Mind Transformation 64

Волибор Заставкин
S: 7.4
a: 1:30
w: 10:00
Squats 20/20/20.
c.p. – 1, u – 1.
I will think in English. I’ve begun talking to myself again by using the recorder. But now I do it after the first eating. It helps to warm up the brain and digest food. I walk on the roof and talk to myself 20-30 minutes. While the weather allows I must do it every day.
The second part of the day I spent with X. We went to gather ivan-tea.
+10 R “Teaching of Buddha” – ended.
+5 L “How (and why) SpaceX will colonize Mars” Wbw.
+1 “Learn 15 English Phrasal Verbs about Crime” Engvid.
454 CFP

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/05/13/1396