The Old friend english version

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The Old friend.
To stay in that cold place means turn to suicide. But there is nowhere to go after all. That’s why we warped ourselves, covering the bodies with everything we have. Were pressing ourselves to each other and praying to time, when Council would recall us.
That was evident to us how much the Laputa’s life support is damaged. Space cold had started to sweep into habitat segment. Hard to imagine how they are in external ring. If anyone was left till now. As far back as two days people had started to move out towards central segments, full of hope that technics would be able to handle systems. Yesterday we have heard steps outside the walls, but today only biting hearts and rear rustle of fabrics disturbed the silence. The clouds of breath in frosty air have started to appear.
- I shall go and seek for some foils, wires and else, - huddling up Leonid stood up and pulled the laces in his jacket tight, - Than we could make a heater.
- If you wish I can go with you, -Angela whispered, trying not to spend the heat on loudness of voice. The frightened eyes of sixteen years old maid looked out of the jacket pulled on head. What could be so powerful to drive her eager to leave the place she warmed? Or she couldn’t tolerate the smells from the neighboring section? There was no rest room in our shelter.
- Just sit where you are, - Leonid brushed aside. Brand turned away. Among all humans hidden here this black skinned guy had suffered harder then all from the cold. They said some time ago that people like him lived on most warm continent – Africa. They said that continent is much bigger than Laputa. They usually said much. The guy closed his eyes and tried not to look in our side.
- Clear, - Leonid took a breath, - As I understand you also will not go? – That question was devoted to me. Now in chaos around in which many died and so many were expected to die only I could protect my friend. It is frightful to imagine, that I have to stand up, unfold my hands out of embrace and stop sharing my warmth to him.
Than I took a sip.
- So what? – inside the decisive glance of Leonid there was a hidden fear. He was frightened with further trip in loneliness and obscurity. And he is my friend too.
- Go, - that quiet voice was Alix’s one, - You must go. In single he may fail.
Weak hands pulled me away. The garment fabrics didn’t give me chance to look at his face, but it was clear to me that he didn’t want to release me. The one who trusts him and can protect.
- Go, Victor. I will not allow anyone to hurt him, - said Brand.
Alix pronounced thanks and moved away towards Brand. So I had to stand up.
- Ready? – Leonid put his jaws tight resolutely. He looked at me than turned to Alix.
Take weapons and let’s move.
Never shoot with AK 47 before but I new the principles of assault rifle operating. I looked at Alix’s side in good bye, than took the weapon from Leonid’s hands. The plate of ancient pci-helmet glittered out of the fabrics tucks around Alix who folded himself with Brand.
- Move on!

From that I keep in memory each cry, each hit and shoot. That was my first fight, but I couldn’t even imagine that tens and hundreds like that will follow it. I knew from the elders’ tales that humans challenged fight with aliens, Reticulans, in half of century ago. It is an absurd to imagine an armed alien, same absurd as to find a human aiming at brother in blood.
- Victor! – Leonid cried.
That was an instinct or luck. The first piece of lead made hit in wall, the second scorched my bit, but I used my chance to push the cock. Recoil kicked me back and I almost fell. The enemy fell, he was dressed like me. The only difference was in orange banner with white round and black sign in the centre.
- Shoot first, pal – Leonid flapped my shoulder friendly and extended a hand with bandage, - Than you may stay alive.

How much of them were there? Ten, twenty? Their bodies left laying on the floor starting cover by rime. We were lucky to meet two of survivals that didn’t try to kill us. They were dressed in jackets with signs of Council. They got enough time to tell us that Laputa is going to crash. Explained how to reach escape pods. With all the wish we couldn’t help poor men, their wounds were deadly. But these two survived a bit beyond fight with those bearers of orange banners and saved us.
- Let’s move! – I cried opening the door wide.
Angela quickly stood up and run out, even having no mind where we are to go. Made two steps and stopped.
- You have found a place where to wait? Is it warm there?
Brand left the room, carrying Alix in hands.
- Nothing to wait for, Ang, - Leonid dismissed her, - Laputa is dying. Time to leave. You will carry Alix.
Maid made a face discontentedly.
- That’s an order, girl! – Leonid growled at her.
He extended a hand and gave Brand rifle took from enemies.
- So hold it, if we do not hurry it can become too hot! After explosion of Laputa will be cold.
Brand shined with white teeth smile.
- That’s just up to me! Will warm me, sure.
Maid took the blackman’s carriage. Thin hands twined her neck.
- Hold strong, my old pal, - I said to the small member of our group, - Will reach pods and see what next.
The Reticulan took a breath doomed. There was obedience to fate in his old and tired eyes. But still I’m near there is no loneliness inside.

