Отзывы на результаты Б. Захарьева

Борис Захарьев
Вот некоторые из отзывов на наши научные результаты, из тех, которыми я особенно дорожу
включая  видных мировых ученых. Это может служить лишним показателем моей нескромности,
в которой меня обвиняли некоторые коллеги и часто администраторы (заботясь о «хитрой
скромности» своих подчиненных, позволяющей выделять сотрудников не по объективным показателям их научных трудов а по степени личной  преданности, позволяющей  начальству раздавать оценки, руководствуясь далеко не самыми благородными принципами.
Здесь мне хотелось привести пример не простого количественного показателя  (числа ссылок на работы, а куда более интересного критерия :  содержателей оценок  достижений автора. Я одно
время  на обсуждениях планируемых защит кандидатских и докторских диссертаций задавал вопрос о
о самой значительной с точки зрения защищающегося оценке его работ (обычные крупные цифры
общего числа ссылок труд но проверяемы, тем более, что в их число могут входить и самоссылки автора и ссылки его соавторов и подчиненных, не всегда  абсолютно объективные).Так вот я не помню случая ответа на мой вопрос, хотя трудно себе представить, что автор столь безразличен к высоким оценкам своих  результатах , что забыл те , которыми мог бы гордиться. А мои неудобные вопросы ,
очень возможно, послужили причиной того, что некоторые не вполне…чистые помыслы влиятельных администраторов … добились исключения меня из членов ученого совета по защите докторских диссертаций…

V.L. Ginzburg (Nobel laureate): 
 “…We have seen from the new side the laws of connections of spectral parameters with potentials, what is the essence of quantum mechanics. …”
(about  reports at his  seminar for the whole Moscow at Physical Institute of Acad. Sci.)
of Acad. Sci.
D.A.   Kirzhnitz  (correspondent member  of Acad. Sci., at Physical Institute of Acad. Sci.)
(about the thesethree  two-hour reports at V.L. Ginzburg’ seminar): We often hear here  ununderstandable talks. But by  Zakhariev  everything is so simple and simultaneously he opens the deep unexpected fundamental   quantum regularities.
Roy J. Glauber (Nobel laureate) about the report  by Zakhariev at Int. Conference on symmetries: it is a further confirmation of the fact that Russia was always before others in quantum inverse problem.
  B.M. Levitan  (father-creator of quantum inverse problem) about the introductory talk by Zakhariev at the Int. Conference  with review report on his original results: I like this report and you.

Prof.  of Math. Chicago University  N.YU. Reshetikhin,   who delivered an plenary! report  at ICMP
(Paris) One of main specialists in quantum group theory, being referee of our last book  “Submissive…” has evaluated  it as “very good!”
 A.V. Svidzinsky (head of the Theor. and Math.-Phys.  Chair at Volyn University, author of several books on superconductivity has written recently to Zakhariev  about his quite independent opinion (he was not known to authors: “Two your books: “lessons on Quantum Intuition” and “New ABC of Quantum Mechanics”      simply delighted me and I even think that your new approach to quantum mechanics from inverse problem deserves the Nobel prise.
V.E.Zakharov  (classic of inverse problem method, the director of  Landau Institute in Chernogolovka) recommended the lecture at Moscow University  on the book “Submissive…”.

            Some examples of super-references to publications of authors  (using of whole sections from them):
15 pages in the book by Yu. PEISAKHOVICH, A.Shtygashev  about Shroedinger  equation is the presentation of authors  (B.Z. and V.Ch.) results.
        In the classical  Book   by  one of its  foundators P. Sabatier  about the inverse theory there are 8 references to different authors discoveries  ( before the appearance their best  results).  And in special issue on the boundary of centuries   in his paper  "Past and Future of Inverse Problems" is written about  the results  of  B.Z. and V.Ch.: ...generalizations for generating exactly solvable models has never stopped growing and never stopped generating applications .

