, moral, spiritual. It not that is created by the genius of human hands, human reason, no, it that is found by education and self-education. To bring up the person cultural, moral, sympathising, intelligent, much more difficult, than to create such works of art, as Raphael's "Madonna", M.Nesterov's "Revival", N. Sergeev’s «The Summer landscape». It is more difficult, than to reproduce Bach, Beethoven, Mozart's music, more difficult, than to write "Idiot" (F.M.Dostoevsky), "Village" (I.A.Bunin). All listed works of art can serve only to one of means of education of internal culture of the person, but, unfortunately, even the profound knowledge of a treasury of the world culture developed throughout centuries by mankind not always can testify to internal culture of the person.
With what the internal culture begins and how to bring up internal culture of the child? First, it is cultural person, moral, formed and, first of all – the PERSON! Such person sensitively feels another's pain and another's pleasure, understands, it is possible what to tell, and that it is not necessary, such person is able to be tactful, not to set silly, inconsiderate questions. The person with internal culture shows respect for its and other culture, religions, such person is able to behave in a society, on a visit. This person has the generated moral position, he does not need to explain that is “good”, and that is “bad”, he feels it, knows.
And this culture begins with a family, from the relation of the husband to the wife, from courage of the husband, from feminity of the wife, from decency both. The modesty in affairs and acts, sequence in words and business, the decency shown in respect for another, all is signs of internal good breeding of the person. Similar it is absorbed with milk of mother. The culture begins with household trifles from how parents put on, from how they behave behind a table. At times you look at mother, and you think what to be a mother – happiness, a miracle entrusted by God to the finest half of mankind. Such mother is stately, chaste, as glowing icon of the Mother of god Vladimir. At other mother you will look, and you will sigh, - unfortunate! At other mother such children that, perhaps, another's barreness not angrily, and disposal! Why there are such different mothers and such different children? It is from culture or from lack of culture. The small child understands more than we represent to ourselves, when with affection we laugh at the silly children's tricks seeming harmless to us. The child watches TV and absorbs everything that sees on the screen. And the modern TV is aggressive more often nowadays. After viewing of some transfers little boys simulates «adult games», but we do not notice it, we do not notice an unscrupulous sight of the small child, we do not understand the shown children's aggression, we sigh, we try or we pretend that we try to penetrate into a problem of this dissoluteness, this defect. We are ready to fall down all on mass-media, school, other people, without understanding that responsibility for the child lies on mother, father, and in an ox of parents to resist to an excited environment impact on not strong soul of the child.
The internal culture can begin from culture to behave behind a table. At many young parents not always, it turns out to feed the small child without stress. They dance before the idol, get tired, give up as a bad job, include to it modern cartoon films, stuff with sweets, if only something, yes has eaten, and the begun breakfast, smoothly passes during a prolonged dinner. Neither the breakfast, nor a dinner, a supper, should not be tightened at long o'clock. Do not forget, except how to eat, the child needs both to play, and to work. Do not transform a meal into a torment neither for itself, nor for the child. Lay the table. Teach the child to use a fork and a knife, do not allow it «to wash hands in a plate», even if it is the baby. The general meal, is a tradition, a ritual! Usually acquaintance to other culture begins with a table, a traditional national entertainment where the mistress shows not only virtuosity in dish preparation, but also the important quality of human soul – hospitality, not without reason in much religion hospitality is made to the person in good.
It is impossible to give all the best to children! At least, it is not necessary to show it to them. There are old men who have deserved more than the small child. Certainly, the small child requires a food, clothes, parent’s love, but it does not mean, what the child needs to be transformed into the small god, tearing off a piece from the senior children, from itself, whether is easier to divide something? Here is an example for you. The baby was given a strawberry in the winter, it has bitten off almost from everyone, hid, did not share with adults, with elder sister. If someone tried to take for other girl the baby started to shout and cry. When I came and took from its plate good, yet a bitten off strawberry and have given it to other women, and elder sister. The child has started to shout, mother was frightened, the grandmother began to lament, that she is supposedly small girl, so all to it. Certainly, it is easier to us to give to the child everything, by a principle «than the child would not play, if only did not cry». So is quieter, - if only did not shout. Do not do it! Do not raise egoism and greed in the child. The best, it is not a toy and a candy, not reckless love, and parental heat, parental wisdom.
The internal culture of the child begins with how the child behaves at home and on a visit. The person should not feel constrained on a visit, but it does not mean that it, being on a visit, can climb everywhere. Similar depends more likely on the woman, with her feeling of a step, ability to behave in a society. It is internal culture of the woman as in each house there are secret, intimate and expensive things, there are any values and relics. One woman understands it, and another is not present, it is degree of her good breeding. From here is such different relation of children not only to the stranger, but also to their own. From here is such different behavior of the child in the street, on a visit, at school.