We were running as fast as we could. The floor under feet was buzzing by the explosions in depths of island. The shines of fire gleamed on the walls. In backwards we heard the cries and rapid fire sounds. Trying not to turn face back we were continuing our run. The wall with pods and their velocity rails was already nearby. We took a step on bridge towards that pods. We were almost in tens of steps from safety. Angela gave Alix back to Brand and rushed towards nearest pod.
I had exchange glances with Brand and than new shoot sounds emerged behind. Too close. The part of wall near the bridge crushed in firing pieces. Some people appeared in front of us. Before we felt on floor the hot lead swished.
- Oh, my God, - I whispered feeling unbearable pain. Leonid turned pale. Turned and quickly threw a grenade in side of attackers. Enemies laid down. The same we did, but I knew that will not be able to crawl to pods. And Leonid couldn’t carry me out.
- Run, - I said quietly, - Take my cover.
He closed his jaws tightly again, squinted and looked at me, and then threw me two clips. He was not a verbose man as usual. But new what should be done and when.
- Farewell, Victor, - he nodded and threw himself to pods.
I raised my AK and gave a long rapid shoot in direction of our pursuers. Our shoots sounded in the same time. Didn’t see how Leonid was hit. Heard his desperate cry. Almost in the same time Brand’s auto-rifle responded. The last I didn’t see. Bloody fog, in which my heart bitted in a painful pulse, switched off my mind.
We appeared to be inside a pod. He moved the directing levers with seen confidence, fingered flashing symbols on the keypad. My wounds were carefully bandaged, and pain had time to flow away. Means I was out of mind for a long time. On view screen there was a chain of lights in void. As an elongated vault over them the Earth hanged over.
- How you had succeeded? – I whispered.
Alix pronounced a chuckling hiss. I didn’t hear his laugh too long.
- That was not complex. If people with the same psy-charge could be found I may teach them with trick. That in Old time… you called telekinesis.
- Tele.. what?
- Don’t keep in mind, Victor, - Alix brushed aside, - Enough for you to know that I brought you towards me when you felt unconscious.
- And Leonid.
Reticulan took a breath.
- He was dead even before…
- You lie, - I cried and Alix looked in side where his psy-helmet laid.
- Yes, you are right. But I’m not so strong as to carry out two of yours. Sorry I made a choice without asking your permission.
I kept a silence for a while.
- Alix?
- Yeah, what?
- Where do we fly?
- There is one more Laputa, I have seen records.
The gray face turned to me, and I saw strange grief in his green eyes.
- There are the… like you?
- Enemies? Victor? I do not know at all, - Retictulan have left his place at command and came to my lowered armchair where I laid with no strength to move, - But the one thing is clear. If there are men there…
- Men?!
Alix laughed again.
- Ah, sorry I mean Reticulans. Translating my thoughts to your language. Was living among you for all these years but anyway, if worried starting to miss match, you know. So if they are in place than we can meet crazy fools, like those who lived on Laputa burned in atmosphere.
- That one we run away from?
Alix nodded in assent and bent forward to controls again. I looked around in silence. The same structure of craft which has biological look. High tightness inside but still enough for two of us, me and Alix. I wondered what about Angela and Brand. If the didn’t make it…
- And where are Brand and maid?
- Flying third in left chain unit. So again if they are in place, they are out of order and mad, undoubtedly. I was lucky to bear psy-helmet when they checked arrivals on Laputa. So I missed my death from human distrust and from rebel forces of my.. relations. They thought of me as I was human child. Your uncle saved me that time, half a century ago. In case of no wound I sure could stay on planet. No one of our decided peaceful acceptation of rebellion madness. Empire forgives sometimes forgets never, you know. Might we forgive? No. But in case of giving humans some place at Laputa all we could await for was death.
I head this story once and once and might chase away from again but now his voice assuaged me. As well as his displeased grumbling. Alix have been continuing grumbling and swearing in half of voice.
- What’s up? – his concern had transmitted to me.
- This technology… It is too strange. Too highly complicated to me. Never thought it could go so far in progress for such a short time.
Sure that I had heard not one too. As well as words about rebel weaponry outstands far away from anything he knew at home before arriving on Earth.
But that time I didn’t pay attention on fact.
- Take a rest, friend, - Alix touched my shoulder, - You and Leonid together saved all of us. Now it’s my order.
The long chain of small orbital shuttles was cruising in space. I didn’t know how much time passed before they reached second Laputa. Didn’t know that crazy rebels indeed were there. I could stand up on my legs only after a couple of days and clarify to myself what’s going around. The survivals from Laputa entered the war eager to reclaim their Earth. Following many of them I put on defensive suit, took weapon in hands and made my first step on the world that once was humans’ home.