From the letter of Moses Fayngold  (USA):   I liked your new approach to Quantum Mechanics, and have ordered a copy of your book to be purchased by our library in New Jersey Institute of Technology. I think your remarkable book deserves much more attention, and am going to promote it on any occasion.  I live in New York,  and I got involved into writing a book on Quantum Mechancis and the publisher of my previous book on Special Relativity seemed to have gotten interested in this project. Although the first part of the book will have more or less traditional material, we also want to describe your new approah, which so efficiently deepens our understanding of various quantum phenomena.   It may so happen that I will be offered to teach Quantum Mechanics this coming Fall semester, in which case I will include the material from your book  into  a special  Chapter 15  “Submissive” Quantum Mechanics to a new aspect of QM  practically unknown to the broad audience. It includes manipulation of quantum states by local changes of the interaction potential, which is especially important in the physics of nanostructures. The new approach may have such profound implications in both – Applied Physics and developing a new dimension in our “quantum intuition” what  opens up new avenues in technology. It definitely should become a part of all standard textbooks.   fayngold@adm.njit.edu
The young teacher of MEPHI  S.Yu. Igashov  igashov@theor.mephi.ru:
“I want once more to witness my interest and  admiration  by your book about the “Submissive quantum mechanics”/ which essentially opened fore me the new  world of quantum inverse problem”.
“I am surprised by your unusual capacity for work: the tense and fruitful work in such nontrivial field as inverse problem, discovery of continuum of exactly solvable models, the deep investigations of spectral properties and simultaneously clear and simple interpretation by pictures very complicated
objective laws, essential rethinking of spectral and scattering  theory, writing of monographs, numerous reports on scientific conferences, educational activity, countless travels and speeches for different audiences. Haw it is possible to find time for all this? I have an impression and after reading the paper by Chabanov about your intensive activity also the assurence that you have  some secret of inexhaustive workability”.

B.DeFacio (Mathematical Reviews, issue 92): "This is a well written research monograph which is a  valuable} edition to the literature on inverse problems.  It should be in every research library used by physicists, theoretical chemists, and mathematicians."
"A unique strength of this book is the side by side  placement of the  differential and the difference  equation formulations..."
"... this monograph should be required reading for theorists and experimentalists in nuclear, atomic and molecular physics and chemistry".
"...the discussions on hyperspherical harmonics and on processes which exite collective modes were particularly good".

Deift P., SIAM Review, Courant Institute, 1992: "The book is lively and well written, and the authors' enthusiasm carries... and many would agree that inverse theory should be taught together with direct theory from the beginning of any course of quantum theory.  This well-written book is a
useful and timely addition to the physical literature on quantum ... theory".

The report of B.N. at the theoretical laboratory seminar at JINR  which amazingly simple explained the influence of pair correlations on the direct nuclear processes , enjoyed  so N.N. Bogolyubov  that he praised B.N. and even said that it is an example for  the whole laboratory: “Such works must be done in the laboratory!”
Widely known in the world Prof. Austern the author of monography on nuclear reactions венстве результатов Б.Н.(Austern, Phys.Rev. 188, 1595): "…the analysis in section 4 of my paper is in large measure a special case of a general theory of rearrangement reactions , given by [Zakhariev et al],that successfully bypasses the well-known convergence difficulties”.

This theory serves as the basis for doctor thesis B.N., which was recommended for defence of a thesis,   particularly by Nobel laureate I.M. Frank (B.N. many times has reported his results in his laboratories in JINR Dubna and Phys. Inst. of Acad. Science in Moscow. It also was included into the book by B.Z., about which doctor R.Szmytkowski from Institute of theor. Phys. In Gdansk Has written to B.N. : “ Are you the author of the  excellent book " Method silnoi sviazy kanalov v kvantovoj teorii rassejanija"?

Prof. Migal (Rostov on Don): “Your monograph with Zhigunov … is my table-top book”.

 Rector of UZhgorod University Lendiel has named the book by B.Z. about the close coupling of channels in quantum scattering  theory as magnific.

The main part of the conglusive report on the plenary session of the Conference on Nuclear spectroscopy in Riga (by A.S. Davydov) was devoted to praise the
Report by B.Z. et al  about the new unified theory of nuclear reactions.

When in 1993 in Amsterdam was Conference on few-body systems, there on plenary session was mentioned (as said V.B. Belyaev) an important yield by B.Z. into the theory: method of subtracted asymptotes  (considering wave functions as consistent of blockswhich are easier to find separately). By the by this method served as basis of the doctor thesis
by Meister from USA with 50 references to results of B.Z. et al.

