Рецензии на произведение «Белый дом. Подражание Жванецкому»

Рецензия на «Белый дом. Подражание Жванецкому» (Николай Сологубовский)

Николай Алексеевич, Великолепно! Спасибо!

It was written in respond to my friend, who was exited by the article:
“Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to
establish Trump-Putin back channel” from The Washington Post (http://wapo.st/2ouHGUz?tid=ss_mail).

Hi Miron!
Well, it is very interesting. Thanks for bringing to my attention.
Perhaps the events described really taking place, but it is absolutely normal in the Global War to enslave humanity. This War has began not with the Putin-Trump momentum, and it will be not ended with the end of this momentum.
We have to accept, that the road to Rothschild's New World Order meets two major obstacles on its way (at present time): enormous Russian Empire with unpredictable behavior of its leadership on one hand, and Sunnis - Shia Holy War on another.
The U.S.A. (as a state) was converted into military machine since 1913, with high-speed acceleration after 1945.
As I have mentioned far before current elections, the U.S.A. is not a regular country like France or Sweden: it is a company - enterprise, the only product of which is the continuation of wars on the road to Rothschild's New World Order. As any kind of enterprise this military company have its owners and shareholders. As any kind of enterprise this military company needs front man, they named this person not the CEO of the U.S.A. but President of U.S.A. That is why I believe that this person is not elected by the people but appointed by owners and shareholders.
Because you can not find such analyses (like I am writing now), in the media you have to accept that everything in the media (which belong to the same owners and shareholders!), is just wrappers which are hiding the real candy.
So..."пилите Шура, пилите - они золотые!"

Mark Turkov

Марк Турков   12.04.2017 15:58     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо !
Есть повод поразмышлять.....

Николай Сологубовский   12.04.2017 16:10   Заявить о нарушении