The Soul Has No Gender

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My first tour in America took place in 1980. I presented lectures then in 15 states. At one of the universities, I was asked by the public provocatively, “What do you think about Christ? I answered that Christ was a great guy. It pleased the students and professors. I received an encouraging laugh.

Later, during my second tour, I met Riane Eisler. I took an interview of Riane at her house in California. This video-interview has been shown on American cable television in Manhattan ever since. Riane is a well-know lawyer, researcher and futurist. She is Austrian origin, and lived in Cuba. In America, Riane wrote a best seller called The Chalice and the Blade.

Eisler’s book was translated into Russian. Interestingly enough, the father of Natalia Malakhovskaya said that The Chalice and the Blade is essential for Russia. He supported our movement. Natalia Malakhovskaya was one of the first women whom I published in samizdat the Almanac Woman and Russia.

Recently, I saw Natalia Malakhovskaya. She wants to participate in our re-named Almanac Woman and Earth. The past years weren’t wasted. We found a lot of mutual interests on a different curve of the spiral. Malakhovskaya’s material will appear in our next issue.

Returning to Riane Eisler, I would like to note that her book The Chalice and the Blade was the pre-vision of The Da Vinci Code.

I watched the movie “The Da Vinci Code” with a complete fascination. Like a child. This film is far more important than so many pseudo-epics we see.

The negative reaction of the Russian Church against this movie is frightening. How can truth and beauty call upon such fury? The word “feminism” is practically not used in the story. However, the reactionaries felt in it a promise of real freedom for women and tried to stop the viewing.

Scientists, including Leonardo Da Vinci, proved that Christ was a feminist. Many of the best brains of humanity can be added to this list – no matter what gender.

I thought that Russians just don’t know enough about the subject and as soon as they learn, they will discover happiness like I did. Things turned out to be more complicated. Alas, the slander of Stalinism against the women’s movement continues in our time. Only from the label “bourgeois”, it went to “anti-men”…

Feminism is a response to the patriarchy. A response to its imposing of dogmas. Feminism is not the initatior, as it is portrayed.

Marina Tsvetaeva had many feminist thoughts but she never forced anybody to follow her lifestyle.

In Russia, I’m asked pretty often: “Feminist? Why don’t you like to be a woman?” This is a false interpretation of feminism. Since the word itself comes from “femina” – zhenschina. And I personally am very glad I’m not a man.

I only refuse to limit myself by being a woman. I’m also a personality. I’m a poet, designer, videographer. I am also an editor and publisher. And who knows, maybe tomorrow I’ll become a TV star.

All my life, society tried to teach me how to be a woman – especially non-female members of society. But I was born a woman and know how to be one. I don’t like to be forced into so-called norms since what’s a norm today, is not a norm tomorrow.

We all have the right to choose how to live. Walt Whitman didn’t live like most people.He was be-sexual. So was Essenin, by the way. But they both became reputable poets of America and Russia.

Only one factor must be permanent in the choice of a lifestyle: do not hurt others. If a couple of adults live together by mutual consent, it doesn’t harm anybody. But if someone is harassed because she or he is different, that’s wrong.

When we don’t care if gay clubs and gay parades are getting attacked by skinheads, we let lives to be destroyed – lives of potential Durova’s, Nizhinsky’s, Parnok’s, Tchaikovsky’s.

Russian women smoke and drink – they don’t think it makes them unfeminine. However, when it comes to defending themselves against rape, they find it obscene. Russian men smoke and drink – then they are surprised that it kills them. Maybe the answers Russia needs are hidden here?

Unhealthy parents cannot give life to a healthy generation. It doesn’t matter how much the government pays for a child.

The recovery of the population of Russia starts with a cure of the existing generation. Also, in the adoption of girls and boys from the orphanages.

Russia has 5 million orphans and 6 million drug addicts. Doesn’t look like it’s bad enough for some. A propaganda of polygamy has become popular lately. If our men can’t handle one wife and one child, imagine them taking responsibility for 3 wives and 10 children!

And one more question: if polygamy, why not polyandry? Human society began with polyandry, then non-females developed an inferiority complex: jealousy and envy to birthing, to the feeding breasts of women. Private ownership created male-oriented families. We all still suffer from it.

Little by little, though, society is leaning towards a recognition of woman as a total human being. More than that, a person in which the survival of the whole human race depends.

Numerous living creatures, including human, are called mammals, which translates to being raised by female breasts – not the phallus. Admiration for the female breast is clearly seen in architecture – especially in Russia. Our lukovitsy is a good example of that.

A primitive biologism, alas, took place in the latest Russian media. It’s pseudo-science doesn’t have anything to do with real femininity.

Recent discoveries show that Cleopatra had a big nose and unattractive eyes yet we know her as an example of femininity. Kuprin had written about her in even worse terms. Allegedly, Cleo had hairy legs. This, by the way, betrays Kuprin as a misogynist.

It’s a fact that Cleopatra had a talent in seducing men thanks to her brilliance, courage and education. The case of Cleopatra is not alone. The names of remarkable women often were attached to sex, then slandered and even more, erased from history. Now, we are aware who in reality was Mary Magdalene!

We have finally learned about woman as pharaon, or as pope, etc, and the main quality of these women wasn’t their physicality but their genius. Their curiosity and daring overcame all obstacles of time. Let them inspire you like they inspire me.

I “conquered” the last state of America this year to reach the grand total of 51 (including Puerto Rico). My third tour gave me a harvest.

The publication of Woman and Earth are read now by a new international generation. The youth of Hawaii in colorful sarongs taught me the “shaka” sign – love and peace.

Lecture presented at Novotel St. Petersburg Centre, September 21, 2006