A dew-drop

Лоренц Флорентийский
A dew-drop.

If this ever happened again he would not endure. The world would turn upside down and the ocean with a sigh would erect huge walls of water and no equal to them ever be niether in the light, nor in the darkness. And the darkness would come very soon for these walls would collapse into the abyss.
He opened his eyes slowly. His look fell upon what he called his home not long ago. He saw not much. The mercury streams of rain water were falling from dark, lost somewhere above, leaves which have not fallen from the already dead trees; and they headily pierced into the earth poisoning it slowly and cruelly. Sometimes flashes of lightning or explosions striked the sky and reflected on the bloody surface of the ocean. And somebody ran up to him with his eyes wild protruding and moved his mouth, but he did not hear. He just slowly kneeled raking up the yellow and black leaves mixed with slush and fell down. And the world did turn upside down. Now he could see the ocean above and a little piece of the setting sun which smoke and clouds did not manage to devour. And beneath there was the sky, deep and boundless. And he stretched his hands down - to the sky, and felt the he needs just a little more and he would touch it, pass his hand over the warm stars and will manage to grasp the moon in his embrace with all the strength and love he never could give away. And the sky became closer, and the stars became brighter, and everything mixed again. He looked back and saw the same man who shouted something with his eyes full of fear and despair. That man now bended over some breathless body with its head thrown back and shaked it. "Too late. The guy"s no more," - thought he and saw the ocean. He could not discern a single wave, just dark and even surface. And the trees, the enormous trees on that bloody coast were now small and were diminishing, diminishing. And suddenly they disappeared in the gray shadows and he saw a globe. And everything was familiar in this globe. When he still was a child he was playing with it and thought of nothing then. "And now I must not think," - decided he.
And the globe was moving away, and was becoming smaller and smaller and glittered brighter and brighter. And the azure space around bloomed with emeralds and the long forgotten smell of morning leaves after the night storm stroke his nose. And the globe turned a cool dew-drop on a young leaf. He came up to it and in this dew-drop he saw himself. And he threw his hands out and burst out laughing for there was no fear in him anymore.