Mind Transformation 112

Âîëèáîð Çàñòàâêèí
S: 7.3
a: 2:30
w: 11:00
Math, Crash Course, Nietzsche, Intuit.
bp – 120, D – 20, C – 5, c.p. – 1, u – 2.
I’ve almost fulfilled the task of the week. Now I’ve read 9/10 of “Beyond Good and Evil” convincing myself that this way of reading gives me so much benefits. Moreover, this is a good method of planning a task for a week which I definitely will work with.
The Crash Course “Big History” seemed to me even better than “History” and “History II” which I had pleasure to watch before. I think I have to learn more from this channel and schedule my time to watch everything in it.
While studying math I was figuring out all, and it’s quite interesting how far can I go? Obviously I have a strong potential for mathematics so by developing it I can get as much as I get from other studies.
Another thing is I began studying a course in Intuite. The course is about English teaching techniques. After one lesson I thought it can be useful, but there are so many other things to do that I have doubts whether I should sacrifice something like Crash Course for reading lessons written by professional teachers, whom I can’t take seriously at all? Time will show.
My speaking exercises became a daily thing and I want to count them here. D – dictaphone, C – camera. I’m going to develop long sequences by recording myself every day.
Gym exercises I shorten at one acronym (bp – based program) and for the near future I will maintain it without increasing.
2930 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/08/09/1489