The days, weeks and months were full of endless battles. My mind was almost boiled with all that new impressions. I absorbed each sound, each smell and each light spot. The world welcomed me with whizzing sound around shielded sphere of our Laputian orbital lift, screwing into air. The world threw lumps of sand and mud, brunches torn off by flying bullets and pieces of bricks directly to me. I panted with smoke and dust erected by explosions. It happened so that I lost mind, lost friends and lost the sense of reality time to time, acquired skill to hide my fear as far as even stunning thunder of enemy weaponry directed to me couldn’t wake it up and bring back To survive. That’s all that I wanted. To me personally the victory was on the second place. Sure I shall do everything for it. Highly in the sky there was my friend. He believed in me and hoped that we humans will reclaim what had been taken from us by his relations. And he wanted us to revenge death of his friends. But wouldn’t say that. And nobody would listen. More than that if they new an alien living nearby his death is immanent. My own is surely too.
In case of accident you respond first, -said Commander when I told him. Our leader was wise enough and polite to recall who helped us reach Laputa and avoid shuttles being burned in atmosphere.

And than I met her.
We have got an order to bring out of danger a fighter of friendly Planetary nation. As I appeared to be the nearest to place, where soldier-psionic was hidden, as scan showed, I beckoned tom my fellows and darted to that bushes.
- You?! – she cried, took her ultrasonic gun up and came to a standstill.
- Quickly! Cultists will come soon. My name is Victor.
- Alena, - she starched her hand.
Before I could respond to hand shake, behind me blasted an explosion and thunder tore air around. It seemed like world had been broken into millions of pieces, like sharpened needles they darted into my brain. What it was – the shock the fear or the telepathic wave took from a young woman I didn’t know. Falling down I found myself near her. Smelled her scent looked over graceful tattoo lines on her temple and eyelid. Filling that turning red I recoiled and gave her hand.
- Are you all right?
She gave me a smile. Let me help and than prepared weapon to battle.

