A Christian woman s dream

Максимилиан Агнэлий


"Peace be to you,

Having read your asking for prayer, I went to sleep and in several
minutes had a vision.

A great beast was rising over the earth, coming from within it.

It looked terrifying, all of its black distorted body covered with
plenty of unknown weapons.

The demon was not clothed in them, but the means of torture and murder
were parts of his body.

His height was several hundred meters, and his shadow threatened the
people of God.

"He is called to kill the fifth part of the Church", the Spirit said.

Then the vision changed, and I saw the clear shore of the azure sea.

Jesus was walking on the shore with the ones whose hearts were
inflamed with tender, clear Love towards Him, who rejected worldly
vanity and cleaned themselves from the spirit of this world for
fellowship with Him.

The Spirit said, "Until there are people whose hearts and eyes are
full of clear love towards our Savior, the one who is called to kill
and steal will be held".

Once again I saw the huge demon within the earth interior and right
above him the clear shore of the azure sea.

Love of the chosen ones to Their Beloved King held the power of hell".