Веришь ли ТЫ гороскопу?

More often than not, you can come across horoscopes in your daily life. All popular magazines, newspapers, and web sites try to forecast your future. Horoscopes are based on astrology; a pseudo-science. They purport to let you know what will happen to you tomorrow, next week, month or year. For these predictions, they want to know the exact date and time of your birth. In addition, to make predictions correctly they usually need a ten-dollar bill. Some people believe in horoscopes, but I do not, because we are all different from one another.

Each individual has special and unique fingerprints. Therefore, it logically follows that all human beings are different. Horoscopes say that all people born in the same month are the same.  In other words, all individuals of the same sign will do the same activities and deal with the same kinds of people as the horoscopes predict. I was born on 11 April, so My Zodiac sign is Aries. Like millions of Arises all over the world I am supposed to like porridges and be very emotional. It sounds ridiculous to me. I think that depending on the culture the person was brought up in, likes or dislikes and behavior models are different. In the same situations, people of different origins will behave differently. Moreover, it is impossible to predict behavior correctly.

It is a fact that, if you will read something thirty-two times, you will memorize it. Horoscopes do not vary too much.  People who read them day-by-day will begin to learn it by heart. The next step is to find all the characteristics described there in you.  Practice makes perfect. Individuals who are looking for characteristics described in horoscopes usually find them. After this point, you begin to believe it is about you. 

In conclusion, I do not read horoscopes. People looking for easy solutions of all their problems find them in horoscopes, but problems the horoscopes are addressing are too general.  In addition, because we are all different we solve our own specific problems differently. I accept they are a good psychological trick, but I do not believe them. I think horoscopes steal my time.