From the references to results of B.Z. were chosen not usual ones without words, but only those where  was recognition of scientific significance:   
Thaker, Quigg, Rosner, (Fermi-Lab): "...The procedure is of more interest to us since it forms the most convenient bridge to the radial Schr"odinger equation, for which we must concern ourselves with boundary conditions at x=0. The general choice of parameters which yields a symmetric potential… The question of whether all the energies of both parities uniquely characterize a symmetric potential in one dimension has been considered by ... Zakhariev et al…."
 This paper was a pleasant surprise of using idea of B.Z.. already in the theory of elementary particles for determination of quark-quark interaction and beside this in very authoritative group of theoreticians of Fermi-Lab. including Quigg, then the director Fermi-Lab. It appears that they have read even the preprints of B.Z. (the corresponding paper appeared later).
         Prof. Ghosh Roy (author of a big monograph
On inverse problems) has written:"I am well familiar with your excellent and top-ranking research ..."

Prof. Zinoviev (Kiev) has written about the review article by B.Z. “I have read the paper and this really appeared gripping… I found there many useful things, ... more than that, I have discovered that you are excellent stylist and separate moments are very instructive…”

Chao-Liang Shen (Taiwan, Univ. Tsing Hua): "Recently I read your topical review in 'Inverse Problems' it is a very interesting article.

Schnitzer (Австрия) в  своей докторской  диссертации: "Diese Arbeit bildet eine ... wichtige Grundlage dieser Dissertation".  "Эта работа [Б.З.]  составляет важную основу этой диссертации".

Prof. Razavy (Canada, Edmonton), Can.J.Phys. 1988, 66, 618: "It would be interesting to search for a generalization of the existing techniques of inversion to handle this... Extention of the theory in this direction has been suggested in paper of Rudyak and Zakhariev". "The study of two papers by Zakhariev motivated us to undertake the present investigation".

Coz and Rochus (J.Math.Phys. 18, N 11): "Zakhariev had just formulated the inverse problem for potentials which depend on velocity".

Sander from group at DESY (Gamburg)of recordsmen in numerical solutions of inverse problems said at  the Conference (Balaton) the works of B.Z. as classical.

Prof. Voronov (Voronezh?): “I have read your splendid review with a pleasure and big benefit for myself in Soros educational Journal. I’ll not hide that all concerning the inverse problem of quantum mechanics there became for me eye- opener”.

Unlike the short living results, based on approximate calculations and comparisons with experimental data, the complete sets of the inverse problem  exact models  allow finding new effects etc., which will be true for ever (at least the quantum mechanics will exist).   
From Kharkov, where the physical results of B.Z. are highly evaluated, was received the praise of social articles by B.Z. (they are popular in Institute for  Low Temperature, where classic Marchenko is working):
“It was a pleasure to start working with your papers. I also printed out of Your homepage Your philosophical publications, shown them to my low-temperature colleagues. Now can't get them back – popular indeed” Assoc. Prof. Kazachkov A.R.

Of course B.Z. has not considered many appraisals exactly: L.Nemenov (Lab.Nucl.Probl.-CERN) said that they belong to the best ones in LTP, and R.A.Asanov said that B.Z. is the most clever of JINR collaborators. Although other can not agree with such opinions, but because they were sincere it serves as a mighty stimulus for more responsibility for new results.

V.L. Lyuboshitz said that B.Z. et al have found говорил, that they lucked onto a vein of gold.

Being surprised by the book “Secrets of quantum intuition”  Muller-Hoissen (Germany)said to Mir-Kasimov: “ What a works, it appeared, are doing here!”.

Zagrebnov V. One of the most interesting physicists of the Theoretical Laboratory (before he changed the work place  and become professor of University of Marseille France) said that his wife (physicist) was  in absolute admiration after one lecture by B.Z.

The recent (29.07.08) letter from Editorial Board of Journal “Inverse Problems” (UK):

Dear Dr Zakhariev,
In 2001 you kindly contributed to Inverse Problems by writing the article 'Unusual(non-Gamow) decay states.' We are pleased to tell you that your article has now received 133 downloads since publication.
We hope to publish many more quality papers in this area. As an expert in the field, we hope you will consider submitting research papers to the journal in the future.