It is very important component of moral education – solicitous attitude education to things. Even if you are inexpressibly rich, do not allow the child to concern things carelessly. It can be clothes, toys, paper and pencils. How to bring up a solicitous attitude to it? Less to buy it! The surprising culture was at a small cesarevitch, the future Tsar Nikolay II. When the teacher has started to study with this child, he did not wish to write in an exercise-book, he kept it, was afraid of blots while he was not shown a pile of writing-books. Here what solicitous attitude to all. And our child drew there and has thrown it, drew here and has thrown, it is the child! It is because separate areas can remind a dump, have thrown there, have thrown here! If the child wishes to draw, sit down with it, do not allow to spoil a paper. Wishes to mould, create working atmosphere, do not allow him to scatter plasticine everywhere. Has played, let him clean the toys. Yes, you, probably, do not have pedagogical education. But I will share with you something. It is a technique of training of the small child. Each new toy is in the house, is pleasure and surprise. If it does not occur, your child is blase. With the advent of a toy begins development of speech of the child, its fingers, so also its brain. To it, to the child “the bear has come!” Ask, what is it, a bear. The bear can be small, brown, soft, allow to touch him and to understand that “the soft” means. Learn to play with a bear. The modern child is not able to play, but game for the child, it too that study for the adolescent, work for the adult. You wish to bring up the beauty, - present to the girl a Barbie, if you wish to bring up mother, - present to it Baby - Bern, but only teach the girl to play with a doll. To me there came remarkable babies, they dragged the dolls for hair and struck dolls about a floor. While I did not take a doll and did not begin to sing a lullaby, to rock to sleep it, girls began to repeat for me. Yes, that the child has learnt to play, it is necessary to play with it once, twice and there, he will play herself without distracting you. To play and developing, instead of loafing about.
When in a family is not one child, parents can face with egoism, envy and jealousy of one the child in relation to another. It not always jealousy of the senior and of the younger. For example, in a family of poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, on memories of the poetess, younger sister Asya was jealous because of her illness. She wanted her mother to love her at least a little, but more. However, more often it is jealousy of the senior to younger. The child has not grown up yet, it requires attention, heat, and here there is other child. I will never forget, when in France we have gone to a family where were two kids, the three-year boy and the newborn girl. The attention of visitors and parents has been turned to the newborn; the boy has suddenly buried in a pillow and has begun to sob. If mother knew a pain of her child! But in other families this problem is not present. Somehow I asked one orthodox mum as she managed to avoid jealousy of the senior girl in relation to the younger. Mum when was expected the child, prepared the senior. She spoke: «You will have a little sister», «Now you are the most senior», «You are my assistant», and the pain caused by jealousy, has turned back in the pleasure granted by love. Any conclusions allow to make supervision. Here the father addresses to the small five years' boy: «How could you leave the brother? He is younger! Never do the same. You are the senior in a family». Do you feel the trust rendered to the kid? The child is capable to answer to this trust of the adult. He wasn’t scold and beat, the remark was short but as you have been said «the senior», that is, you the first-born, you are the world pledge between your relations, do not allow younger to be lost, protect him.
If in your softness there is no wisdom and severity also the good in it is not present. It is better for you to raise flowers, instead of children! Father Alexander Kiselyov wrote in his memoirs when they with its mother Kalista had a first child: «God has entrusted the child in our loving hands». In your house there was light, the baby – Angela which can become the keeper of honour of your family, the defender of your old age, do not break these white wings! Somehow I turned on included the TV, and has seen terrible programme about the tragedy which have comprehended one family. Inconsolable mother and the son whom has contacted the criminal world and drugs, asking: «For what? Why?», itself has answered on these questions, at all without suspecting about that. «When the son was born, - she spoke, - I have decided that more children will not be, all to him!» . And further work, work, and once again work, if only to provide the child with the best clothes and a food. The blase belly – a belly missing, spirit in such person sleeps. Such person has all: fashionable clothes, expensive trips and small restaurants, but are not present the main thing – love, friendship, human dialogue, such a person such is lonely, but in its the egoism cannot find friends. Has this problem concerns a problem of a polycultural society? Yes, it has. In a polycultural society the person faces aversion of culture, religion, and nation. Actually people have ceased to be tolerant not because they belong to other belief, religion, nation, (so they are representatives of certain cultural group), but from lack of culture, from situational good breeding, from inability to carry on dialogue, from own egoism.
In each person conceives the nature, puts conscience. We can not know someone's laws and usages, but our relation with people, and our relation to people, helps us to realize rest and the soul world, or anxiety, discomfort. From household trifles to deep philosophical thoughts there is internal cultivation of the person, its participation in a human race. That your child was happy, and together with it and you too, both in the present and in the future it is necessary to be most internally cultural person.

The literature
1. Ionin L.G. Sociology of culture. Ì: 2004 – 427p.
2. The person in sociocultural measurement: history and the present. The collection of materials of conference. M, 2007. – 415 p.
3. Nikitin V. A. Bases of orthodox culture. Joint-Stock Company "Educator". Moscow, 2001 – 484 p.