Many of us stayed on Earth, participating in base establishment and getting used to earthling life. Only I returned Laputa again and again knowing Alix waits m there. But that day everything had changed.
Every second, every minute death ambushed anyone of us. Was it strange that we hurried to take that all of life? It was naturally to us. As well as understanding that attraction to each other is mutual. In time the lift returned to Laputa we were already holding each other’s hands and taking kisses.
- You should vizit Commander if you plan to stay with us.
Alena bended her head aside and laughed. Looking at her smooth and tender skin, pretty face I saw the psyionics beauty first time ever. Before I even didn’t think that absence of hair could be so, well… stimulating. Her fingers cherished my head, running her fingers over my hair.
- They will accept me as you ask, yeah? – inspite of listening to answer she touched my lips with her own.
Misgiving of need in decision what to do with Alix confused my feelings of delighting that warmth which started to appear inside with Alena so close. Took her hand and waved to follow me. The door in my hand was opened. I stood in freeze. Alena frowned.
- You are… You are not alone here?
- Wait. You will understand.
She made step aside. Frowned again. May be going to read my mind.
Brand appeared in pass.
- Where have you been? Come here shortly! Hi – that he said to Alena.
I darted inside.
Reticualn was laying over bed, pale and thin. Reticulans in any meaning are not muscled, but I spent too much time in old one’s neighborhood and could mention much. Alix looked at me than at Alena. Their silent dialog longed for a while. Than alien took of his helmet.
- Don’t do it! – I cried.
There were some other psionics on Laputa, some Old humans are also gifted with telepathic skills. Than if they get a sign…
- No matter. Already. Saint Queen, I even couldn’t believe that it may happen!
Alix never saw psionics, may be even didn’t hear about. What I have seen was THEIR talk. Alena kept me out of way. Took a sit near an Old one and took his hand in her.
My feeling was like glance from distance. Angela, who stood aside, Brand who came to standstill near door with pistol, ready to stop anyone who can come close and harm Alix. And me, looking around and feeling as most useless person in room.
Alena turned to me and whispered.
- He dies, Victor. Asks to bring him to highest horizon of Laputa.
Sure, - I nodded in respond. Young woman gave me a body which seemed too heavy.
We were going and nearly didn’t look at sides. People saw us but didn’t try to stand in way. Alena didn’t release Alix’s fingers. Angela and Brand were holding rifles as it could be noticed but the safety locks were closed.
We climbed the highest horizon.
- He says that stood at once like now, on other orbital island near home, That was so long ago. As today…
The young woman looked up. We followed her glance. The Earth was shining over us as white blue fog with scattered flowery clouds. We were waiting for reticulan’s thoughts translation to be continued, as he had no strength to speak any more.
- So alike. You know our blue planet reflects in your eyes, - Alena mentioned despondently. I knew that were her own words.
- Like in yours, - I whispered looking at blue reflex on the tears, streaming down her checks, - Like in his eyes.
We put the body down on cool floor, opened to space full of stars but covered with resilient shield. I was willing to close his eyes but she stopped me.
- He asked not to do that.
Before we descended horizon some fighters in heavy armor blocked our path. I stopped in cool blood and let Alena say what she wanted.
- He also transmitted me some hints how develop telekinesis within earthlings, - so she finished the story,
Commander set an order and soldiers lowered their weapons.
- Fighter Alena, if you lie, you are dead. They will see you off to psionics lab. Fighter Victor and you, the list, - he thought for a moment, - Return to your positions. Medics will collect alien body.
There passed much time before I took of my armor full of weariness. Took in hands reticulan laser rifle and left the room.
Laputa was on holiday devoted to victory. Earthlings psionics, earthlings cyborgs and Old earthlings triumphed. I saw no sign of any reticulan of those who recently arrived. They hurried to punish rebels. But we made it in time earlier. I was glad to see no one of them by the way.
They were waiting me at HQ, there I was going.
I opened the door wide and came in. With no armor and id. Fighter, skilled sniper medic and ranger. Commander looked at me with surprise especially at reticulan weapon in my hands.
- Victor! So long we had to wait, - Alena strived towards me eagerly but stood in silence. Frowned and spread her hand belt with weapon.
- Settle down it is unarmed.
Commander beckoned at me.
- Than explain – what for?
The people in HQ looked at each other. And than I saw how Alena turned pale. She understood me earlier than I transmitted my thought to other. No, she didn’t read my mind we made an agreement long ago. She slowly stepped around the table where she stood and came close.
- Oh, my God!…
- Yes, - I nodded, - Reticulan Alix said that he didn’t know SUCH a technological level. Surely, THAT was made under the influence of Myrmecols. Than why THE SAME weapons are on board of Reticulan Royal battleship?
They stood in freeze, slowly coming to comprehension of what was said. Commander lifted his hand to communicator, but stopped halfway and dropped hand back.
- So you want to tell us that they lie? – he spelled the words slowly, considering and thinking of each one carefully as it is naturally to one who commands.
- I simply asked a question, - in same slow manner said I, - onboard Myrmecol infested by wargots we met starghosts attacking wargots. Why they didn’t attack reticulan craft? Why…
Alena interrupted me tugging hand.
- Commander, my husband asks reasonable questions. Believe me I have even more of them. But shall we find answers and when? I don’t know. Only one thing causes no doubt and is not a question.
- So what is it? – asked Commander, - Beware reticulans? We do not loose awareness, you know.
- No, - I recalled Alix, whom trusted and who opened my eyes on amount of things, - I meant that war is not over.

19th of January 2006